比如劍 4test3 中的火山一文,除了學(xué)習(xí)文中的詞匯,還可以把滑坡 landslide,海嘯 tsunami 等詞加以銜接,達(dá)到舉一反三的效果。若能結(jié)合國家地理或者探索頻道的相關(guān)節(jié)目,效果會更好。建議抽取其中一兩個段落進(jìn)行精讀,尤其熟悉短語和句型的表達(dá),這樣詞匯必將更上一層樓。
同時要注意近義詞的表達(dá)和積累。這在 summary 和是非題中都有體現(xiàn)。題目 往往來個易容之術(shù),殊不知真相就在眼前。比如“下降”一詞,就至少有 diminish,dwindle,plunge,plummet,等等,而詞的用法和感情色彩有各自不同。前兩者表示逐步下降,而后兩者強調(diào)劇烈,突然的程度。
另一方面,對詞性的把握要到位,這一點在 summary 中極為突出??荚囍谐? 考的無外乎動詞,名詞以及形容詞。預(yù)先估計出所填詞的詞性和大意,往往能先發(fā)制人。
津小喬在這里推薦各位烤鴨把喝咖啡和手牽手的時間節(jié)省一些出來,把看韓劇的熱情投入到品味國家地理,探索頻道,以及 bbc 節(jié)目中來,結(jié)合考試的常見題材加以學(xué)習(xí),假以 時日,必有所成。若能持之以恒,必有大成。其中之樂,一言難盡。
段落 matching 號稱終極殺手,其實也并非無法可治。
比如劍五第 64 頁 1 到 4 題,先觀察選項,發(fā)現(xiàn) 1,2,4 全部指向某一個教育 項目。只要找出教育項目出自哪些段落便可事半功倍。然則這是第一步,會發(fā)現(xiàn)有 c,d,e, 三個段落體現(xiàn)了教育項目。在三對三的情況下,我們將 3,4 分別對應(yīng)到了 c,e;此題無 NB,可大膽將 d 對應(yīng) 1 段,無須細(xì)看文章。
其實,在雅思閱讀考試中取得好成績的真正秘技就在于,不要盲從于所謂速成 的“秘訣”,而應(yīng)該同時兼顧能力的培養(yǎng)和技巧的訓(xùn)練,在扎實的語言能力基礎(chǔ)上,真正獲得高分的通行證和留學(xué)的語言利器。"無招勝有招",莫過如此。
雅思閱讀List of Headings的解決之道
List of Headings應(yīng)該算得上雅思閱讀考試中名副其實的難題了。究其因,有三難:
第一難:陌生。國內(nèi)的英文考試基本都沒有設(shè)置這樣的題型,雖然小時候語文也考過段落大意,但是都要求自主歸納。而List of Headings有所不同,是別人歸納好的選項要求配對相應(yīng)的段落。這就更難了,因為不僅要求自己歸納得要對,還要理解別人的歸納,而且還要二者完美對應(yīng)。這就是為什么劍橋大學(xué)地方考試委員會(The University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate-UCLES)、英國文化委員會(The British Council)和澳大利亞高校國際開發(fā)署(IDP Education Australian)這些機構(gòu)專門巧妙設(shè)計該題型的原因了——面對全球多區(qū)域的應(yīng)試教育,該題型設(shè)計旨在考查考生對文章的綜合理解能力以及對應(yīng)能力。
Cambridge 6 General Training Test A Section 3 The Water Crisis
List of Headings
i. American water withdrawal
ii. Economic pricing
iii. What the future holds
iv. Successful measures taken by some
v. The role of research
vi. The thirsty sectors
vii. Ways of reducing waste
viii. Interdependence of natural resources
ix. The demands of development
x. The consequences for agriculture
B. Agriculture consumes about 70% of the world’s fresh water, so improvements ... At present, average efficiency in the use of irrigated water in agriculture may... After agriculture, industry is the second biggest user of water and, in terms of value added per litre used, is sixty times more productive than agriculture. However, some industrial processes... Though new processes have greatly reduced consumption, there is still plenty of room for big savings in industrial uses of water.
