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GRE閱讀雙語材料 科學(xué)驗證睡眠和月相緊密相關(guān)

People do not sleep easy on nights when there is afull Moon.IT SOUNDS like an idea dreamed up over a few beersin the pub one evening.And that, those involved freely admit, is exactly what it was.As Christian Cajochen and his colleagues put it in their paper on the matter in Current biology,We just thought of it after a drink in a local bar one evening at full Moon.It was a way of testing the persistent but unproven idea that the full Moon affects humanbehaviour, generally for the worse.

月圓之夜,不能安眠。這聽起來就像某晚在酒吧喝了幾杯啤酒后的胡說八道。提出這個觀點的人也坦誠的這點子的確就是這么來的。他的同事和Christian Cajochen將有關(guān)睡眠與月相研究的論文放到了《當(dāng)代生物學(xué)》上,我們就是月圓的那晚在附近一個酒吧喝了幾杯才想到的。這是個未經(jīng)證實的測試持久性的方法,滿月會影響人的行為,總的來說,它將惡化你的行為。

In prescientific days this was expressed in terms like moonstruck and lunatic.And it found even more sinistermanifestation in the form of the lycanthrope, who did not sleep when the Moon was full,but turned into a wolf instead.Though few now believe in werewolves some modern thinkers still suspect the Moon's phaseaffects sleep patterns,and on that particular moonlit night Dr Cajochen and his buddies realised they already had thedata needed to find out.


Those data came from a study on body clocks and sleep patterns they had conducted a decadeearlier at the Centre for Chronobiology at the University of Basel,where they work.Between 2000 and 2003 they had looked at the effect of the daily body clock on the sleeppatterns of 33 volunteers.The protocol they had used was perfect.Volunteers were shut away from daylight for days at a time, so their sleep patterns could notbe affected by the illumination a full Moon brings.And it was also the ultimate in double-blind experiments.


Neither the participants nor the organisers could possibly have been biased by knowing theexperiment was intended to look at the effect of the full Moon, since at the time it wasconducted it wasn't.A few days' number-crunching gave Dr Cajochen and his team what they were looking for.And the answer was yes, the phase of the Moon does affect human sleep patterns, even whenthe human involved cannot possibly see the Moon.


Electroencephalography showed that the volunteers slept, on average, 20 minutes less aroundthe time of the full Moon.It also took them five minutes longer to get to sleep, their delta activity was 30% lower thanat other times, their level of melatonin, a sleep-related hormone, was reduced, and theyreported, subjectively, that they had not slept as well as usual.Nor was any of this connected, in female volunteers, with their menstrual cycles.


Lest any astrologer reading this result get cocky, Dr Cajochen does not believe that what hehas found is directly influenced by the Moon through, say, some tidal effect.What he thinks he has discovered is an additional hand on the body's clock-face.Besides the well-known endogenous daily cycle which the experiment originally studied, there isalso an endogenous monthly cycle entrained to the Moon by unconscious observation over along period of the light from the heavenly bodies concerned.


Lunar cycles exist in other species so this is not, as it were, a lunatic idea.But those species that have been studied are animals like marine iguanas, for whom knowingthe tides is important.What use an ingrained lunar calendar is to a human being remains to be determined.Perhaps sleeping lightly on moonlit nights was a defence mechanism against predators.Wolves, for example.


GRE閱讀材料大補充 海洋生態(tài)新視角之塑料星球


SINCE 2008 geologists have been mulling over the idea of the Anthropocene, a proposed newepoch in the history of the Earth that would encompass the years in which people have hadprofound effects on the planet's workings.Most often, discussion of theAnthropocene revolves around how atmospheric chemistry has changed since the beginning ofthe industrial revolution.Sometimes the effects of new terrestrial ecosystems, in the form of fields, pastures andplantations, are also considered.To date, though, how the Anthropocene has created new ecosystems in the oceans as well ason land has not been much examined.


