
陳鈴1147 分享 時間:



amplify1 vt. 放大;擴大;增強;詳述

analogous2 adj 類似的

analogy n. 類比,類推;類似物

analysis n. 分析;分析報告

analyze3 vt. 分析,分解

anarchist4 n. 無政府主義者

anarchy5 n. 無政府,混亂

anatomy6 n. 解剖;解剖學

ancerstor n. 祖先,祖宗

ancerstry n. (總稱)祖先,列祖列宗;家族,血統(tǒng)

ancillary7 adj. 輔助的

anecdotal adj. 趣聞的,多軼事趣聞的;具有軼事形式(風格)的

anecdote8 n. 短故事,軼事

anesthesia n. 麻醉

anesthetic9 n. 麻醉劑,麻藥

anguish10 n. 極度的痛苦,苦悶

angular adj. 有角的,尖角的

animated11 adj. 活潑的,有生氣的

annals n. 編年史;歷史記載,歷史

annex12 vt. 兼并,附加

annihilate13 vt. 消滅,消減

I often wondered my ancestry14. I knew that my angular face and large eyes came from my father's Spanish ancerstors. But what did they do for a living?

My father, who is very animated, would try to satisfy my curiosity by telling me funny anecdotes15 about his father and grandfather. His stories were often intriguing16, but the information I wanted had to be more than anecdotal. So one day, I went to the library and searched through the annals of Spanish history.

I found a good book that thoroughtly analyzed17 the relevant time period and amplified18 its analysis with charts and illustrations. In it, I discovered several interesting historical figures who shared my surname, Sierra.

One was an anarchist. He worte books in which he expressed his belief and society in the rural areas should be allowed to exist without a government. He believed that the government was purposely creating a fear of anarchy merely to justify19 its first taxes on rural area farmars.

Another Sierra is a Doctor of anatomy. He was credited fot inventing the first anesthetic. The anesthesia allowed him to operate on his patients without causing pain.

The most interesting Sierra was a former high-ranking official who worked in an ancillary department of the central Spanish government. He spent most of his life protecting the Spanish military's efforts to annihilate and annex samller and weaker countries overseas. From the government's point of view, his protests were analogous to treason, and they sentenced him to a life of auguish in prison.

From this research, I was able to see many analogies between the characteristics of my ancestors and my own personality. It made me feel very proud to be a Sierra!









amalgamate1 v. 混合,合并

amass2 vt. 收集,積聚

amateur adj. 業(yè)余的 n. 業(yè)余愛好者

amaze vt. 使吃驚,使驚嘆

ambience n. 周圍環(huán)境,氣氛

ambition n. 雄心,抱負

ambitious adj. 有雄心的,渴望成功的

ambivalence3 n. 矛盾心理

ambivalent4 adj. 有矛盾心理的

amble5 vi. 漫步,緩行

amenable6 adj. 經(jīng)得起檢驗的;順從,應服從的

amend7 vt. 修正,改正

amendment8 n. 修正,改正

amenity9 n. amenities10 (常做復數(shù))生活福利設施,文娛康樂場所,方便設施

amenity (不可數(shù)名詞),愉快,愜意

amiable11 adj. 親切的,和藹可親的

amicable12 adj. 友善的,和平的,和睦的

amid prep. 在。。。。中

amnesia13 n. 健忘癥

amount n. 量,總和;vi. 總計,等于

ample adj. 富足的,充足的

Good morning everyone. I'd like to make a new remarks. Let me start by saying, I think the merger14 is a good idea. If we amalgamate our two businesses, we can creat a more powerful one. With our increased size and financial power, we can amass new investors15 and raise ample funds to renovate16 the old hotel. We can attracts more guests by adding amenities, like a swimming pool, and planting more greenery to creat a peaceful ambience. To make it ever more special, we can build a special walkway that will allow people to amble amid the trees. The result of our ambitious project will amaze the community.

After we finish the renovations, we can take photos and post them on our Internet site. My brother is an amateur photographer and a very amenable individual. I'm sure he won't charge us for taking photos, as long as we keep the amount of photos down to a reasonable number.

then, before openning the hotel, we'll need to hire and train a new staff of amicable people. We don't want anyone who is ambivalent towards the concept of "personal services'. Such ambivalence is bad for business. We want people who are hardworking and amiable. We'll also need a manager who has enough ambition to keep the hotel running efficiently17.

Okay. Thoes of you suffering from temporary amnesia, recall that we must vote to amend the company's by-laws before we can initiate18 the merger of our two companies. So let's vote. Everyone in favor of the amendment, say "aye!"

