
陳鈴1147 分享 時間:



一、 恢復語感階段(第1-2周):



二、 輸入帶動輸出階段(第3-5周):







3.教材: 'New Concept English Book III', 'Listen to This' 'Step by Step';




7.10分鐘自問自答雅思口語問題,陳述卡片5 次,練習回答相關問題。


三、 沖刺階段(第6-8周)

實際考試第二階段為individual long turn,考官隨機抽取一張題目卡(topic card),考生準備一分鐘,然后就該題目進行1-2分鐘的個人陳述。

第三階段為two-way discussion,考官和考生圍繞第二階段的話題進行4-5分鐘的交談,但考官詢問的問題在廣度和深度上都有所增加。




在詞匯方面,由于該階段屬于formal discussion,因此措辭上盡量正式點,在詞匯和句型的選擇上可以借鑒寫作的做法。就話題而言,由于該階段涵蓋的多為issue,如social change,family,tradition,culture,environmental problems,media等等,考生可在平時多閱讀英文報紙或雜志,并不妨觀看CCTV9的一些關于中國風土人情、傳統(tǒng)歷史的節(jié)目,這對備考第三階段大有裨益。



2.每天抽出一定的時間練習,沒有條件互相練習的考生可以用錄音機把自己說的錄下來,然后自己給自己找錯誤,糾正.就這樣反復練習。.盡力使自己減少出錯.EG:語法錯誤, he /she運用不當?shù)鹊?


還有一些細節(jié)方面的事情,就是在考試的時候如果停頓或思考時千萬不要在說話中間加上"嗯" "啊" "那個(內(nèi)個)"這些中國語氣助詞。.應該用"well"等等英文語氣詞。.在和老外對話的時候還要記住:





雅思口語Part2話題高分范文:a science that you are interested in

Topic:Describe a science that you are interested in.

You should say:

what branch of science it is

when you studied it

how you studied it

and explain why you are interested in it.

Sample answer:

I would like to talk about chemistry,a branch of physical science (自然科學) that studies the composition,structure,properties and change of matter (物質(zhì)).

Chemistry is a compulsory course for third-year junior school students and for all senior high-school science students. I,of course,studied it since the last year in junior high school.

In high schools,most students are apt to learn chemistry by doing numerous quizzes, some

even by rote (死記硬背).I,instead,took a unique approach.Before each class,I would get fully prepared;do my best to find the law(規(guī)律)of reaction among the atoms (原子),molecules(分子) or chemicals bonds(化學鍵) etc,and search relevant information online. Also,I watched videos of cutting-edge (尖端的) scientific discoveries and intriguing/compelling/scintillating (有趣的)stories of the scientists mentioned in the chapter I was going to study. Apart from those,I engrossed myself in chemical experiments,as long as I was available.

In my first Chemistry class,I was fascinated by the structures,shapes,colors,and smells of chemicals my teacher showed to the class. Ever since then, my passion/zest(極大的興趣) for chemistry has been ignited. I very much wanted to delve into(鉆研),and unveil the myth of (揭開神秘面紗),Chemistry.

雅思口語Part2話題高分范文:a time when you were very busy

Topic:Describe a time when you were very busy.

You should say:

when this time is

what you do at this time

how you arrange your time

and explain how you feel during this busy time.

Sample answer:

Wow!I can't believe I've hardly had a moment to relax over the past week.

Last week was my sick week. After getting back from a trip I began feeling really tired and dizzy. I had a big headache and had a burning feeling in my throat. This made me miss the class on Monday. But that wasn't the end of my troubles. I had to finish a 2000-word paper by Tuesday for my class.Also, there's another 1500-word essay to be finished on Wednesday. And on top of that,we had a 40-question quiz for the same class. So I had my hands full for 3 days while I was Sick.

Believe it or not, I even squeezed in time prepared a brief presentation on Friday. God,busy as a beaver ! ! It was the worst feeling ever,but went well and everything got finished. So that was my week, not the most exciting but busy indeed.

雅思口語Part2話題高分范文: time you missed an appointment

Topic:Describe a time you missed an important appointment.

You should say:

when and where it happened

what the appointment was for

what happened when you missed it

and explain how you felt about missing the appointment.

Sample answer:

To me ,the most regrettable moment is that I missed an appointment with Jie , my best friend in the high school. The original purpose for our appointment was to discuss which city we would like to spend our college life in. We had an agreement before , and it was that even though we did not go the same college , our universities in the same city would be acceptable.

On June 7th ,2012 ,Jie told me to meet him in the Starbucks near our high school and he said in the phone that his parents decided to let him study in the U.K. The moment I heard the news,I was so angry that I thought his studying aboard had been planned for a while ,which he just never mentioned to me. At that time ,I was really disappointed about him and did not want to meet him.

After that , we never talked to each other and I did not send him any good wish messages when he left to the U.K. Now I feel I was so stupid at that time ,and have no ideas for rebuilding our friendship. To me, I am really afraid of the silence between us once he answered my phone.

雅思口語Part2話題高分范文: happy event you have prepared for a long time

Topic:Describe a happy event you have prepared for a long time.

You should say:

when this happened

who you were with

what you prepared for

and explain how you felt about the event.

Sample answer:

Speaking of a happy event,I think the most impressive one is the Christmas party held in last year.

The party was held on Christmas Eve in a villa that we had rent for celebrating Christmas.

Many friends joined us and before the party,my friends and I did the preparation for about a week.

After renting the villa,we bought some Christmas ornaments(圣誕裝飾品),such as Christmas tree and Neon lights(霓虹燈) to decorate the house. Then we took some pictures to make an electronic invitation on Wechat,a social App,to invite friends to join the fantastic party.

And the most important thing that we had taken into consideration was to prepare enough food and beers to entertain them.

On that day,there were so many people that we played some games and danced to the music,enjoying the tasty snacks.I thought everyone had a blast(玩的盡興).I had never thought that we could hold such a successful party!