Such ecosystems are, nevertheless, emerging—as Tracy Mincer of the Woods HoleOceanographic Institution,in Massachusetts, and Linda Amaral-Zettler of the Marine Biological Laboratory, also in WoodsHole, describe in Environmental Science and Technology.The malign effect of floating plastic debris on seabirds, turtles and other sea creatures is wellknown.But, as Dr Mincer and Dr Amaral-Zettler have discovered, plastic debris also provides a newhabitat for organisms small enough to take advantage of it.



The two researchers collected pieces of plastic from various sites in the North Atlantic.They then examined each using DNA analysis, and also an electron microscope, to see whatwas living on it.Lots of things were.Altogether, they discovered about 50 species of single-celled plant, animal and bacterial life.Each bit of debris was, in effect, a tiny ecosystem.As with many ecosystems, the bottom of the food chain was occupied by things thatphotosynthesise.These included unicellular algae called diatoms and dinoflagellates, and photosynthetic bacteriaknown as cyanobacteria.


Usually, such creatures swim freely in the ocean.They therefore have to work hard to stay near the surface, where light for photosynthesis isabundant.By hitching a ride on a piece of floating plastic, they can stay near the surface without effort.Where plants abound, herbivores will not be far behind.These, Dr Mincer and Dr Amaral-Zettler found in the form of dinoflagellates,some of which liketo snack on smaller creatures to supplement their photosynthesis.They also found predators on the herbivores, in the form of ciliates and predator bacteria,which feed on other bacteria.


Except for top predators—the type that themselves prey on predators—the two researchersthus discovered a classic web of food chains of the sort familiar from ecology text books.And they also, and perhaps most pertinently from the human point of view, found evidence forone other part of such a food web: the decomposers.Plastics are energy-rich substances, which is why many of them burn so readily.Any organism that could unlock and use that energy would do well in the Anthropocene.Terrestrial bacteria and fungi which can manage this trick are already familiar to experts in thefield.


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Dr Mincer and Dr Amaral-Zettler found evidence of them on their marine plastic, too.They noticed many of their pieces of debris sported surface pits around two microns across.Such pits are about the size of a bacterial cell. Closer examination showed that some of thesepits did, indeed, contain bacteria,and that in several cases these bacteria were dividing and thus, by the perverse arithmetic ofbiological terminology, multiplying.Though the two researchers have not yet proved the bugs in the pits are actually eating theplastic, that hypothesis seems a good bet.And if they are, it suggests plastic pollution in the ocean may not hang around as long as hasoften been feared.


Less encouragingly, Dr Mincer and Dr Amaral-Zettler also found cholera-like bacteria in theirtiny floating ecosystems.Both fish and seabirds act as vectors for cholera,so anywhere that such creatures might pick upcholera bugs is something worth keeping an eye on.The researchers paint an intriguing picture of the adaptability of nature, and provide anotherpiece of the jigsaw that is the Anthropocene.Conservationists intent on preserving charismatic megafauna have reason to lament thespread of plastics through the ocean.But those interested in smaller critters have been given a whole, new sphere—theplastisphere—to study.


不要自己嚇自己 要相信自己的身體很棒

You can. But it helps to think well of yourself in the first place.THE link between mind and body is terrain into which many medical researchers, fearing ridicule, dare not tread.But perhaps more should do so.For centuries, doctors have recognised the placebo effect, in which the illusion of treatment, such as pills without an active ingredient, produces real medical benefits.


More recently, respectable research has demonstrated that those who frequently experience positive emotions live longer and healthier lives.They have fewer heart attacks, for example, and fewer colds too.Why this happens, though, is only slowly becoming understood.What is needed is an experiment that points out specific and measurable ways in which such emotions alter an individual's biology.


And a study published in Psychological Science, by Barbara Fredrickson and Bethany Kok at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, does precisely that.Dr Fredrickson and Dr Kok concentrated their attentions on the vagus nerve. This nerve starts in the brain and runs, via numerous branches, to several thoracic and abdominal organs including the heart.Among its jobs is to send signals telling that organ to slow down during moments of calm and safety.