這篇文章的List of Headings雖然年代有點久遠(yuǎn),然而拿給同學(xué)做練習(xí),也并不是做得很理想。大家可以看到這邊所有的選項單詞數(shù)都在四個單詞之內(nèi),濃縮率相當(dāng)之高。其中的Paragraph B很多人都選不對答案,很多人都選擇了x.The consequences for agriculture, 因為整段話看起來都是在講農(nóng)業(yè)agriculture。他們自以為看懂了,實際上還是停留在“自以為”的階段上。實際上就算只看本段首末,首兩句告訴我們農(nóng)業(yè)用水量非常大,尤其是灌溉;最后一句話也告訴我們在工業(yè)上用水還是存在很大節(jié)省的空間的(there is still plenty of room for big savings in industrial uses of water)。怎么也都不能選擇x這個選項,因為該選項以偏概全了??墒鞘O碌倪x項分明都不對勁啊,連選項中的單詞都沒出現(xiàn)在段落中。這就是這道題的難點了,vi. The thirsty sectors很渴的區(qū)域?什么意思?農(nóng)業(yè)用水量巨大、工業(yè)耗水量不小,這二者是不是很渴的區(qū)域呢?用水量很大不就是很渴嗎?很需要水嗎?但是很多同學(xué)剛看到這個選項根本就想不到這一點,更想不到B段能與該選項對應(yīng)。
第三難:陷阱。雅思選擇配對類題型的共性就是干擾項多,迷惑性大。如上文第二點濃縮中所舉的例子中的i. American water withdrawal選項,就在該文章第一個段落中出現(xiàn):
A. Per capita water usage has been on an upward trend for manyyears. As countries industrialize and their citizens become more prosperous, their individual water usage increases rapidly. Annual per capita water withdrawals in the USA, for example, are about 1,700 cubic metres, four times the level in China and fifty times the level in Ethiopia…
本道題有部分同學(xué)在講解List of Headings解題方式和做題注意事項之前誤把i. American water withdrawal當(dāng)作正解,只因選項里的每個單詞在段落中都有完美的印證。然而,認(rèn)真看,美國人均用水量只是for example而已!試問例子又怎么能作大意使用呢?本段全段都在討論人均用水量變大,其中提到了原因——工業(yè)化industrialize以及人民生活越來越美好their citizens become more prosperous。所以正解理應(yīng)為ix. The demands of development發(fā)展的需要。
II. How to deal with it?
1. Paragraph first or headings first?
既然List of Headings這么難,那到底應(yīng)該怎么處理它比較妥當(dāng)呢?烤鴨坊間有兩種傳聞:一種說,既然考查的是段落大意,那么,就應(yīng)該先不理會選項(省得先入為主、被迷惑),直接從文章入手,看段落,自己心里有個大意之后再對照選項,選出合適的heading;另一種觀點則相反,覺得反正最終都要跟選項進(jìn)行對應(yīng),還不如一開始就先看選項,劃出定位詞,然后再看段落,在看段落的過程中結(jié)合選項中的詞,進(jìn)行對比,選出恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢浮?/p>
這兩種做法都有道理,在實際授課過程中也確實都有同學(xué)在運用,而且都有高手作代表。然而,個人還是更傾向于第二種做法(即從選項入手,再看文章),畢竟先看段落的話,不是所有同學(xué)都能迅速、準(zhǔn)確地理解段落的內(nèi)容的。而利用選項中的詞去找段落中的對應(yīng)詞還算是有針對性,只不過我還是要將方法稍微改良一下。因為通常一篇雅思閱讀文章都不會只有List of Headings這一種題型,而與之搭配的多為細(xì)節(jié)題(Multiple choice, TRUE /FALSE / NOT GIVEN, Sentence completion, Short-answer questions, Matching, Diagrams, 或者細(xì)節(jié)加主旨都考的Summary)。朗閣海外考試研究中心分析認(rèn)為,做題的時候,先做細(xì)節(jié)題型后做主旨類的題型,會使得做題效率大大提升。因為細(xì)節(jié)做完之后或許可以直接推出該段的段落主旨;而先做主旨題,因為本身題目難度較大,極容易犯錯誤,就算主旨題做對,知道了該段的大意,也未必可以直接做出細(xì)節(jié)題。因為一段話中主旨只有一個,而細(xì)節(jié)卻可以有N個。試想一下,以小見大容易還是以大推小容易?別忘了,在我們雅思閱讀判斷題中,以小見大多為TRUE, 以大推小通常為NOT GIVEN!這里的“大”指的是文章的大方向——主旨題,“小”則指各種細(xì)節(jié)題。舉個例子,如果我們先知道以下的細(xì)節(jié):這房間里的空調(diào)很舊;這房間里的地毯很臟;這房間里的空氣很糟…… 我們一定可以推出這樣的大意:大家對這房間的感覺都不太好。對吧?相反,如果我們先知道大意——大家對這個房間的評價不好,我們可以直接推出大家是不滿意空調(diào)還是地毯還是空氣還是別的什么東西嗎?恐怕很難。
