①Be formal表現(xiàn)地正式
②Give a full answer完整地回答
完整的回答是指避免one word answer ,推己及人,作為中國人我們都是討厭別人說中文只說單個字回復的,外國人又怎么會喜歡呢?何況雅思考試是展現(xiàn)自己英語能力的考試,在自己的能力范圍內(nèi),應該盡可能以完整的句子作答,才能讓考官欣然給出高分。
③Be polite 保持禮貌/禮儀
保持禮貌/禮儀是印象分的一部分,這就是說要保持交流中的基本禮貌,比如微笑、注視考官以及不打斷考官提問,如果出現(xiàn)了自己沒有聽懂的提問,可以禮貌地請考官重復,以could you please/would you mind開頭來禮貌詢問,這樣的詢問并不會影響自己的分數(shù)。
④Maintain good posture 維持好的坐姿
⑤Speak clearly 說話清楚、語音清晰
⑥Use descriptive words 使用新穎的描述性的詞匯
⑦Speak up 聲音洪亮
⑧Keep a steady pace 語速合適
⑨Explain foreign words 解釋外國詞匯(地名等)
⑩Stay on topic 緊扣話題
?Don't use slang 拒絕俚語
?Don’t memorize answers 不要背答案
雅思口語Part2話題高分范文:decision you disagree with
Topic:Describe a decision made by others that you disagree with.
You should say:
who made this decision
what it is
how you told him/her
and explain why you disagree the decision
Sample answer:
I'd like to share a decision that I disagree with my parents. It was a decision related to my career choice.After I graduated from university, I worked in a state-owned bank for two years following my parents'advice. Last summer, when the third year came,my family would like me to continue my labor contract with bank. They thought,it was suitable for a girl. It was a night-to-five job with well paid. It offered enough promotion possibility in my field,coz my major and interest were all in finance. But I preferred to change my job as an English teacher assistant in private companies. I wanted to experience another lifestyle and achieve my own potential in other area. At that time,I was stuck in the work when I stayed at bank. I told my parents that,unlike people thought,the job with too many trifles always messed up my daily routine even in my days off. It was not what I pursuit at beginning. After weighing up pros and cons,I persuaded my family and made a tough but right decision,quitting my position at that moment and devoting in education field. Now I enjoy my current job very much and my family is glad for my choice of this.
雅思口語Part3話題范文: countryside activity
1.Do you think it is better to live in the countryside or in the city?
As often as this question is raised, I believe it remains a tough decision to make when it comes to choosing between living in the countryside and living in the city. Many people have been attracted to live and work in big cities because of better employment opportunities and higherliving standards. This massive rural-to-urban migration has, however, led to increase in environmental pollution, traffic and social issues in urban areas. It would be a better idea for people to live in the suburb and travel into the city to work every day so that they can enjoy the best of both worlds.
2.In your experience are city centres usually attractive places?
Mary: Some can be yes … especially those with a historical interest … but sometimes they’re full of ugly office blocks … multi-story car parks … and residents living in poor housing … it depends on the city doesn’t it?
3.What are some of the challenges facing towns and cities?
I suppose traffic congestion is the first and most serious problem most people choosing to live in the cities have to deal with. During the peak hours, there are an influx of people on the roads while the infrastructure can’t furnish people enough space for driving their own cars. Besides, the marked increase in out-of-town supermarkets and retail parks mean lots of town centre shops are closing down. I think these are the major challenges.
4.What are the advantages of living in the countryside?
Living in the countryside can definitely benefit people in a wide range of ways. For one thing, living in the countryside is better for one’s health condition thanks to significantly lower levels of air pollution. It is undeniable that, air quality in big cities is so bad that long-term exposure to it may cause respiratory diseases and other health problems. Besides, the cost of living in rural areas is likely to be lower than that in cities. Although people in the city tend to make more money than people in the countryside do, they have to spend more on food, accommodation and transportation. Therefore, one can actually save more money by living in the countryside without working as hard.
5.Do you think that people should have permission to build houses in the countryside?
I certainly think people should be encouraged to build houses in less developed areas. This is because house prices in big cities have become unaffordable for the masses while it costs much less to purchase land and build houses in the countryside. By making more land in the countryside available for building on, the government can attract people to live and work in the countryside, which will not only benefit the economy but also help to reduce burdens on big cities.
雅思口語Part2話題高分范文:newly-opened shop
Topic:Describe a shop that just opened in your hometown.
You should say:
where the shop is
when it opened
what it sells
and how you feel about the shop.
Sample answer:
Last year,during the summer, my hometown Quanzhou had its first Apple store,which was located in the city center. The Apple store is on the ground floor of Wanda shopping mall. Since my hometown is a small place where used to be famous for fishing and agriculture,many people in my hometown still have no sense to the smart phones.Apple store's existence has become a unique landmark,which attracts hundreds of locals to visit it everyday.
Of course Apple store sells various kinds of its own brand electronic devices,especially focusing on iPhones,iPads,Macbook laptops,and Apple watches. On the other hand, it provides different fields of service. For example,Genius Bar help customers deal with any possible hardware issues or Workshops help customers learn about Apple devices better in order to maximize the usage of products. In addition,on one side of the store,we can purchase some accessorles.
Personally,I was excited because I am a huge fan of Apple company.The devices it brought to our world and the technology it showed to our society have massive impacts on people's life, not only met our needs but also improved our life quality.