文小秘 > 英語資料 > 英語寫作 > 寫作方法 > 雅思寫作中的小詞大用2020


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01 draw one’s attention:“令某人注意某事物”

例句:The economic rise of China and India draws ever more attention.



在寫大作文時,開頭段中需要引出背景和話題,此時就可以使用sth.draws more attention這個搭配了。

需要注意的是,很多中國同學在寫開頭段的時候非常喜歡使用“with the development of the society”,但是這個表達其實是會被考官扣分的模板化表達,使用之后6分就沒有希望了。

02 draw up:“寫出,草擬,制定”

例句:He has drawn up a vacation plan.





此時我們就可以用到這個詞組:The government needs to draw up a policy that …

03 draw in:“吸引”

例句:Cruise lines are trying to draw in younger passengers and families with lower prices, as well as things like ice-skating rinks and cinemas.




但為了在作文中升級為較不常見的表達或是避免重復,可以用“draw in”來做替換。除了draw in,此處也可以使用appeal to來替換表達。

04 draw on:“利用”

例句:The two entrepreneurs say that they still draw on their business school experience to move the company forward.



表示“運用”的時候,最常見的表達是“use”, “apply”,以后可以替換成draw on。

另外,此處也可以使用make use of和take advantages of來替換。



1. 環(huán)境類

1). Individuals Vs Government/Company個人與政府或公司關系

It is only the government that has the force to stop factories from polluting rivers and contaminating soil. Also, the government can offer an enormous amount of money as a reward to the first individual or company that comes up with a viable, environment-friendly alternative to fossil fuels. Besides, apart from governments, very few people are financially sufficient to combat large-scale/disastrous environmental accidents, such as the oil spill at Mexican Gulf in 2011.

Even if governments launched seemingly protective measures, they would not make any difference until individual citizens were fully aware of the importance of environmental preservation and willing to make their share of contribution. Besides, the influence exerted by relatives or friends is far more effective than the effort made by the government.

2). Causes of environmental problems 導致環(huán)境問題的原因

Growing reliance on private cars will lead to an increase in the consumption of fossil fuels. As a result, there will be an increase in the emission of greenhouse gas, such as carbon dioxide. In other words, people’s unwillingness to sacrifice comfortable modern lives is one of the leading causes behind all the environmental problems.

2. 政府投資

1). Investment on art (subjects)政府在藝術方面投資

2). Investment on space exploration 政府在太空探索領域的投資

Enhancement of public facilities is closely related to people’s life quality. If bus and rail services were more reliable, commuters would spend much less time getting to and from work.

However, admitting the importance of public facilities is not the same as denying the importance of art development. In fact, art is much more tied to people’s everyday life than expected. Without art, people would have to wear the same clothes, live in the same buildings and watch monotonous movies. With governments financially supporting artists, they will be able to be less concerned about earning bread but pay more effort to create wonderful diversity in people’s lives.

3. 媒體

1). Effects of violence in TV or movies 電視電影中暴力情節(jié)的影響

A: Media violence is a natural way for people to release/combat stress, as they can have an escape from daily work and routine when immersed in the excitement of punching and fighting. In addition, children who are sheltered from violence don’t have that safe outlet and can have a harder time dealing with violent emotions as they get older.

B: Young viewers have an instinctive desire to copy behavior of people whom they admire. If they are excessively exposed to violent scenes, the possibility is relatively high that they take the use of violence for granted to solve problems.

2). Advantages and disadvantages of ads兩方面討論廣告的利弊

A: Advertisements about new products keep customers informed about the new developments in the industry. They help to provide information of the newly launched products. Advertising is a complicated task and a lot of people are involved in the making of an advertisement. Research team, design team and many other people are required to make and deliver it. So, advertisements generate employment for a lot of people.

B: A certain proportion of advertisements lead people to impulsively buy something that they do not really need by inviting stars or exaggerating the effects of a product or service.



基本上所有培訓機構的老師都會在開班上給學生介紹雅思考試,涉及到寫作的話,都會牽扯到評分標準 -- 這個是毋庸置疑的。例如:TA/TR(寫作任務的完成/回應)、CC(連貫與銜接)、LR(詞匯資源)以及GRA(語法范圍及其精確度)。在我們的反復灌輸下,學生的思想潛移默化地被這些大方向拽著前行,往往會忽略掉其他的小細節(jié)。


再者,是縮寫問題,這個雖然不在評分標準以及6項注意之內(nèi),但是在劍橋雅思真題考官評判中,很明確的指出了縮寫問題。具體請大家參見雅思劍3第4套題目考官評語:There are minor examples of unsuitable register (e.g. "turned out", "disastrous" and one contracted verb form), 原文寫做"The major conclusion that I've drawn using the graph is that..."。其實,按照常理也不難理解。因為雅思寫作的大小作文都屬于正式的學術文體,我在國外的學習和工作中寫論文、交報告都沒有用過縮寫形式,所以于理于情,縮寫真的不應該出現(xiàn)在正式的寫作文體當中。

最后我想談的是標點的使用問題。中國考生在雅思寫作中普遍有特點,即對"逗號"的偏愛。一句話不管說完與否或表達意思是否完整,不管連詞或副詞,一律逗號上陣,搞得我們這些"看客"哭笑不得。實際上,如果翻閱相關的語法教材,不難發(fā)現(xiàn)上面對標點使用的規(guī)范。例如:一句話能表達完整的句意就需要句號收尾。尤其是在并列句中,只有連詞前面才可用逗號,其他情況皆是"分號"。舉個簡單的例子"Some people become convinced that older people should live with their families; others hold the view that older people should live at a nursing home."在這個并列句中前后并無連詞相連,所以必須用分號隔開。諸如此類的問題,還請廣大"烤鴨"務必注意。

經(jīng)常聽到有人說"細節(jié)決定成敗",其實在雅思寫作評判中并沒有如此夸張,因為參考者不是native speaker, 但是我想說的是注重細節(jié)卻真的可以為你的成功再添一捧柴,這絕對考官對閱卷的整體印象上有加分的。最后還望廣大雅思考生多關注平日的練習,和老師多做交流。