所以,筆者個人推薦先做其他題型,再來完成List of Headings!但是,我會先請同學(xué)們把headings,即備選選項都看一遍,劃下相關(guān)核心詞,劃掉例子中選過的答案(范例中選過的選項其他段不會再選),然后去做文中除List of Headings之外的題型。在做其余題型的過程中,但凡出現(xiàn)選項中的相關(guān)重要詞匯(含同義轉(zhuǎn)換)就及時回Heading去對應(yīng)、排除或確定,并不是說絕對都把Headings放在最后完成。
2. Features of Correct Answers
要想做對題,我們得弄清楚什么樣的答案才是正確答案,這樣才能有的放矢。因為List of Headings考查的是段落大意,所以正確答案必須同時具備以下兩個特征:
(1). 選項中的所有關(guān)鍵詞都應(yīng)該在段落中出現(xiàn)
請注意,這里說的是所有關(guān)鍵詞都要出現(xiàn),而不是只出現(xiàn)其中的部分關(guān)鍵詞。只出現(xiàn)部分關(guān)鍵詞,另一些關(guān)鍵詞缺失或是偷梁換柱都是干擾項的特征。當(dāng)然,“出現(xiàn)”并不是一定要原詞出現(xiàn),也可以同義轉(zhuǎn)換(如farming與agriculture),也可以只是體現(xiàn)到位(如farming與growing plants)等。
(2). 選項中的關(guān)鍵詞必須是該段的重點詞
3. Topic Sentences
(1). 轉(zhuǎn)折、讓步類信號詞
轉(zhuǎn)折:but, however, yet, nevertheless, nonetheless, in fact, actually, unfortunately, fortunately;
讓步:despite, in spite of, although, even though, though, albeit
(2). 總結(jié)類信號詞
in brief, in summary/ conclusion, as already stated/ mentioned/ talked/ said/ discussed…, to sum up, above all,
(3). 結(jié)果類信號詞
as a result, consequently, therefore, hence, thus, in short, in a/ one word, for this season, resulting, so, as a consequence, lead to, result in, attribute to, contribute to, give rise to, bring about, generate, produce, breed, be responsible for等。
(2). 舉例信號詞
for example, for instance, e.g., such as, like, take sth. for example
(3). 并列、遞進(jìn)類信號詞
and, as well, also, besides, apart from, in addition, what’s more, furthermore, moreover
(4). 下定義信號詞
be, be known as, be termed as, be called, be considered as, be regarded as, denote, be defined as, definition, so-called, be referred to as
(5). 強調(diào)類信號詞
especially valuable, the most substantial issue, pay particular/ special attention to, a primary/ great/ serious concern, a key feature, important to note…, we have to emphasize here…
(6). 解釋類信號詞
what I mean is that…, this means, meaning, that is, namely, in other words
4. Three-step Cracking Strategy
通過以上中心句的判斷方法,朗閣海外考試研究中心的老師建議大家做List of Headings題時可以根據(jù)以下三個步驟去判斷:
(1). 段落的一二兩句
Cambridge 9 Test 1 Passage 2 Paragraph 2
In discussing whether we are alone, most SETI scientists adopt two ground rules. First, UFOs…
(2). 段落最后一句
Cambridge 9 Test 2 Passage 3 Paragraph 1
… Briefly, an iconoclast is a person who does something that others say can’t be done.