諸位早上好,我來說幾句。首先, 我認為合并是件好事。如果將我們兩家小企業(yè)合并起來,就能創(chuàng)造出一個實力更為雄厚的大企業(yè)。隨著企業(yè)規(guī)模的擴大和資金力量的增強,我們將征集新的投資者,籌集到足夠的資金,將我們的飯店整修一新。為了吸引更多的客人,我們還有添置游泳池等娛樂設施,多種花草樹木,營造出一個安靜祥和的氛圍。為了讓飯店變得更為獨特,我們可以在樹林里修一條走道,這樣客人就能在林中漫步了。這一雄心勃勃的項目定能創(chuàng)造出令世人驚嘆的成果。





alignment1 n. 成一條直線;直線排列;隊列;聯(lián)合,聯(lián)盟

alike adj. 相同的,相似的

allege2 v. 宣稱,主張,斷言

allegory n. 寓言

alleviate3 v. 緩和,減輕

alliteration4 n. 頭韻

alloy5 n. 合金;vt. 使成合金

allude6 v. 間接提到,暗指

allure7 v. 引誘 n. 誘惑,吸引

ally n. 聯(lián)盟,同盟者

aloft adv. 在高處;在空中

aloof8 adj. 遠離的,冷淡的,漠不關心的

alter vt. 改變,修改

alteration9 n. 變更,改造

alternate adj. 交替的,輪流的;替代的,另選的;vi. 輪流,交替

alternative adj. (兩種或以上的東西中)另一可選的,另外的;n. 可選事物,另一選擇

altitude n. (海拔)高度

altruism10 n. 利他主義

altruistic11 adj. 利他的,無私的

alumnus n. 男校友

Yesterday, I decided12 to get my pants altered. I had $200 in my wallet, which was more than enough for the alteration. Foolishly however, I got lost taking an alternate route to the tailor shop. Fortunately, I had aspirin13 to alleviate my headache.

Walking further, I noticed a red balloon aloft, rising to the higher altitude. It distracted me, causing me to bump into two young brothers. They look alike but seemed opposite in personality. One was clearly aloof but the other appeared to be an altruistic individual. He could sense I was lost and happily gave me directions. Such altruism is so rare there days. What an ally he can be to a lost person! The contrast in their personalities14 reminded me of the biblical allegory of Cain and Abel. But it would be too hasty to allege such a contrast given that I didn't really know them.

I continued on my way but was allured15 into a bike shop by a windown photo of a lovely girl on a mountain bike. Below the photo, it said, "ride rough, ride real," a clever alliteration. I felt there was no alternative but to enter the shop.

The ower was an alumnus from my university. He alluded16 that the best bike for me would be the $200 bike that was displayed in the window photo. It was made out of a special lightweight alloy. He also offered to adjust my tire alignment for free.

Well, I didn't make it to the tailor that day. But I did ride home on a new bike. As for my pants? Well, the bike shop owner cut the pant legs off for free. Now I have a cool pair of shorts for riding.







afflict1 vt. 折磨;使苦惱

affliction n. 痛苦,苦惱

afford vt. 買得起;擔負的起(損失、后果等);足以;提供

agenda n. 日程,議程

aggravate2 vt. 使惡化,使加重

aggravating3 adj. 惱人的,討厭的

aggregate4 n. 聚集體,聚集物

aggression5 n. 進攻,侵略

aghast adj. 驚駭?shù)模瑖槾舻?/p>

agile6 adj. 敏捷的,活潑輕快的

agility7 n. 敏捷,活潑

agitate8 v. 鼓動,煽動;使激動,使惱怒;使狂躁不安;使焦慮

agonize9 vt. 使受苦(身體上);使苦悶(精神上)

agreeable adj. (指計劃等)使人愉快的,合意的;容易相處的

ailment10 n. 疾病(尤指小病,輕病)

airborne adj. 空氣傳播的;空運的;空降的;搭乘飛機的

ajar adj. (門窗等)微開的

akin11 adj. 同類的,近似的,有密切關系的,相近的

alert adj. 機敏的; vt. 警報;使隨時掌握,了解;n. 警戒,警報

alien adj. 奇怪的;陌生的;外國的,外僑的; n. 外國人,外僑

alienate12 v. 使疏遠,離間

Life as a newspaper reporter can be aggravating. Every morning at 5 a.m. , there's a staff meeting where the managing editor goes through his agenda for the day. He's not at all agreeable in the morning. In fact, he's akin to a grouchy13 bear. Oh does he love to agitate us! I drink coffee to calm my nerves but sometimes it just aggravates14 my stomach.

"Jim, you'll be covering the recent acts of aggression in the Middle East. We can't afford to ignore this important development. You need to be airborne and on your way to the Middle East within the hour."

"Jane, come in here, you're late. Don't leave the door ajar, this is a private meeting. I need you to get a copy of that new alien alert from the Immigration Department. The aggregate number of aliens in this country is growing, but it seems to me that such an alert will only serve to alienate our own minority groups.'

"Sam, you're the most agile of us all. Use your agility to catch up with the world-class runners who are in town for maraton. Come on Sam, don't agonize your assignment, just do it. "

"Mary, the children in Central Africa are afflicted15 with an unknown disease. It's not just an ailment. It's something far more serious. Hey, stop looking so aghast, you don't need go there. Just find out the source of the affliction and write a report on it by this afternoon. By the way, I think you should quit drinking coffee, it does nothing to calm your nerves! "

報社記者的生活時常相當惱人。每天早上五點有一次全體員工會議,會上主編會一一講述當天的日程安排。早上的主編根本談不上和藹可親。 實際上,他就像頭愛發(fā)脾氣的狗熊。噢,他偏偏要弄得我們狂躁不安!我喝點咖啡以鎮(zhèn)靜神經(jīng),但有時咖啡又會加劇我的胃痛。







