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托福閱讀提升技巧篇 ,何利用原著提升英文閱讀能力?今天小編給大家?guī)硗懈i喿x提升技巧篇,希望能夠幫助到大家,下面小編就和大家分享,來欣賞一下吧。

托福閱讀提升技巧篇 如何利用原著提升英文閱讀能力?

讀原著提升托福閱讀之 如何找資源


這里特別推薦三個網(wǎng)站:mLook, kindleren, KickassTorrents, 試試用這三個網(wǎng)站找“2014亞馬遜年度最佳圖書榜(英文)”上的圖書,你就知道它們有多牛。當然最簡單的方法是認識一些資源帝,比如Mr. 原子彈T,他把自己的幾萬本英文原版書從云盤里好友分享給你,你只要轉(zhuǎn)存一下就OK了。


讀原著提升托福閱讀之 如何讀


兵器譜上排第一的當然就是kindle,不知道什么是kindle的自覺面壁2小時再搜索去。kindle的好處是:墨水屏不傷眼,攜帶方便,單詞解釋即點即現(xiàn)。 用電腦讀電子書推薦安裝calibre和有道詞典,calibre可以讀出mobi和epub格式的電子書,有道詞典可以在calibre里面劃詞即查,聯(lián)網(wǎng)的電腦可以在網(wǎng)絡(luò)上幫你查出生僻的詞和短語。 手機安裝了“靜讀天下”和“深藍詞典”基本就可當kindle用(只是沒有墨水屏),深藍詞典安裝后,在網(wǎng)上搜“深藍詞典常用詞庫”,下載需要的詞典放入到深藍的Dicts文件夾中。

讀原著提升托福閱讀之 如何記



讀原著提升托福閱讀之 題外話

越早養(yǎng)成英語閱讀的習慣,你的英語能力就越高。所謂養(yǎng)成英語閱讀的習慣就是每天都會抽時間讀英語原版書,不讀不爽啊。 但是,我們讀英語原版書不是為了應試,而是為了把我們自己和Loser們區(qū)別開來,讓自己玉樹臨風,有形而上的視野、開闊的胸襟和高蹈的生命質(zhì)量。


Industrialization came to the United State after 1790 as North American entrepreneurs increased productivity by reorganizing work and building factories. These innovations in manufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent; the average per capita wealth increased by nearly 1 percent per year — 30 percent over the course of a generation. Goods that had once been luxury items became part of everyday life.

The impressive gain in output stemmed primarily from the way in which workers made goods, since the 1790's, North American entrepreneurs — even without technological improvements — had broadened the scope of the outwork system that made manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to a succession of workers who each performed a single step of the production process. For example, during the 1820's and 1830's the shoe industry greatly expanded the scale and extend of the outwork system. Tens of thousands of rural women, paid according to the amount they produced, fabricated the uppers of shoes, which were bound to the soles by wage-earning journeymen shoemakers in dozens of Massachusetts towns, whereas previously journeymen would have made the entire shoe. This system of production made the employer a powerful shoe boss and eroded workers' control over the pace and conditions of labor. However, it also dramatically increased the output of shoes while cutting their price.

For tasks that were not suited to the outwork system, entrepreneurs created an even more important new organization, the modem factory, which used power-driven machines and assembly-line techniques to turn out large quantities of well-made goods. As early as 1782 the prolific Delaware inventor Oliver Evans had built a highly automated, laborsaving flour mill driven by water power. His machinery lifted the grain to the top of the mill, cleaned it as it fell into containers known as hoppers, ground the grain into flour, and then conveyed the flour back to the top of the mill to allow it to cool as it descended into barrels. Subsequently, manufacturers made use of new improved stationary steam engines to power their mills. This new technology enabled them to build factories in the nation's largest cities, taking advantage of urban concentrations of inexpensive labor, good transportation networks, and eager customers.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) The difficulties of industrialization in North America

(B) The influence of changes in manufacturing on the growth of urban centers

(C) The rapid speed of industrialization in North America

(D) Improved ways of organizing the manufacturing of goods

2. The word boosted in line 3 is closest in meaning to

(A) ensured

(B) raised

(C) arranged

(D) discouraged

3. The word scope in line 9 is closest in meaning to

(A) value

(B) popularity

(C) extent

(D) diversity

4. The author mentions the shoe industry in the second paragraph to provide an example of how

(A) entrepreneurs increased output by using an extended outwork system

(B) entrepreneurs used technological improvements to increase output

(C) rural workers responded to shoe bosses

(D) changes in the outwork system improved the quality of shoes

5. All of the following are mentioned as effects of changes in the shoe industry during the 1820's

and 1830's EXCEPT

(A) an increase in the worker's dependence on entrepreneurs

(B) an increase in the wages paid to journeymen shoemakers

(C) a decline in the workers ability to control the speed of production

(D) a decrease in the price of shoes

6. All of the following are true of the outwork system EXCEPT

(A) It involved stages of production.