(3). 段落剩余的句子
不過,需要注意的是,既然我們在文章開頭建議大家先做別的題型再來解決List of Headings,那么在做Headings的時候一般我們別的題型都已經(jīng)基本完成了,只剩大意題。既然只要大意,那不管看哪個段落哪個句子,記住,只要看句子主干就可以了。這樣會節(jié)省不少時間哦!
5. Sample Analysis
Cambridge 8 Test 1 Passage 2 Air Traffic Control In The USA
List of Headings
i. Disobeying FAA regulations 違反FAA的規(guī)定
ii. Aviation disaster prompts action 空難促使行動
iii. Two coincidental developments 二種巧合的發(fā)展
iv. Setting altitude zones 設(shè)定空中(海拔)區(qū)域
v. An oversimplified view 一種過于簡單的觀點
vi. Controlling pilots’ licences 控制宇航員的執(zhí)照
vii. Defining airspace categories 界定空中區(qū)域的類別
viii. Setting rules to weather conditions 根據(jù)天氣狀況設(shè)立規(guī)則
ix. Taking off safely 安全起飛
x. First steps towards ATC 航空交通管制的第一步
14. Paragraph A
Paragraph B x
15. Paragraph C
16. Paragraph D
17. Paragraph E
18. Paragraph F
19. Paragraph G
本題中的Headings選項很短,選項中的每個詞基本都是重要的定位詞。建議大家把每個選項的意思讀透(參考翻譯見上文),這樣的話做后面題型的時候不至于把前面所劃的定位詞全給忘了。而上文中Paragraph B已經(jīng)選了x這個選項,所以直接可以把該選項剔除掉。
然后像我們前文提過的,大家不必急著看段落做List of Headings!可以直接到文章后面去看另一個題型——TRUE, FALSE, NOT GIVEN,先完成20-26的判斷題。因為20-26的判斷題也是考查本篇文章,也都要出現(xiàn)在文中各個段落。那么做完了20-26題,是不是會對段落的大意起到一定的作用呢?讓我們一同來見證一下:
Question 20. The FAA was created as a result of the introduction of the jet engine.
Paragraph A An accident that occurred in the skies over the Grand Canyon in 1956 resulted in the establishment of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to regulate and oversee …
那做完了這一題,有沒有覺得前面看過的Headings其中一個選項完美重疊本題內(nèi)容——ii 空難導(dǎo)致行動,這邊的行動指的當(dāng)然是空中管制了。答案是不是基本就敲定了?如果不放心,也可以再快速瀏覽下A段剩余的句子(其實也就剩下一句了),也能找到答案。
Question 23. Some improvements were made in radio communication during World War II.
Paragraph C. In the 1940s, ATC centres could and did take advantage of the newly developed radar and improved radio communication brought about by the Second World War, but the system remained rudimentary.
這題做完之后,大家觀察下前面看過的Headings, iii選項中有個developments與題目中的improvements是近義詞吧?當(dāng)然做Headings不能這么粗略地選擇,但是我們心里有了懷疑對象,那就再嘗試拿選項中的其他內(nèi)容去段落中進(jìn)行對照,選項中的two coincidental developments兩個偶然/巧合的發(fā)展,段落總共就兩句話:第一句講了23題中考查到的雷達(dá)和無線電交流技術(shù)的進(jìn)步,第二句則提到了由此導(dǎo)致的空中管制系統(tǒng)以及噴射式發(fā)動機的出現(xiàn),而且還點出了this was fortuitous這是很偶然的。就算同學(xué)看不懂fortuitous這個詞,應(yīng)該也可以猜出15題正解確實是iii了。
Questions 24-26
Question 24 Class F airspace is airspace which is below 365m and not near airports.
