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托福閱讀指代題2種高效解題方法實例講解, 找準指代對象只需這2招,今天小編給大家?guī)砹送懈i喿x指代題2種高效解題方法實例講解,希望能夠幫助到大家,下面小編就和大家分享,來欣賞一下吧。

托福閱讀指代題2種高效解題方法實例講解 找準指代對象只需這2招



1. 從句子之間聯系解題


These laws are universal in their application, regardless of cultural beliefs, geography, or climate. If pots have no bottoms or have large openings in their sides, they could hardly be considered containers in amy traditional senses. Since the laws of physics, not some arbitrary decision, have determined the general form of applied-art objects, they follow basic patterns, so much so that functional forms can vary only within certain limits.

The word they in the passage refers to

a.applied-art objects

b.the laws of physics


d.the sides of pots


從指代詞的功能來看,指代詞所指代的對象一般都是同個句子中或者緊鄰上句中提到過的某個人物、物品或者事件等等,不可能指代之前很早出現的或者之后才會出現的內容。了解這一點可以幫助大家快速發(fā)現和排除一些明顯有問題的選項。比如上題中選項C的containers和選項D的the sides of pots,都是本段中出現在相對靠前位置的名詞,而在本句中并不存在,所以可以首先直接排除。而在剩余的選項A和B當中,能夠follow basic pattern的從詞義上來看也是選項A的applied-art objects更為符合一些,所以正確選項就是A。

2. 從語法結構來解題


Pent-up aggressive impulses demand outlets. They may be expressed toward parents in indirect ways such as destroying furniture, or they may be expressed toward strangers later in life.

The word they in the passage refers to

a. future explosions

b. pent-up aggressive impulses

c. outlets

d. indirect ways


這道題目的指代對象就是選項B的pent-up aggresive impluses,但由于問題的they是句子中的第二個they,可能考生就會不太清楚指代對象,但其實這種情況是很容易解決的,打擊可以看到第二個句子的前后半句用一個or來連接,而這種連接表示的邏輯關系就是并列,既然是并列那么兩個they指代的對象顯然應該是一致的。第一個they緊跟著前面一句所以很容易看出指代對象是pent-up aggresive impluses,那么第二個they的指代對象自然也是它了。所以考生在做指代題時,通過判斷句子之間的邏輯關系,也能非常迅速地找到指代對象完成解答。






1. 因果關系

因:because, because of, for, as, since, in that, on account of, with

果:so, so that, therefore, thereby, as a result, hence, thus, consequently, accordingly



A 導致(因-果):cause, reason, lead to, give rise to, result in, render, make, let, ask, support, push, stimulate, spark, spur, fuel, produce, be responsible for

如The increased pressures of expanding populations have led to the removal of woody plants so that many cities and towns are surrounded by large areas completely lacking in trees and shrubs。

在這段話中,有l(wèi)ead to, 表示了導致的意思,即結果; 而so that 更進一步表示了后面的結果,所以可以充分判定這段話有因果關系的邏輯。

B 由…而來(果-因):result from, derive from, originate from, initiate from, stem from, be responsive to, be attributable to

如 “The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and tremendous numbers of people affected, as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process?!?/p>

在這段話中,根據result from可以推斷出有因果關系,那如果是解釋句子題時,選項中有因果關系就可以優(yōu)先考慮。

C 反映,體現(果-因): reflect, present, demonstrate, suggest, imply, show

This result demonstrates that…

D 考慮到: given, considering, in view of, thanks to, according to

He succeeded thanks to (in view of) his effort。

E 依賴于: rely on, depend on, resort to,

He resorted to books when he had problems。

F 條件關系:when, once, as soon as, as long as

As soon as he got the money, he would leave the country at once。

G 分詞短語,不定式做狀語

Failing in the final exam, she cried。

2. 對比轉折關系

A 對比:while, whereas, on the other hand

在解釋句子題,插入句子題中,一旦出現對比關系,學生在掌握的基礎上就能非??焖俚呐卸ň溟g和句內的關系。While, whereas 前后連接的是平行結構,on the other hand前必定有on one hand, 可以用來把握句間關系。

B 轉折:but, although, despite, in spite of, nevertheless, however


3. 比較關系

A 同級比較 as…as

B 比較級:more…than, -er than, less…than

C 變化:change, alter, vary, modify, revise, increase, decrease, enhance, diminish, develop, progress, advance, improve, retreat, degenerate, continue, remain

D 差異:different, distinguish, separate, same, similar, comparable, compare…to

E 超越:surpass, exceed, excel, over

F 最高級

1)本身有最高級含義:maximum, minimum, peak, outstanding, top

2) 本身程度比較深:amazing, surprising, astonishing, prohibitively high

3) 否定+比較=最高級

No one is more outstanding than him。


4. 否定關系

顯性否定:no, not, never, nor, none neither

隱形否定:fail to, refuse, remove, miss, reject, absence of, lack of

否定前綴:a-, ab-, dis-, il-, im-, in-, non- , un-


雙重否定;not fail to, not illegal, not uncommon, not unavailable



The most expensive nail polish in the world has been unveiled.