(B) It was more efficient than the systems used before 1790.

(C) It made many employers less powerful than they had been before.

(D) It did not necessarily involve any technological improvements.

7. The word prolific in line 23 is closest in meaning to

(A) efficient

(B) productive

(C) self-employed

(D) progressive

8. According to the passage , how did later mills differ from the mills differ from the mill built by

Oliver Evans?

(A) They were located away from large cities.

(B) They used new technology to produce power.

(C) They did not allow flour to cool before it was placed in Barrels.

(D) They combined technology with the outwork system.

9. The word it in line 25 refers to

(A) water power

(B) machinery

(C) grain

(D) mill

10. The passage mentions which of the following as a result of improvements in factory


(A) It become easier for factory' owners to find workers and customers.

(B) Manufacturers had to employ more highly skilled workers.

(C) The amount of power required for factories operate was reduced.

(D) Factories could operate more than one engine at a time.

11. The word eager in line 30 is closest in meaning to

(A) wealthy

(B) knowledgeable

(C) regular

(D) enthusiastic



According to sociologists, there are several different ways in which a person may become recognized as the leader of a social group in the United States. In the family, traditional cultural patterns confer leadership on one or both of the parents. In other cases, such as friendship groups, one or more persons may gradually emerge as leaders, although there is no formal process of selection. In larger groups, leaders are usually chosen formally through election or recruitment.

Although leaders are often thought to be people with unusual personal ability, decades of research have failed to produce consistent evidence that there is any category of natural leaders. It seems that there is no set of personal qualities that all leaders have in common; rather, virtually any person may be recognized as a leader if the person has qualities that meet the needs of that particular group.

Furthermore, although it is commonly supposed that social groups have a single leader, research suggests that there are typically two different leadership roles that are held by different individuals. Instrumental leadership is leadership that emphasizes the completion of tasks by a social group. Group members look to instrumental leaders to get things done. Expressive leadership, on the other hand, is leadership that emphasizes the collective well-being of a social group's members. Expressive leaders are less concerned with the overall goals of the group than with providing emotional support to group members and attempting to minimize tension and conflict among them. Group members expect expressive leaders to maintain stable relationships within the group and provide support to individual members. Instrumental leaders are likely to have a rather secondary relationship to other group members. They give orders and may discipline group members who inhibit attainment of the group's goals. Expressive leaders cultivate a more personal or primary relationship to others in the group. They offer sympathy when someone experiences difficulties or is subjected to discipline, are quick to lighten a serious moment with humor, and try to resolve issues that threaten to divide the group. As the differences in these two roles suggest, expressive leaders generally receive more personal affection from group members; instrumental leaders, if they are successful in promoting group goals, may enjoy a more distant respect.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) The problems faced by leaders

(B) How leadership differs in small and large groups

(C) How social groups determine who will lead them

(D) The role of leaders in social groups

2. The passage mentions all of the following ways by which people can become leaders EXCEPT

(A) recruitment

(B) formal election process

(C) specific leadership training

(D) traditional cultural patterns

3. In mentioning natural leaders in line 9, the author is making the point that

(A) few people qualify as natural leaders

(B) there is no proof that natural leaders exist

(C) natural leaders' are easily accepted by the members of a social group

(D) natural leaders share a similar set of characteristics

4. Which of the following statements about leadership can be inferred from paragraph 2?

(A) A person who is an effective leader of a particular group may not be an effective leader in

another group.

(B) Few people succeed in sharing a leadership role with another person.

(C) A person can best learn how to be an effective leader by studying research on leadership.

(D) Most people desire to be leaders but can produce little evidence of their qualifications.

5. The passage indicates that instrumental leaders generally focus on

(A) ensuring harmonious relationships

(B) sharing responsibility with group members

(C) identifying new leaders

(D) achieving a goal

6. The word collective in line 17 is closest in meaning to

(A) necessary

(B) typical

(C) group

(D) particular

7. The word them in line 19 refers to

(A) expressive leaders

(B) goals of the group

(C) group members

(D) tension and conflict

8. A secondary relationship mentioned in line 22 between a leader and the members of a group

could best be characterized as

(A) distant

(B) enthusiastic

(C) unreliable

(D) personal

9. The word resolve in line 27 is closest in meaning to

(A) avoid repeating

(B) talk about

(C) avoid thinking about

(D) find a solution for

10. Paragraphs 3 and 4 organize the discussion of leadership primarily in term of

(A) examples that illustrate a problem

(B) cause and effect analysis

(C) narration of events

(D) comparison and contrast