Question 25 All aircraft in Class E airspace must use IFR.
Question 26 A pilot entering Class C airspace is flying over an average-sized city.
這三道題對應(yīng)的段落都是G段,做完了這三題,考生會發(fā)現(xiàn)G段出現(xiàn)最多的詞就是Class,放眼望去,基本都是這個詞。是不是呢?class這個詞有類別的意思,跟我們前面看過的heading選項vii中的categories是同義詞,而且段落中的Class A, Class C, Class D, Class E等等是不是反映了題目中的categories這個復(fù)數(shù)呢?那答案十有八九就是它了。不放心的話首句再看一下:Controlled airspace is divided into several different types, designated by letters of the alphabet. 答案再確定不過了,是不是一箭雙雕?做出了判斷,同時就能推測出段落大意了。
而Question 24中又跨段考查信息,涉及到Paragraph E段的內(nèi)容。做完了判斷題,大家會發(fā)現(xiàn)E段主要對應(yīng)24題中Class F的離機場遠(yuǎn)近及離地面的高度問題,尤其是段中出現(xiàn)了好幾個高度區(qū)間,如“… from 365m above the ground and higher…”, “…extends down to 215m above the ground…”以及“…below 365m…”特別引人注目。所以認(rèn)識選項iv中“altitude zones”——海拔區(qū)域的同學(xué)應(yīng)該都會注意到這個選項與E段存在的聯(lián)系。謹(jǐn)慎一下,再與文中首末句做下對比,就沒什么太大異議了。
那么現(xiàn)在,有沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)我們已經(jīng)利用兩種題型之間的聯(lián)系,在做判斷題的同時做出了好幾題List of Headings呢?Paragraph A, C, E, G我們都不需要另外再花什么時間去做了對不對?
可是還剩下Paragraph D and F, 怎么辦?請記住,不可能所有題目都是有關(guān)聯(lián)的。遇到與其他題目都毫無關(guān)聯(lián)的題目也是很正常的,我們需要利用前面提過的“Three-step Strategy三步法”另作處理。
首先,我們先看D段的一二兩句:”Many people think that ATC consists of a row of controllers sitting in front of their radar screens at the nation’s airports, telling arriving and departing traffic what to do. This is a very incomplete part of the picture. …”很明顯這兩句話一句說觀點,一句在點評,而且這個點評還不是很積極。出現(xiàn)了incomplete這個否定詞,這樣一來,與我們選項v. An oversimplified view是不是極為吻合?
至于F段,也是很典型的總分結(jié)構(gòu)。一二兩句也道出了主要大意——“The FAA then recognized two types of operating environments. In good meteorological conditions, flying would be permitted under Visual Flight Rules (VFR), which suggests a strong reliance on visual cues to maintain an acceptable level of safety. …”operating environments航行的環(huán)境除了指天氣還能指什么呢?果然,第二句話就開始講meteorological conditions氣象條件。當(dāng)然,看不懂meteorological conditions的同學(xué)就只能多費些功夫,把段落剩下的信息再分析分析了。在段中還是有”on a clear day”這樣的信息與前兩句緊密相連的。應(yīng)該也不難選出viii. Setting rules to weather conditions這個選項了。
III. Categories of ‘List of Headings’
List of Headings從形式上來說,主要分為兩種:1. 單段Heading(我也把它稱作Paragraph Heading), 如前文例子——Cambridge 8 Test 1 Passage 2, 也就是每一道題目都只針對一個段落;2. 多段Heading, 也就是Section Heading, 某些section里不止有一個段落,如Cambridge 7 Test 2 Passage 3 Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project。這篇文章中的A, B, C, D, F段都不止一段,而E段則只有一段。
IV. The Summing-up
從難度上來說,List of Headings題算是比較費時也考驗大家理解能力的一個題型。其干擾項很有迷惑性,而且因為該題型答案不會重復(fù),故選過的答案大家就會劃掉。那么一旦選錯,就可能導(dǎo)致接連錯誤的現(xiàn)象發(fā)生。所以,朗閣海外考試研究中心的老師建議各位考生,在答案還未完全確定之前,切莫輕易劃除任何選項。任何有可能的選項都應(yīng)該先寫在旁邊以待檢驗。
雅思閱讀模擬題:THE GAP of INGENUITY 2
Ingenuity, as I define it here, consists not only of ideas for new technologies like computers or drought-resistant crops but, more fundamentally, of ideas for better institutions and social arrangements, like efficient markets and competent governments.
