要使文章語(yǔ)義表達(dá)準(zhǔn)確,首先要盡量不要在學(xué)術(shù)文章中出現(xiàn)“大概、也許”之類模棱兩可的詞語(yǔ),避免出現(xiàn)容易讓人困惑和誤解的詞語(yǔ)和表達(dá)法;其次,要盡量避免使用那些有多種含義的詞語(yǔ)和表達(dá)法。例如:Singapore is a fine country這句話中的fine一詞有多種含義,如“好的、細(xì)小的、罰款”等。日常生活中這樣使用沒有問題,但在寫作時(shí)一定要避免使用這種容易產(chǎn)生歧義的多義詞。
直截了當(dāng)、切中要點(diǎn)是保證文章簡(jiǎn)潔的最好寫作形式。與中文寫作相比,英文寫作非常強(qiáng)調(diào)直奔主題、簡(jiǎn)單明快的寫作風(fēng)格。例如,在寫作一個(gè)段落時(shí),常常將概括段落主要內(nèi)容的主題句(topic sentence)作為段落的首句,以便讓讀者迅速明確本段要講述的內(nèi)容。另外,寫作時(shí)盡量將每個(gè)句子寫得簡(jiǎn)短一些,少用或不用冗長(zhǎng)的復(fù)合句。切記:短小精練的句子表達(dá)的意思才強(qiáng)而有力。
GRE issue寫作優(yōu)秀實(shí)例:技術(shù)進(jìn)步之社會(huì)影響
Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics.
Taking a brief glance at history of human existence, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that technology, defined as the application of science and knowledge, has played an important role in bringing transformation and improvement to society. I agree with the above saying in the topic that technology should be regarded as a determinative factor which not only influences but also, and more importantly,determines the social custom and ethics.
People, generally speaking, would not doubt the perspective that technology exercises enormous influence on the custom and ethics of mankind. Before the Industrial Revolution, women in Britain were not allowed to work outside apart from some comparatively enlightened places; yet waves of women went into spinneries as cotton spinner after the jenny were universally utilized around Europe. The reason why factories preferred women rather than men in the Industrial Revolution lies in the development of technology, which decreased the physical weakness of women, raised the social awareness of the advantage of women worker such as more carefulness and patience, changed the traditional industrial configuration in the proportion of females and males, therefore transformed the cliche ban of women's outside working. Same analysis could be applied on feminism campaign. With the purpose of sexual equality and personality liberation, feminism campaign is based on the development and betterment of the equipment from this point of view. In a word, all these changes in social custom and ethics owe to the development of technology.
But why, someone may ask, should technology be mentioned as the determinate factor,not merely an infective ingredient? The answer comes from the difference between quantity of effects that influence and determination separately raise. As dictionary refers, the effect of influence is indirect and comparatively weaker; while that of determination is direct, basic and strong. From the examples given in the above paragraph, agreement may not be difficult to reach that the impact of technology on social custom is direct and enormous. Without technology in medical, people today might still hold the belief that spread of plague is the punishment from God and the sick are unforgivable sinners; in industry, the popular concept of global village and the social consciousness of racial equality might never exist; in sociology, women cannot get the opportunity to realize their own values as an independent individual through working. To sum up, technology is the determinative factor to change the social custom and ethics.
However, question may still be raised why it is the technology determines the social custom and ethics, rather than human beings or other factors. Admittedly, it seems much more of sense that human beings make the social custom and ethics by themselves. But it does not imply that human beings determine the trend of social custom, since the formation of a social custom and a principle of ethics is based on the level of technology at that time by which majority of people can measure what can be done while others cannot. Admittedly, often human activities such as Renaissance and World War 2 seem to influence the social custom more obviously and to a greater extent than technology does. But when considering why such activities happened on a specific time in a specific place, one still have to turn to technology for further understanding. Thus, the social custom actually should be regarded as fruits, if the human activities are taken as trunk; technology should be considered as the roots of the tree which determine whether the tree can live and what it can produce.
