作為GRE考試重中之重的閱讀,實在是困擾考生的一大難題。但是由于GRE閱讀的文章的出題順序往往是千變?nèi)f化。所以,需要我們在做題之前把文章完整地讀一遍。然而, 大多數(shù)學生的感受是:長閱讀內(nèi)容太多,讀的時間長;短閱讀句子難,比較隱晦,讀完了也是云里霧里的。而且,因為考試時間緊張,勢必要提高讀文章的速度和質量,才能保證后面的題目可以高效解答。短閱讀1-2分鐘,長閱讀2-3分鐘,這是我們最終要達到的理想讀文章的時間。那我們怎樣做才能有這樣質的飛躍呢?今天,讓我們一起打入GRE閱讀內(nèi)部,全面剖析GRE閱讀—詳略得當讀文章,正所謂“知己知彼,方能百戰(zhàn)百勝”。
GRE的閱讀有一定的結構體系,可以讓我們更快更準地把握文章的脈絡。比如,閱讀中常出現(xiàn)的全文論證一個觀點的結構類型,可以讓我們類比到我們自己的寫作模式。每一個主體段都是:中心論點+論據(jù)(details+examples)的結構。那我們該如何來識別這種結構呢?要通過句子與句子間的邏輯關系。比如,像類似and, also, moreover, furthermore的詞都可以表示前后兩個句子是并列關系。沒有邏輯詞的句子,也即順承而講,中心觀點仍然是一個。當然,對于新觀點推翻舊觀點和解釋針對問題型的文章有其自身的特點,也算有跡可循。
By the time the American colonists took up arms against Great Britain in order to secure their independence, the institution of Black slavery was deeply entrenched. But the contradiction inherent in this situation was, for many, a source of constant embarrassment. “It always appeared a most iniquitous scheme to me,” Abigail Adams wrote her husband in 1774, “to fight ourselves for what we are daily robbing and plundering from those who have as good a right to freedom as we have.”在這個段落里,第二句話出現(xiàn)了but,所以就確定了我們要重點讀but之后的句子,因為轉折后永遠是中心。再比如:In this respect, Wuthering Heights shares a feature of Hamlet.這個句子里我們看到了share a feature這個短語,體現(xiàn)出Wuthering Heights與Hamlet在this respect的相似點,所以可以預測后面應該會有關于此考點的考題。諸如此類的考點還有很多,都是需要我們在讀文章的時候擦亮眼睛找出來的“寶”。
因為時間的限定,我們做不到每個句子都弄懂意思,也就是說,有些句子只是文章中的綠葉,起到陪襯的作用,是不需要我們太關注的。像閱讀中常出現(xiàn)的例子。例子的作用都是用來支撐其前面的中心觀點的,所以對于例子具體的內(nèi)容不需要花太多時間搞懂它的意思,只需要知道它的目的就可以了。例子出現(xiàn)比較明顯的是伴隨著for example, for instance, take sb/sth as an example, such as等等。難點就在于能不能用火眼金睛看出這些深藏不露的例子,比如:
The condition of scholarship devoted to the history of women in photography is confounding. Recent years have witnessed the posthumous inflation of the role of the hobbyist Alice Austen into that of a pioneering documentarian while dozens of notable senior figures — Marion Palfi, whose photographs of civil-rights activities in the South served as early evidence of the need for protective legislation, to name one — received scant attention from scholars.第二句話這個長難句是不是一看就開始發(fā)愁了,但是如果我們能看出來這里面是用具體的人物的例子來支持第一句話,那我們在通讀全文的時候,這個句子就可以大概瀏覽而過了,是不是節(jié)省了很多時間呢?
Payday lending——Shark bait
The Labour Party launches an attack on payday lenders. It may be too late
IN THE real world, shoppers are moving online. But retail politics—selling eye-catching policies to voters—still starts on the high street. On October 17th Ed Miliband, Labour's leader, announced plans to “halt the tide of payday loan firms” into Britain's shopping districts that accelerated following the economic crisis in 2008.
Payday lenders are an obvious example of what Mr. Miliband considers irresponsible capitalism. As well as making struggling high streets even less attractive, they are accused of stiffing impoverished customers with high interest rates. Nearly a third of payday loans are taken out to cover day-to-day household bills, Labour says. Excessive borrowing is a common cause of poverty, according to the Citizens Advice Bureau, a charity.
