語言使用(language use)是新托福寫作中一項重要的評分維度。根據(jù)官方給出的評分標準,考生應該“能夠流暢地使用英語(consistent facility in the use of language)”,也就是要求考生能夠使用多種英文句型并且恰當用詞(There should be a variety of sentence structure, and word choice should be appropriate)。然而,提高語言的難度極高,它既不想發(fā)展(development)那樣具有訓練性,也不像結構(organization)那樣具有模版性,如果方法不得當,還很有可能“練而無果”。那么,什么方法能夠在短期內有效地提高語言表達呢?很簡單,演“譯”語言,以譯促寫。
1. only +狀語或狀語從句置于句首,句子用部分倒裝。
例:Only after he had spoken out the word did he realize he had made a big mistake.只有當他已經說出那個字后才意識到自己犯了個大錯誤。
2. not, little, hardly, scarcely, no more, no longer, in no way, never, seldom, not only, no sooner等具有否定意義的詞或詞組位于句首,句子用部分倒裝。
例: Seldom do I go to work by bus. 我很少乘公共汽車上班。
例: so / such...that結構中的so或such位于句首可以構成部分倒裝句,表示強調so /such和that之間的部分。
eg.To such length did she go in rehearsal that the two actors walked out. 她的彩排進行得那么長,以致于那兩個演員都走出去了。
例: We really should not resent being called paupers. Paupers we are, and paupers we shall remain. 我們確實不應因為被稱作窮光蛋而憤憤不平。我們的確是窮光蛋,而且還會繼續(xù)是窮光蛋。
例如:Hanging on the wall was a splendid painting. 墻上掛著一幅精美的圖畫。
1. 以作狀語的介詞短語開頭:當主語較長或主語所帶修飾語較長時,為了使句子平衡,常將狀語置于句首,句子用完全倒裝語序。
例:On the ground lay some air conditioners, which are to be shipped to some other cities.
Some air conditioners lay on the ground, which are to be shipped to some other cities.
從例句中可看出, 采用倒裝語序的A句結構平衡穩(wěn)妥 ,讀起來自然流暢,而采用自然語序的B句結構零亂, 讀起來也別扭。因而,在主語較長時就應采用倒裝語序以取得理想的表達效果。
2. 以表語開頭的句子:有時為了把較長的主語放在后面,須將表語和謂語都提到主語前。
eg.Such would be our home in the future. 我們將來的家就是這個樣子。
3. 以副詞here , there開頭的句子,也采用完全倒裝來保持句子平衡。
例:Here is the letter you have been looking forward to. 你盼望已久的信在這兒。
有時為了使敘述或描繪更加生動形象,增加語言效果,可將表示方向的副詞(如:down, up, out, in, off, on, away等)或擬聲詞(bang, crack等)置于句首,句子采用全部倒裝的語序(主語為人稱代詞的句子除外)。
例:Down jumped the criminal from the third floor when the policeman pointed his pistol at him. 當警察把手槍瞄準那個罪犯時,嘭地一下他就從三樓跳了下去。
托福寫作解析:reduce living expense
如果給朋友推薦reduce living expense的方式:
1. 找一個室友合租
2. 不買最新款的手機,buy less frequently
3. Buy cheap foods and cook home(不要經常在外面吃)
Which way you will recommend to your friend and why?
思路:題目問推薦reduce living expense的方式,選找舍友合租。
Due to high level of consumptions, young people can usually find themselves stuck in financial deficit. In this case, how to cut down living expenses obviously become an important problem. Some say they may change their mobile phone in a much lower frequency while others propose that they are more willing to cook by themselves in order to save money. However, I consider renting an apartment with a roommate can be the best solution. My view point is based on the following reasons and examples.
To begin with, living with a roommate can help us save much more money than cutting down costs in buying new electric devices or cooking at home. The expense of house renting is higher than the money spending on eating stuff or purchasing mobile phone. Take the young working in Shanghai as an example. Renting fees in Shanghai can reach 5,000 RMB to 7000 RMB in average if young people want to live in some convenient districts rather than in some remote areas. If they find a roommate and get the rent shared, he or she can save at least 2,500 RMB per month. When it comes to saving money by stop buying new mobile phone or quitting eating outside, one may only save several hundred RMB one month. So it will be much more effective if one find a roommate to reduce his or her costs on renting than on cellphone or food.
In addition, living with another individual can not only lesson one’s financial pressure in renting fees, but also save money in other aspects. Roommates can share furniture or tools together. For example, when I was just graduate from university, I choose to rent with another girl. When we both moved into our new apartment from our dormitory, the first thing we need to deal with was to buy some necessary items such as cooking pot and sofa, for the house we rent was almost empty—there were only two beds in it. I felt very lucky that I decided to live with another girl rather than living by myself, because I had not to pay all the expenses of buying these equipment myself. Sharing those expenditure with my roommate effectively lessened my financial burden.
Admittedly, living with another person can lead to some problems. Sometimes, we may encounter with roommates who are quite annoying, like he or she may have several friends singing and dancing in her room till midnight, which will disturb us a lot. Different life style can result in a bad relationship between us and our roommates. Nevertheless, this kind of terrible situation can be prevented by carefully collecting information of our roommates before we make the decision of renting a house with him or her. If we deliberately choose the individual who own a similar living habit as ours, most of the unsat isfactory cases can be avoided ahead of time.
To sum up, compared with keeping using old cellphone and cooking by ourselves, living with a roommate is the best solution when young people want to cut down their expenses. Having another people living with us can share renting fees as well as other various kinds of costs. Although it may lead to some inconvenience, we can effectively eliminate these drawbacks by observing and communicating with our potential roommates before we finally pick up the one we are most likely to get along well with.