In fact, social custom and ethics feed back with the development of technology,resulting in either promotion or restriction. For an instance, acquirement for longer life nowadays is an increasingly popular social custom. This challenges the medical technology at present, thus stimulates the researchers to speed up their discovery for new medical treatment. Human cloning, for another instance, is legally abandoned in many countries due to the discordance with the ethnics of society today. Therefore the further development of cloning technology in many countries almost halts. The influence of social custom and ethics on technology cannot be ignored.
In conclusion, this issue asserts that the technology influences the social custom and ethics so markedly that can be regarded as a determinative factor. Meanwhile, the social custom and ethics can reflect feedback toward technology. Technology can be metaphorized into a flowing river, while the social custom and ethics into the banks, on which preserves human civilization and cultures. The river determines the position of banks; while the banks control the direction of flow.
GRE issue寫作優(yōu)秀實(shí)例:國(guó)家領(lǐng)土
Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people.
Conflicts between prolonging human existence and solving current societal problem lie in governmental issues consistently. In order to keep biological diversity and natural balance, it places emphasis on environmental preservation which includes issues on wilderness areas. Insofar as protecting such areas permits a more comfortable survival of offspring I concede the necessity of preservation. However, when the nation is short of economical and political self-sufficient ability and current issues abound in number, government would set higher priority to at hand problems.
Preservation of wilderness areas conducted by government assures an effective method of providing descendants access to comfortable prospective nature system.Creatures, directly or indirectly instrumental for people, suffered from an escalated scale of extinction as a result of human industrialization. Moreover, along with rapidly accruing population, startling developing technologies and, perhaps most important of all, continuously inflating human desire the size and amounts of such areas shrank gravely over periods. Gradually appearing phenomena revealed threats of disastrous consequences tomorrow. Scarcity of plants with photosynthesis mechanism increase CO2 in atmosphere and therefore resulting in global warming trends which molten sea ice to water and has inundated some of the territory, for example. Awareness of some people in the leading position calls for governmental policies that protect environment from being excessively trampled by human behavior. To protect wilderness areas by forces of government is one of the available and effective measures. Creatures there could afford a free landscape and secure surrounding to grow and rear offspring.Possibly, certain kinds of rare species would be preserved from extinction.
However, a government takes responsibilities not primarily for the moral justice but for well-being of populace and strength of the nation as a whole. Once the protection of such areas require too much economical or personnel support, the priority needs confirmation. Resources of any government are limited, and deficit occurs frequently even if it places little emphasis on such relatively marginal issues. This does not entail eschewing from accountability for destiny of prospective citizens or human beings altogether. It means concern for being responsible for its living residents to guarantee the advent of prospective society. Can a population which suffered and is suffering from mass starvation, unemployment and destructive warfare but focused on symbiosis relationship with other species exist long? In this sense, human needs to be somewhat selfish rather than completely generous at the risk of self sacrificing.
Granted that preservation of wilderness areas validate in allowing biological diversity and better natural environmental situation for our progeny, it is likely that we can not satisfy them in light of the decline in human evolution. Had our predecessors intensively focused in preservation and distributed much more financial budgets to these areas rather than they did exploit Alaska for petroleum, we would not reproduce so many instruments that facilitate us in daily life and communication and make realization of genetic structure in ourselves possible. Such case holds true to whom live after us. Although by concentrating more on technological and economical development harms environment in future, we may have worked out solutions such as cloning disappeared species, recreating adaptable climate and colonizing to other planets. After all, purposes of all policies, no matter protecting the environment or reinforcing economical and technological strength, serve ultimately to the well-being of human.
To an extreme extent, without effective resorts to reduce the birth rate, which means persistent enlarging of population, government may take measures exploiting such areas for residence rather than preserve them originally looking. After all, it would be nonsense to afford others' benefits until we substantiated ourselves. Admittedly, wild animals and plants are there to stay and compete much less than they did, and such behavior robbing their last residence could be regarded as cruel. Yet, we may distinguish which is crueler comparing with depriving the right of survival from our fellow. The nature had performed its principle: the one who adapt less will be eliminated.
In summary, we have moral responsibility to preserve wilderness areas for a brighter future and circumstance for our descendents. However, sometimes government has to lay down such idea in order to avoid jeopardize in domestic crisis. In addition, once needed, to meet the needs for survival of its citizens, the government ought to make alternatives of exploiting rather than preservation.