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GRE備考從詞匯開始, 提升詞匯量這些記憶方法更有效,我們一起來學(xué)習(xí)吧,下面小編就和大家分享,來欣賞一下吧。

GRE備考從詞匯開始, 提升詞匯量這些記憶方法更有效












顧名思義,把一個詞按自己便于記憶的方法拆分開,從而把這個詞給記住。雖然不如詞根詞綴記憶如此有效,但是一旦遇到,效果依然很理想。比如:adamant這個詞,意思為堅(jiān)定的,我們可以把這個詞拆解為三部分:a(一只)+dam(大壩)+ant(螞蟻) →一只站在大壩上的螞蟻,雖然說風(fēng)浪很大,但它一依然屹立不到,自然就有堅(jiān)定的感覺了。



inadvertent: unintentional, characterized by lack of thought or attention

1) not on purpose; unintentional

2) not paying proper attention

Synonyms: careless, negligent, thoughtless;

The error was both inadvertent and catastrophic.

It was an inadvertent error, to be sure, but nonetheless a mistake that required correction.

【考法1】adj. 偶然發(fā)生的: happening by chance

【例】an inadvertent encounter with a rattlesnake 偶遇響尾蛇

【近】 casual, fluky, incidental, unintentional, unplanned, unpremeditated, unwitting ,

【反】 calculated, deliberate, intended, intentional, planned, premeditated 有計(jì)劃的,有預(yù)謀的

【考法2】adj. 疏忽的,不留意的: marked by unintentional lack of care

【例】The military has said it was an inadvertent error. 軍方表示這是個疏忽大意的錯誤

【近】 careless, feckless, heedless, irreflective, thoughtless, uncaring

【反】 advertent, careful, heedful, mindful 留意的,小心的


impugn: 表示懷疑; to criticize or challenge as false or questionable in nature

1) to attack with words; to question the truthfulness or integrity

2) to challenge as false, to assail

impugn <> uphold 指責(zé),攻擊,反對<>支持

impugn <> consent

impugn <> extol 9

impugn <> vindicate 責(zé)難<>辯護(hù)

impugn <> champion攻擊,指責(zé)<>擁護(hù),支持

impugn <> endorse 攻擊,指責(zé)<>認(rèn)可

impugn <> approve, laud, compliment

impugn <> appease

impugn <> grantant

impugn = charge yMdu

impugn 責(zé)難, 非難, 駁斥 <> champion/vindicate/endorse

impugn (criticize) <> uphold (support) should be correct rather than appease (soothe).

inviolable<>impugn 不可侵犯的,不可征服的<>指責(zé)

The defense lawyer impugned the witness's testimony, which set back the prosecution's case.

If I believe the man is a fraud I will impugn his comments.

【考法1】v. 責(zé)難,攻擊抨擊: to attack as false or questionable; challenge in argument

【例】impugn a political opponent's character 就政治對手的人品發(fā)難

【近】 attack, assail, contradict, contravene, cross, disaffirm, deny, gainsay, negate, negative, traverse onm

【反】 advocate, back, support, uphold 支持;authenticate 證實(shí),證明


vociferous: 喧嚷的, marked by or given to vehement insistent outcry

vociferous <> silent

vociferous <> monotonous

vociferous <> reticent/monotone 吵鬧的<>沉默不語的/單調(diào)的

vociferous <> serenity 叫喊的,吵鬧的<>安靜的

vociferous <> serene

vociferous <> still

vociferous : suppression 喧嚷的:抑制,含蓄(鎮(zhèn)壓)

boisterous: 猛烈的, 狂暴的, 喧鬧的

1) marked by or given to vehement insistent outcry

2) making, given to, or marked by noisy and vehement outcry

adj. 喧嘩的,大叫大嚷的: making, given to, or marked by noisy and vehement outcry

【例】Vociferous opponents of the bill protested angrily outside the Congress. 議案的反對者在國會外憤怒地舉行了聲勢浩大的抗議活動

【近】 blatant, boisterous, clamant, clamorous, obstreperous, strident, yowling

【反】 reticent, taciturn 沉默的;serene, tranquil 寧靜的


agape: 急切盼望的: having or showing signs of eagerly awaiting something

agape [?ge?ip] adv. adj. (因驚奇等)張大嘴巴

agape ---- open-mouthed; surprised; agog

agape <> closed

agape: openmouthed


A closed

B gentle

C intent

D vital

E plain

At the sound of the sleigh bells the children were all agape, waiting for Santa to appear.

【近】 agog, anticipant, anticipatory

【反】 apathetic, indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested 不感興趣的,不為所動的

She stared, agape, at the many strange animals in the zoo.