1. GRE填空老是做錯(cuò)的第一個(gè)原因就是語法知識(shí)較弱,句子讀不懂。在GRE閱讀和填空中,如果缺乏語法知識(shí),即使沒有生詞也難理解句意,最后答題時(shí)難以下手。所以考生也要重視語法知識(shí)的回顧。
2. 憑一己之見作為解題依據(jù)。GRE填空中所有的解題線索能且僅能來自題干本身,所以考生在做填空題的時(shí)候,切忌用題干以外的任何內(nèi)容作為解題依據(jù)。簡(jiǎn)單來說就是題目說什么就選什么,不要人為添加自己的一些看法。題目哪怕說地球是方的,在解題中你也要克服吐槽本能,按照方的來思考。
3. 找不出解題線索。填空題目材料中包含的信息多樣,有些較難的題目中又無明確提示解題線索的標(biāo)志,必須理解句意才能確定地選出答案。這就要求考生多讀書、學(xué)習(xí)、思考和積累,去了解一些背景知識(shí)。
1. 從ETS官方出品的指南其實(shí)就可以看出,GRE考試官方最認(rèn)可的是“先攻一點(diǎn),后及其余”的做題方法,并且對(duì)攻哪一點(diǎn)這個(gè)順序沒有限制。所以大家在解題時(shí)也不妨遵循這個(gè)原則,找到最合適的一點(diǎn)入手。
2. 在做題時(shí)第一步要分清楚上下句,分號(hào)、冒號(hào)等標(biāo)點(diǎn)或者是各種連詞都是分隔上下半句的標(biāo)志;第二步就是尋找上下句結(jié)構(gòu)對(duì)應(yīng)的部分,找到空格的線索詞。
3. 不要湊合用一些部分正確或者模棱兩可的答案。GRE考試的一些選項(xiàng)總有勉強(qiáng)說的過去的理由,或者多空題其中一個(gè)空是正確的。但真正的答案肯定是完全沒有漏洞,并且邏輯和問題上都合理且必然的選項(xiàng)。
4. ETS對(duì)填空的分析比較注重代入檢查、核心詞以及空格和核心詞的搭配。所以大家做完題目最好把答案代入句子中再讀一遍進(jìn)行檢查。
只要做好這3步 GRE填空高分就是這么簡(jiǎn)單
1. Only by ignoring decades of mismanagement and inefficiency could investors conclude that a fresh infusion of cash would provide anything more than a _____ solution to the company’s financial woes.
(A) fair
(B) temporary
(C) genuine
(D) realistic
(E) provisional
2. The well-trained engineer must understand fields as diverse as physics, economics, geology, and sociology; thus, an overly _____ engineering curriculum should be avoided
(A) narrow
(B) innovative
(C) competitive
(D) rigorous
(E) academic
3. Because they had expected the spacecraft Voyager 2 to be able to gather data only about the planets Jupiter and Saturn, scientists were _____the wealth of information it sent back from Neptune years after leaving Earth.
(A) anxious for
(B) confident in
(C) thrilled about
(D) keen on
(E) elated by
4. Dominant interests often benefit most from _____of governmental interference in business, since they are able to take care of themselves if left alone.
(A) intensification
(B) authorization
(C) centralization
(D) improvisation
(E) elimination
5. It was her view that the country’s problems had been _____ by foreign technocrats, so that to invite them to come back would be counterproductive.
(A) foreseen
(B) attacked
(C) ascertained
(D) exacerbated
(E) analyzed
6. Because they have been so dazzled by the calendars and the knowledge of astronomy possessed by the Mayan civilization, some anthropologists have _____ achievements like the sophisticated carved calendar sticks of the
Winnebago people.
(A) described
(B) acknowledged
(C) neglected
(D) overlooked
(E) defended
7. The English novelist William Thackeray considered the cult of the criminal so dangerous that he criticized Dickens’ Oliver Twist for making the characters in the thieves’ kitchen so______.
(A) threatening
(B) riveting
(C) engrossing
(D) conniving
(E) fearsome
8. Regardless of what______theories of politics may propound, there is nothing that requires daily politics to be clear, thorough, and consistent—nothing, that is, that requires reality to conform to theory.