How much and what kinds of ingenuity a society requires depends on a range of factors, including the society's goals and the circumstances within which it must achieve those goals——whether it has a young population or an aging one, an abundance of natural resources or a scarcity of them, an easy climate or a punishing one, whatever the case may be.
How much and what kinds of ingenuity a society supplies also depends on many factors, such as the nature of human inventiveness and understanding, the rewards an economy gives to the producers of useful knowledge, and the strength of political opposition to social and institutional reforms.
A good supply of the right kind of ingenuity is essential, but it isn't, of course, enough by itself. We know that the creation of wealth, for example, depends not only on an adequate supply of useful ideas but also on the availability of other, more conventional factors of production, like capital and labor. Similarly, prosperity, stability and justice usually depend on the resolution, or at least the containment, of major political struggles over wealth and power. Yet within our economics ingenuity often supplants labor, and growth in the stock of physical plant is usually accompanied by growth in the stock of ingenuity. And in our political systems, we need great ingenuity to set up institutions that successfully manage struggles over wealth and power. Clearly, our economic and political processes are intimately entangled with the production and use of ingenuity.
The past century’s countless incremental changes in our societies around the planet, in our technologies and our interactions with our surrounding natural environments have accumulated to create a qualitatively new world. Because these changes have accumulated slowly, It’s often hard for us to recognize how profound and sweeping they've. They include far larger and denser populations; much higher per capita consumption of natural resources; and far better and more widely available technologies for the movement of people, materials, and especially information.
In combination, these changes have sharply increased the density, intensity, and pace of our inter actions with each other; they have greatly increased the burden we place on our natural environment; and they have helped shift power from national and international institutions to individuals and subgroups, such as political special interests and ethnic factions.
As a result, people in all walks of life-from our political and business leaders to all of us in our day-to-day——must cope with much more complex, urgent, and often unpredictable circumstances. The management of our relationship with this new world requires immense and ever-increasing amounts of social and technical ingenuity. As we strive to maintain or increase our prosperity and improve the quality of our lives, we must make far more sophisticated decisions, and in less time, than ever before.
When we enhance the performance of any system, from our cars to the planet's network of financial institutions, we tend to make it more complex. Many of the natural systems critical to our well-being, like the global climate and the oceans, are extraordinarily complex to begin with. We often can't predict or manage the behavior of complex systems with much precision, because they are often very sensitive to the smallest of changes and perturbations, and their behavior can flip from one mode to another suddenly and dramatically. In general, as the human-made and natural systems we depend upon become more complex, and as our demands on them increase, the institutions and technologies we use to manage them must become more complex too, which further boosts our need for ingenuity.
The good news, though, is that the last century's stunning changes in our societies and technologies have not just increased our need for ingenuity; they have also produced a huge increase in its supply. The growth and urbanization of human populations have combined with astonishing new communication and transportation technologies to expand interactions among people and produce larger, more integrated, and more efficient markets. These changes have, in turn, vastly accelerated the generation and delivery of useful ideas.
But—and this is the critical "but"——we should not jump to the conclusion that the supply of ingenuity always increases in lockstep with our ingenuity requirement: While it's true that necessity is often the mother of invention, we can't always rely on the right kind of ingenuity appearing when and where we need it. In many cases, the complexity and speed of operation of today's vital economic, social, arid ecological systems exceed the human brains grasp. Very few of us have more than a rudimentary understanding of how these systems work. They remain fraught with countless "unknown unknowns," which makes it hard to supply the ingenuity we need to solve problems associated with these systems.