Containing 267-carats of black diamonds, the tiny bottle of varnish, by Los Angeles-based luxury jeweler Azature, has been priced at $250,000 (157萬元).

Models Own, a British company, released a Gold Rush Couture nail polish last year. The product, which contained 1,118 diamonds, was priced at $132, 800 (84萬元), which set a new record for the most expensive nail polish in the world.

It also featured a hand-crafted lid made from yellow gold.

Just last month, beauty fans showed their passion for nail polish by taking to the auction site eBay in order to purchase the almost impossible-to-get Black Spotted polish by OPI.

Because it only sells in France, French owners of the product are able to price the varnish for up to $70 (440 元) per bottle.




流行品牌Models Own兩年前推出一款名稱為“淘金潮”(Gold Rush)的金黃色指甲油,要價13萬美元,且宣稱是“全世界最昂貴的指甲油”,受到媒體矚目。




1. 下定義法


例:Archaeologyis partly the discovery of the treasures of the past, partly the careful workof the scientific analyst, partly the exercise of the creative imagination.(“The Nature And Aims of Archaeology”) 從“is”這個詞不難發(fā)現后面的部分都是為archaeology下定義:對過去財物的發(fā)掘,細致的科學分析,創(chuàng)造力的想象------考古學(以-ology為后綴都是表示某門學科)。

例:Theseasonal impact of day length on physiological responses is calledphotoperiodism. (“The effects of light on plant and animal species”) “is called”的前半句也起了解釋說明的作用:日長的生理反應稱為光周期的季節(jié)性影響。

2. 符號法

無論是考試中還是劍橋系列,我們常發(fā)現某個單詞或詞組,乃至句子的前后常會出現一些特殊符號,比如:破折號(—),冒號(:),小括號(),引號(“ ”)。這些符號都是幫助大家猜測生詞的clue, 它們的前后通常都是對托福閱讀詞匯的解釋和說明。

例:Generally,the rates have been modest (lower than bank rates). ( “Micro-Enterprise Creditfor Street Youth”) 括號里的部分是對其前面的modest做說明,即比銀行的利息低一些。

例:Inall cases, someone has to act as a source of language data--- informant.Informant指的是充當語言資料來源的人。需要提示的是,經常會在小括號里出現i.e, 意思是thatis to say.

3. 舉例子

托福閱讀試題經常會在某個潛在生詞的后面,舉出一系列的例子,此時,大家可以根據例子,總結它們的共性。舉例子的一些標志詞:forexample, for instance, such as, just like, e.g.

例:Themarket for tourism in remote areas is booming as never before. Countries allacross… such as mountains, Arctic lands, deserts, small islands andwetlands (“The Impact of Wilderness Tourism”) 第一句的remote可以通過后面的例子,高山,北極地區(qū),荒漠,小島,濕地,得出指的是偏遠地區(qū)。

4. 句子之間的關聯詞


并列關系:and, similarly,equally, also, both … and…

轉折關系:but, however,yet, instead, nevertheless, by contrast, on the other hand

例:Internationalcommerce was therefore dominated by raw materials, such as wheat, wood and ironore, or processed commodities, such as meat and steel. (“Delivering The Goods”)“or”表示或者,雖然是并列關系,但在意思上是相反的。Processedcommodities不難理解是加工過的產品,那“or”前面的句子指的就該是沒有加工過的產品,即raw materials, 原材料。

例:Forexample, desert annual germinate, flower, and seed whenever suitable rainfalloccurs… (“The effects of light on plant and animal species”) 從“and”可以判斷其前后三個詞的詞性相同,意思上也應該是同一個方向。flower表示開花,seed是結種,那germinate自然也是動詞,是在開花之前的階段,可粗略理解為生長或發(fā)芽。

5. 常識和上下文


例:Theearliest method of making fire was through friction. European peasants wouldinsert a wooden drill in a round hole and rotate it briskly between theirpalms. (“How Fire Leapt to Life”) 最早的取火方式是鉆木取火,其原理是摩擦生熱。通過下文的例子也可看出這一點。歐洲的農民會把一個木制的鉆頭插入一個圓形的洞,然后在手掌間迅速的旋轉它。Friction就是摩擦的意思。

6. 同位語


例:Oneof the most important new methodologies is biomechanics, the study of the body in motion. (“How much higher?How much faster?”) 有時候同位語的解釋更讓人容易理解和接受,biomechanics專業(yè)說法是生物力學,而同位語的表達更平易近人:對身體運動的研究。