How effectively the vagus nerve is working can be tracked by monitoring someone's heart rate as he breathes in and out.Healthy vagal function is reflected in a subtle increase in heart rate while breathing in and a subtle decrease while breathing out.The difference yields an index of vagal tone, and the value of this index is known to be connected with health.Low values are, for example, linked to inflammation and heart attacks.

他們通過監(jiān)測一個人吸氣、呼氣時的心率,追蹤記錄迷走神經(jīng)如何有效地工作。如果吸氣時心率略微增加,呼氣時略微下降,則說明迷走神經(jīng)工作正常。兩次心率之差構(gòu)成迷走神經(jīng)張力指數(shù)。人們都知道該指數(shù)與健康程度有關(guān)。 例如,低指數(shù)就與炎癥、心臟病發(fā)作幾率有聯(lián)系。

What particularly interested Dr Fredrickson and Dr Kok was recent work that showed something else about the vagal-tone index: people with high tone are better than those with low at stopping bad feelings getting overblown.They also show more positive emotions in general.This may provide the missing link between emotional well-being and physical health.


In particular, the two researchers found, during a preliminary study they carried out in 2010, that the vagal-tone values of those who experience positive emotions over a period of time go up.This left them wondering whether positive emotions and vagal tone drive one another in a virtuous spiral.They therefore conducted an experiment on 65 of the university's staff, to try to find out.


They measured all of their volunteers' vagal tones at the beginning of the experiment and at its conclusion nine weeks later.In between, the volunteers were asked to go each evening to a website especially designed for the purpose, and rate their most powerful emotional experiences that day.Dr Fredrickson and Dr Kok asked their volunteers to consider nine positive emotions, such as hope, joy and love, and 11 negative ones, including anger, boredom and disgust.


They were asked to rate, on a five-point scale, whether—and how strongly—they had felt each emotion.One point meant not at all; five meant extremely.In addition, half the participants, chosen at random, were invited to a series of workshops run by a licensed therapist, to learn a meditation technique intended to engender in the meditator a feeling of goodwill towards both himself and others.


This group was encouraged to meditate daily, and to report the time they spent doing so.Dr Fredrickson and Dr Kok discovered that vagal tone increased significantly in people who meditated, and hardly at all in those who did not.Among meditators, those who started the experiment with the highest vagal-tone scores reported the biggest increases in positive emotions.


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Meditators who started with particularly low scores showed virtually no such boost.Taken as a whole, these findings suggest high vagal tone makes it easier to generate positive emotions and that this, in turn, drives vagal tone still higher.That is both literally and metaphorically a positive feedback loop.Which is good news for the emotionally positive, but bad for the emotionally negative, for it implies that those who most need a psychosomatic boost are incapable of generating one.


A further experiment by Dr Kok suggests, however, that the grumpy need not give up all hope.A simpler procedure than meditation, namely reflecting at night on the day's social connections, did seem to cause some improvement to their vagal tone.This might allow even those with a negative outlook on life to bootstrap their way to a mental state from which they could then advance to the more powerful technique of meditation.


Whether, besides improving general health, the mechanism Dr Fredrickson and Dr Kok have discovered helps explain the placebo effect remains to be investigated.But it might, because part of that effect seems to be the good feeling engendered by the fact of being treated.More generally, doctors in the ancient world had a saying: a healthy mind in a healthy body.This sort of work suggests that though this proverb is true, a better one might be, a healthy mind for a healthy body.




Birds can navigate by the Earth's magnetic field.How they do it is still a mystery.Where would people be without magnetic compasses?The short answer is: lost.By giving human beings a sixth sense—an ability to detect the hitherto invisible magneticfield of the Earth—the compass proved one of the most important inventions ever.