In this book, explore a wide range of other factors that will limit our ability to supply the ingenuity required in the coming century. For example, many people believe that new communication technologies strengthen democracy and will make it easier to find solutions to our societies' collective problems, but the story is less clear than it seems. The crush of information in our everyday lives is shortening our attention span, limiting the time we have to reflect on critical matters of public policy, and making policy arguments more superficial.
Modern markets and science are an important part of the story of how we supply ingenuity. Markets are critically important, because they give entrepreneurs an incentive to produce knowledge. As for science, although it seems to face no theoretical limits, at least in the foreseeable future, practical constraints often slow its progress. The cost of scientific research tends to increase as it delves deeper into nature. And science's rate of advance depends on the characteristic of the natural phenomena it investigates, simply because some phenomena are intrinsically harder to understand than others, so the production of useful new knowledge in these areas can be very slow. Consequently, there is often a critical time lag between the recognition between a problem and the delivery of sufficient ingenuity, in the form of technologies, to solve that problem. Progress in the social sciences is especially slow, for reasons we don't yet understand; but we desperately need better social scientific knowledge to build the sophisticated institutions today’s world demands.
Complete each sentence with the appropriate answer, A, B, C, or D
Write the correct answer in boxes 27-30 on your answer sheet.
27 The definition of ingenuity
28 The requirement for ingenuity
29 The creation of social wealth
30 The stability of society
A depends on many factors including climate.
B depends on the management and solution of disputes.
C is not only of technological advance, but more of institutional renovation.
D also depends on the availability of some traditional resources.
Question 31-33
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.
Write your answers in boxes 31-33 on your answer sheet.
31 What does the author say about the incremental change of the last 100 years?
A It has become a hot scholastic discussion among environmentalists.
B Its significance is often not noticed.
C It has reshaped the natural environments we live in.
D It benefited a much larger population than ever.
32 The combination of changes has made life.
A easier
B faster
C slower
D less sophisticated
33 What does the author say about the natural systems?
A New technologies are being developed to predict change with precision.
B Natural systems are often more sophisticated than other systems.
C Minor alterations may cause natural systems to change dramatically.
D Technological developments have rendered human being more independent of natural systems.