(A) neat
(B) vague
(C) assertive
(D) casual
(E) tidy
9. Although normally _____, Alison felt so strongly about the issue that she put aside her reserve and spoke up at the committee meeting.
(A) diffident
(B) unassertive
(C) contentious
(D) facetious
(E) presumptuous
1. Although normally _____, Alison felt so strongly about the issue that she put aside her reserve and spoke up at the committee meeting.
(A) diffident
(B) unassertive
(C) contentious
(D) facetious
(E) presumptuous
2. The well-trained engineer must understand fields as diverse as physics, economics, geology, and sociology; thus, an overly _____ engineering curriculum should be avoided
(A) narrow
(B) innovative
(C) competitive
(D) rigorous
(E) academic
3. Only by ignoring decades of mismanagement and inefficiency could investors conclude that a fresh infusion of cash would provide anything more than a _____ solution to the company’s financial woes.
(A) fair
(B) temporary
(C) genuine
(D) realistic
(E) provisional
4. The English novelist William Thackeray considered the cult of the criminal so dangerous that he criticized Dickens’ Oliver Twist for making the characters in the thieves’ kitchen so______.
(A) threatening
(B) riveting
(C) engrossing
(D) conniving
(E) fearsome
5. It was her view that the country’s problems had been _____ by foreign technocrats, so that to invite them to come back would be counterproductive.
(A) foreseen
(B) attacked
(C) ascertained
(D) exacerbated
(E) analyzed
6. Because they have been so dazzled by the calendars and the knowledge of astronomy possessed by the Mayan civilization, some anthropologists have _____ achievements like the sophisticated carved calendar sticks of the
Winnebago people.
(A) described
(B) acknowledged
(C) neglected
(D) overlooked
(E) defended
7. Regardless of what______theories of politics may propound, there is nothing that requires daily politics to be clear, thorough, and consistent—nothing, that is, that requires reality to conform to theory.
(A) neat
(B) vague
(C) assertive
(D) casual
(E) tidy
8. Dominant interests often benefit most from _____of governmental interference in business, since they are able to take care of themselves if left alone.
(A) intensification
(B) authorization
(C) centralization
(D) improvisation
(E) elimination
9. Because they had expected the spacecraft Voyager 2 to be able to gather data only about the planets Jupiter and Saturn, scientists were _____the wealth of information it sent back from Neptune years after leaving Earth.
(A) anxious for
(B) confident in
(C) thrilled about
(D) keen on
(E) elated by
1. Although the passage of years has softened the initially hostile reaction to his poetry, even now only a few independent observers _____ his works.
(A) praise
(B) revile
(C) neglect
(D) scrutinize
(E) criticize
passage: n.(時(shí)間的)消逝,推移
soften: v.1.使變軟,使軟化,使緩和 2.使變暗,使變輕,使變淡 3.減輕,削弱
hostile: a.1.敵方的 2.懷敵意的,不友善的,不利的
revile: v.辱罵,痛斥
scrutinize: v.詳細(xì)檢查(觀察),細(xì)看
2. The natural balance between prey and predator has been increasingly______, most frequently by human intervention.
(A) celebrated
(B) predicted
(C) observed
(D) disturbed
(E) questioned
3. Foucault’s rejection of the concept of continuity in Western thought, though radical, was not unique; he had _____ in the United States who, without knowledge of his work, developed parallel ideas.
(A) critics
(B) counterparts
(C) equivalents
(D) disciples
(E) readers
4. There is perhaps some truth in that waggish old definition of a scholar—a siren that calls attention to a fog without doing anything to______it.
(A) describe
(B) cause
(C) analyze
(D) dispel
(E) dissipate
5. Calculus, though still indispensable to science and technology, is no longer _____; it has an equal partner called discrete mathematics.
(A) preeminent
(B) pertinent
(C) beneficial
(D) essential
(E) pragmatic
6. While nurturing parents can compensate for adversity, cold or inconsistent parents may _____it.
(A) exacerbate
(B) neutralize
(C) aggravate
(D) eradicate
(E) ameliorate
7.Aptly enough, this work so imbued with the notion of changing times and styles has been constantly _____ over the years, thereby reflecting its own mutability.
(A) appreciated
(B) emulated
(C) altered
(D) criticized
(E) reprinted