Mr. Miliband proposes three prongs of attack. First, a Labour government would push the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to introduce some sort of cap on interest rates or charges. Second, it will increase the levy that lenders currently pay to the FCA and spend it on debt counseling and supporting credit unions (non-profit mutual lenders). Third, councils will be given new powers to prevent shops being turned into payday lenders.
Overall, these suggestions are modest. At present the government spends £13m ($21m) per year on encouraging credit unions. Labour wants to double that figure, suggesting the new levy would be fairly light. Any new cap on interest rates is unlikely to be tight. Changing planning laws—not a new idea—would have the most effect, but most high streets have plenty of payday loan shops already. There may be little pressure to open new ones.
Indeed, there are reasons to think that payday lending has peaked. Bank of England figures show that credit-card lending is picking up again after several years of decline. Partly thanks to government prodding, credit unions are trying to lure customers from payday lenders, spending more on advertising and speeding up their application processes. Even the Church of England wants to compete short-term lenders out of business.
That will not put off Mr. Miliband. As he points out, real wages are still falling. And much like those other high-street bugbears, bookmakers and pawnbrokers, payday lenders will not disappear soon. But eventually the tide will go out—and politics will have little to do with it.
這并不會阻擋米利班德前進的腳步。他指出,工資會持續(xù)下降。和其他商業(yè)大街的頑疾一樣, 出版商、當鋪老板、發(fā)薪日貸款人都不會很快消失在人們的生活中。但最終潮水會退去—而政治和這關系不大。
Driving in Vietnam——Four wheels good, two wheels better
A proliferation of cars threatens to clog the country’s big cities
Cars and motorbikes are banned from the old heart of Hoi An, a pretty tourist town in central Vietnam.
When the country’s newish prime minister paid a visit, he obligingly travelled on foot.
But as Nguyen Xuan Phuc strode manfully around, his motorcade crept along behind him.
Outraged netizens disseminated photos of the incident, forcing Mr. Phuc to apologize—a rare step for a senior official in Vietnam’s authoritarian regime.
Not many Vietnamese can afford a fleet of blacked-out saloons.
But car-ownership in the Communist country is soaring, bringing worries about pollution and congestion.
Sales of cars, vans and lorries rose 55% by volume in 2015, albeit from a low base; so far this year they are up another third.
Most went to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, which between them house about half of Vietnam’s urban population.
Compared with its choked neighbors, Vietnam’s big cities are relatively uncongested.
The country’s 40m or so motorbikes terrify pedestrians, but can thunder 10-abreast along thoroughfares as well as worm down dark alleyways.
Cars, by contrast, block up the pipes.
Only 9% of land in the heart of Hanoi is given over to primary and secondary roads, compared with 32% in Manhattan.
The World Bank in 2011 calculated that if car-use were to reach even the moderate level seen in nearby Malaysia, Vietnam’s capital would grind to a complete halt.
The government is conflicted, says Arve Hansen, an academic.
政府是矛盾的,Arve Hansen,一位學者這樣評論到。
It champions the local car-assembly industry but also slaps stiff taxes on buyers, in part for fear of jams.
A suite of recent trade deals will eventually limit authorities’ power to control car-use through tariffs.
A pact with South-East Asian neighbors, which comes into full force in 2018, could see cheap cars pour in from Thailand.
The appeal of buying a car may grow even as Vietnam’s roads clog up.
The growing risk of collision with a car is making motorcycling more dangerous.
Motorists who know they will end up in jams prefer to do it in air-conditioned vehicles than perched on sweaty bike seats.
Longer travel times are also putting Vietnamese off buses, which were anyway hot and unreliable.
Use of Hanoi’s underfunded public buses has dropped 14% in a year.
New urban rail systems should help a little.
The first of at least six metro lines is under construction in Ho Chi Minh City; two elevated railways are being built in Hanoi.
But it will take years to complete these networks, and the fast-growing cities they will serve are transforming as they are built.
Hanoi in particular is sprawling, helped along by policies that encourage local authorities to build outward, rather than up.
City officials are making do.
Bigwigs in Ho Chi Minh City talk of narrowing pavements to widen roads; Hanoi insists more and better buses are revving up.
In June cadres in the capital said they thought improvements in public transport would eventually allow them to ban Hanoi’s 5m motorbikes from the heart of the city.
It would be better to ban cars.