Question 34-40
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 3?
In boxes 34-40 on your answer sheet, write
YES if the statement is true
NO if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage
34 The demand for ingenuity has been growing during the past 100 years.
35 The ingenuity we have may be inappropriate for solving problems at hand.
36 There are very few who can understand the complex systems of the present world.
37 More information will help us to make better decisions.
38 The next generation will blame the current government for their conduct.
39 Science tends to develop faster in certain areas than others.
40 Social science develops especially slowly because it is not as important as natural science.
文章題目:The Gap of Ingenuity2
創(chuàng)造,就像筆者在這里定義的一樣,不僅僅指那些關(guān)于計算機、抗早作物之類的新科技的構(gòu)想,更重要的是指那些關(guān)于優(yōu)化制度和社會安排的思想,例如高效市場、法定 政府等。
一個社會能提供多少或何種創(chuàng)造,同樣取決于眾多因素,例如人類創(chuàng)造和理解的本性、 有用知識的制造者所獲得的經(jīng)濟(jì)回報、以及社會制度改革的政治反對派的力量等。
充足優(yōu)質(zhì)的創(chuàng)造非常重要,當(dāng)然這還不夠。例如,我們知道財富的創(chuàng)造不僅取決于充足 的、有價值的創(chuàng)意,還需要更多其他傳統(tǒng)生產(chǎn)因素,如資本和勞動力。同樣,繁榮、穩(wěn)定、公正通常取決于對財富和權(quán)力的重大政治斗爭的決議,或者至少是針對它們的遏制政策。然而目前,我們的經(jīng)濟(jì)創(chuàng)意常常將勞動力排擠在外,隨著創(chuàng)意的增長,機器設(shè)備實體通常也隨之增長。在現(xiàn)有的政治體系中,我們需要更多的創(chuàng)意來建設(shè)社會制度,從而成功地管控財富和權(quán)力斗爭。很明顯,我們的經(jīng)濟(jì)政治進(jìn)程正緊密地與這些創(chuàng)意產(chǎn)物 結(jié)合在一起。
總的來說,這些變化已經(jīng)大大增加了我們彼此互動的深度、強度和速度:但也顯著增加 了人類對自然環(huán)境造成的負(fù)擔(dān);同時也促使人類社會將權(quán)力從國家和國際組織轉(zhuǎn)移到 個人和群體組織中,例如特殊政治利益和民族派別。
因此,來自不同領(lǐng)域的人們——從政治經(jīng)濟(jì)領(lǐng)袖到我們?nèi)粘I钪械钠胀ㄈ恕仨? 應(yīng)對更為復(fù)雜、緊迫、甚至不可預(yù)料的社會環(huán)境。我們需要大量的、不斷增長的社會和 技術(shù)創(chuàng)新來處理我們與新世界的關(guān)系。當(dāng)人類努力保持或增強社會繁榮、提高生活質(zhì)量時,我們必須在比以往更短的時間內(nèi)做出更精確的決策。
好消息是,在社會與技術(shù)發(fā)生巨大變革的上個世紀(jì)中,我們不進(jìn)增加了對創(chuàng)意的需求, 也創(chuàng)造出了大量的創(chuàng)意.隨著人口的增加、城市化進(jìn)程的加速,新的通訊和物流技術(shù)也迅速增長,這大大拓展了人與人之間的交流,并催生了更廣泛、更綜合、更高效的市場: 反過來,這些變化在很大程度上也加速了這個創(chuàng)意時代的思潮解放。
但是——用批判的眼光來看——我們不能直接得出結(jié)論說,我們的創(chuàng)意能一直跟上需求的腳步:雖然說需求是創(chuàng)造之母,但我們不能總指望在我們有需要的時候,恰好就有相應(yīng)的創(chuàng)造產(chǎn)生。今天,在許多情況中,經(jīng)濟(jì)、社會、生態(tài)系統(tǒng)運轉(zhuǎn)的復(fù)雜性和速度, 都遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超出了人類大腦的應(yīng)變范圍。大部分人對這些系統(tǒng)的運轉(zhuǎn)原理都知之甚少,人們?nèi)匀怀錆M了數(shù)不勝數(shù)的“未知的未知”,這些未知使得人們很難創(chuàng)造出充足的創(chuàng)意來解決生活體系中的種.種問題。
本書中,筆者研究分析了那些可能在新世紀(jì)中制約我們設(shè)計創(chuàng)意能力的各種因素。例如,許多人認(rèn)為新的信息技術(shù)增強了社會民主性,并使得人們解決社會群體事件變得更容易,但事實似乎并非如此.日常生活中的信息擁塞反而分散了我們的注意力,減少了 人們對公共政治等重要事件的思考時間,并使得政治觀點更加表面化。
現(xiàn)代市場和科學(xué)是我們創(chuàng)意設(shè)計的重要組成部分。市場的重要性在于,它為企業(yè)家創(chuàng)造 知識提供了經(jīng)濟(jì)動力。對于科學(xué)來說,盡管似乎沒什么理論限制,但在實踐環(huán)節(jié)上的制約會減緩科學(xué)的實現(xiàn)進(jìn)程,至少在今后一段時間內(nèi)都會如此。隨著科學(xué)研究的深入, 其成本也在逐漸上升。同時,科學(xué)的進(jìn)步速率取決于人們研究的自然現(xiàn)象的特征,有些現(xiàn)象或領(lǐng)域就是比其他的現(xiàn)象或領(lǐng)域難,所以這些領(lǐng)域中的知識進(jìn)步會非常緩慢。因此,在人們發(fā)現(xiàn)問題到提供解決問題的創(chuàng)意或技術(shù)之間,通常會有一段很長的滯后期。由于某些未知的原因,社會科學(xué)的進(jìn)步尤其緩慢:但我們迫切需要更好的社會科學(xué)理論,以 建立起符合現(xiàn)代世界需求的龐大制度體系。