It let sailors navigate without sight of the night sky.And that led to the voyages of discovery, trade and conquest which created the politicalgeography of the modern world.Imagine, then, what animals which had their own, built-in compasses could achieve.They might spend their summers doingthe English Season in Glyndebourne or Henley, and then overwinter in the warmth of Mombasa. They might strike out, like intrepid pioneers, from Angola to Anchorage.They might even, if truly gripped by wanderlust and a hatred of the darkness, live in near-perpetual daylight by migrating from Pole to Pole.And that is just what some birds do.


Swallows travel between Europe and Africa. Northern wheatears fly from Africa to Alaska, andback.Arctic terns each year make the journey from one end of the planet to the other.And they can do it, at least in part, because they do have a magnetic sense denied tohumans.


The most familiar avian navigation trick is that pulled off by homing pigeons.As a consequence pigeons have often found themselves at the sharp end of investigationsabout how bird navigation in general, and magnetic sense in particular, actually work.That pigeons have such a sense was shown more than 40 years ago, by William Keeton ofCornell University, in upstate New York, who attached magnets to pigeons to see if they couldstill home.They could not, though birds fitted with non-magnetic dummies managed perfectly well.

人類最為熟知的鳥類導(dǎo)航技巧就是通過研究信鴿而得到的。鴿子便處在了人類研究的尖端。人們用它研究鳥類整體的導(dǎo)航機(jī)能,用它特別研究磁性感應(yīng)機(jī)制。鴿子顯示出此種能力是在40年前。當(dāng)時,紐約州北部康乃爾大學(xué)的William Keeton把磁體系在鴿子身上,觀察它們是否能夠回家。結(jié)果是它們不能,但是那些帶有仿磁體的鴿子卻回家。

Since then, experiments on other species have shown magnetic sensitivity is common amongbirds. What these experiments have not shown, however, is how the birds manage it.See it? Hear it? Smell it?There are two theories.One is that the magnetic sensors are grains of magnetite, a form of iron oxide which, as itsname suggests, is easily magnetised.The other is that the Earth's magnetic field affects a particular chemical reaction in the retinain a way that reaches into the arcane depths of quantum mechanics.


The magnetite hypothesis concentrates on birds' beaks.Magnetite grains are common in living things, and are known to be involved in magneticsensing in bacteria. In birds they are particularly abundant in the beak.So last year David Keays of the Institute of Molecular Pathology, in Vienna, dissected the beaksof nearly 200 unfortunate pigeons, to find out more.What he discovered was not encouraging.There were, indeed, lots of magnetite grains.But he had expected they would congregate in some sort of specialised sensory cell akin to thetaste buds of the tongue or the hair cells of the ear.Instead, he found that the beak's magnetite is mostly in macrophages.

These are cells whose job is to wander around amoeba-like, chewing up bacteria and debrisfrom other body cells as they go.

磁鐵礦假說的焦點是鳥類的喙。磁鐵礦粒子是生物共有的,廣泛存在于鳥的喙中。去年,維也納分子病理學(xué)研究所的David Keays對將近200只鴿子進(jìn)行了解剖,以期得到更多發(fā)現(xiàn)。但是,他發(fā)現(xiàn)的并不令人鼓舞。大量鐵磁礦粒子確實存在。他原以為鐵磁礦粒子會聚集成為專門的感覺細(xì)胞,類似于舌頭上的味蕾和內(nèi)耳毛細(xì)胞。但是,他發(fā)現(xiàn),喙部的鐵磁礦主要以巨噬細(xì)胞的形式存在,這些細(xì)胞的職能是以游離細(xì)胞的形式對細(xì)胞殘片及病原體進(jìn)行噬菌。

Not, then, likely candidates as magnetic sensors.Other experiments, though, do suggest the beak is involved.The nerve that connects it to the brain is known as the trigeminal.When Dominik Heyers and Henrik Mouritsen of Oldenburg University, in Germany, cut thetrigeminals of reed warblers the birds' ability to detect which way was north remained intact.They did, however, lose their sense of magnetic dip.Dip indicates latitude, another important part of navigation.To confuse matters further, some people accept Dr Keays's interpretation of what is going onin the beak,but think that the relevant magnetite grains are elsewhere—in the hair cells of the ear, whichare also rich in iron oxide.If they are right, then from the birds' point of view they are probably hearing the magneticsignal.The main alternative to the nasal-magnetite hypothesis, though, is not that birds hearmagnetic fields, but that they see them.

