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1. 分析思路






如:The three pie charts respectively illustrate some data regarding the distribution in world spending, global population and consumption of resources.








Introduction:說明各餅圖的聯(lián)系,此時(shí)可以選取如“compare, reveal”之類的動(dòng)詞來突出其關(guān)聯(lián)。

如:The two pie charts reveal the variation in the global population and distribution between 1900 and 2000.


1. 數(shù)量聯(lián)系:The world population quadrupled during the past century, from 1.5 to 6 billion.

2. 地區(qū)聯(lián)系:Despite some changes in region distribution, Asia and Europe were still the two areas where the majority of people came from, altogether accounting for over 60% of the total.


Conclusion:相關(guān)圖表之間一般都有比較明顯的聯(lián)系,可以作為結(jié)尾段的總述,如:The majority of people were from Asia and Europe, where a decline in percentage can be found.



比例上升:There was a minimal growth in the proportion of coal and nuclear power, with the former from 22% in 1980 to 27% in 1990 and the latter 5% to 10% over the same course.

比例下降:An opposite change can be seen in the percentage of natural gas, oil and hydroelectric power.




Introduction:說明各餅圖的聯(lián)系,如:The three pie charts compare the market share of three products in some areas including North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America.


1. 相同點(diǎn):A similar pattern can be found in the distribution of sales for Product X and Y. 兩者的排序是一致的

2. 不同點(diǎn):和Product X和Y相比,Product Z的市場分布比較均勻。





The wealth gap between 1st world countries and 3rd world countries seems to be increasing. How can we reduce this gap? Do you think that developed countries have a duty to assist developing countries in every way?

Model Answer:

Every day the rich countries in the world get richer and the poor countries get poorer. Can we reduce this gap? Of course we can. The question is whether the people in power want to do it?

Reducing the wealth gap can be achieved by cancelling third world debt, cancelling trade and farming subsidies so that third world countries can compete, getting rid of third world corruption and investing and building in third world countries using local people and skills and allowing them ownership of businesses. There are other things as well. Unfortunately there is no profit in business for first world countries to do these things. Some will do them but most will not. The ordinary man on the street wants things to be better for poorer countries and the politicians say that they will help but the politicians will in the end do what business tells them to do. Politicians also rightly feel they have a duty to protect their own countries and keeping economically dominant is part of this duty. Creating effective competition for their own country?s businesses is not part of what they are expected to do.

This then leads on to whether I believe that developed countries have a duty to help the developing countries. Yes, I do. As an individual I believe that we have a duty to assist the poorer countries with their development in all aspects. We can provide teachers and education and doctors on the small scale and on the larger scale the things that I have talked about in the previous paragraph. Can we do this? Yes. Will we do this? See the previous paragraph again.

In conclusion you can see that I believe that there is a split between what would happen in a perfect world and what actually happens. We have a duty to reduce the wealth gap between developed and developing countries and we can do it, but it is unlikely that this will happen quickly.


Children's lives these days are quite different from our generation's. Describe what are the biggest changes in younger generation and explain some factors of this phenomenon.

Model Answer:

Over the past few decades, the world has significantly changed. Nowadays, many have begun to wonder what the reasons behind [=for] these changes are. Two major factors contributing to this phenomenon are advances in media and change family dynamics [=organization].

First, advances in media, such as the Internet and TV, have meant that children spend a large portion of their leisure time in front of a screen. Consequently, they are not getting proper amounts of exercise, which results in an increase in the number of children who are overweight and obese. In addition, fast food restaurants have become increasingly popular, which has also contributed to children's health problems

Moreover, another leading force of this trend is changes in the family unit. Compared with a half century ago, nuclear families have become way more common in modern society. People tend to have only one child, which has caused personality disorders such as depression, loneliness, and selfishness. This is mainly because parents with one child have tendency to put all their focus and money into their only son or daughter. Studies have indicated that over 65% of children who are brought up without siblings show self-centered behavior find it difficult cooperating with their peers.

In summary, there are many factors that have caused children to live very differently from the generation before them. There are high hopes that parents exercise(s) wisdom in treating their children.