因此,巨噬細(xì)胞不可能具有磁感應(yīng)功能。其它的實驗也包含了對喙的研究。聯(lián)結(jié)喙與腦的神經(jīng)叫三叉神經(jīng)。德國奧爾登堡大學(xué)的Dominik Heyers和Henrik Mouritsena切斷了葦鶯的三叉神經(jīng),保留了它們辨別北方的能力。然而,這些鳥卻失掉了磁傾角的感應(yīng)力。磁傾角可以指示緯度,是導(dǎo)航的重要組成部分。Keays對鳥喙解釋使情況更加復(fù)雜。但有些人還是接受了他的說法。但是這些人認(rèn)為鳥身體的其它部位也存在磁鐵礦粒子—內(nèi)耳毛細(xì)胞。氧化鐵也富含這種粒子。假如這些人的假定正確,從鳥的角度來看,它們可能聽得到磁信號。鼻腔內(nèi)存在磁鐵礦的假說 并不是鳥類可以聽到磁場,而是能看到磁場。

One line of evidence for this is that part of a bird's brain, called cluster N, which gets its inputdirectly from the eyes, seems to be involved in magnetic sensing.Experiments Dr Mouritsen's team conducted on robins showed that destroying cluster Ndestroys a bird's north-detecting sense, and other experiments, on meadow pipits, show thatcells in cluster N are far more active when the birds are using their magnetic sense than whenthey are not.

關(guān)于此的證明是,鳥大腦中有一部分叫cluster N,可以直接得到眼部輸送的信息,好像跟磁場感應(yīng)有聯(lián)系。博士Mouritsen研究團(tuán)隊對知更鳥進(jìn)行了實驗,得出推斷。實驗顯示破壞知更鳥的cluster N,也就破壞了它們識別北方的能力。研究團(tuán)隊又對草地鷚進(jìn)行了實驗。實驗顯示,鳥類使用磁感應(yīng)能力的時候,cluster N細(xì)胞異?;钴S。

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The problem with this idea is that birds' eyes do not have magnetite in them.If they do house magnetism detectors, those detectors must be something else.That something, according to a hypothesis advanced by Klaus Schulten, who works at theUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is a type of retinal protein called a cryptochrome.When hit by light, a cryptochrome produces pairs of molecules called free radicals that areelectrically neutral but have unpaired electrons in them.Electrons are tiny magnets, so they tend to attract each other and pair up in a way thatneutralises their joint magnetic fields.


Unpaired electrons, however, remain magnetic, and thus sensitive to the Earth's field.Moreover, because the unpaired electrons in the free radicals were originally paired in themolecule that split to form the radicals, quantum mechanics dictates that these electronsremain entangled.This means that however far apart they move, what happens to one affects the other'sbehaviour.


Calculations suggest the different ways the two radicals feel the Earth's field as they separateis enough to change the way they will react with other chemicals—including ones that triggernerve impulses, and that, via entanglement, they can transmit this information to each other,and thus affect each other's reactions.


This, the calculations indicate, would be enough for a bird's brain to interpret the magneticfield.It would probably see a pattern of spots before its eyes, which would remain stationary as itscanned its head from side to side.And some birds do, indeed, scan their heads this way when assessing the direction ofmagnetic north.It is possible, of course, that both hypotheses are right, and that birds have two magneticsenses, with one perhaps concentrated on north detection and the other on detecting dip.But there is something particularly poetic about the idea that even part of this mysterioussixth sense depends on a still-more-mysterious quantum effect—one that Einstein himselfdescribed as spooky action at a distance.


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