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1. 見到題目,能立即反應(yīng)出大概從哪三點(diǎn)切入,這就是所謂的思路,沒有思路才是寫作的大忌。

2. 準(zhǔn)備好例子素材。一般來說,一篇作文至少要包含三個(gè)分論點(diǎn),那么想出論點(diǎn)后就要立刻想出配套的例子,一定要在考前充實(shí)一些例子。例子一寫,字?jǐn)?shù)一下就上去了。

3. 一定要舉一返三。GRE作文很多題目看似不同,但本質(zhì)上其實(shí)說的都是一個(gè)問題,把內(nèi)容類似的題目放在一起復(fù)習(xí),復(fù)習(xí)一個(gè)就等于復(fù)習(xí)好幾個(gè),這種舉一反三的做法可以大大提升復(fù)習(xí)效率。





GRE Issue主題范文及評(píng)析

In todays society we spend to much time addressing issues that will not prepare us for the trials and tributlations facing our young people.

For example, there is a war on drugs that is effecting every family in america, without any consideration for race, gender, or enthic background. This country needs to develop a systerm on how to deal with this ongoing problem effecting americans. There are certain issues that constantly take center stage in america; for example race relations has return to the horrible days of the fifiths. There is know doubt that we are facing troubling times, and we are not paying attention to what is going on. We need to get back to our value systerm, family, work, church, and responsibility and emphasis to our children the importancy of education and respect of others. If we provide a healthy model we can help curve the violence and mayheam the that is destroying our schools, cities and states.

Finally, if we are proud of being americans, less take this problem and do something about it by diversity training and multi- cultural activities.



This essay provides little evidence of a coherent response to the topic and contains severe and persistent errors in language and sentence structure.

The essay seems to define "environment" broadly, though vaguely, as the "cultural environment." While the idea that environmental problems are fundamentally cultural in origin could be the basis for a promising essay, this response does not coherently develop that idea. Moreover, the writer does not address the issue’s claims about international cooperation. Instead the essay jumps from problem to problem without adequately describing those problems. For example, "the war on drugs" is referred to as a problem, but it is not clear whether it is law enforcement’s "war" on drugs or people’s use of drugs that is the issue.

The essay contains numerous errors that interfere with comprehension. These include errors in word usage ("emphasis to our children," "less take this problem") and grammar ("race relations has return to"). Finally, the essay ends with a closing ("Sincerely") that is more appropriate for a letter than an essay.

GRE Issue主題范文及評(píng)析

Working together for each other and the environment,Our Environment, if we take care of it, it will take care of us. CFCs destroying the ozone layer, hundreds of acres of the rain forest being destroyed daily, smog-infested air to breathe, global warming, world population increasing at an exponential rate, these are but a few of the things that we need to not only think about, but find ways to deal with them. We are not given this world by our ancestors we are borrowing it from our children and our children’s children. We spend so much time trying to fix other countries problems, when we should be incorporating them in working toward solving the environmental issues. If we do not this huge, living planet will eventually become a lifeless hunk of rock floating in the large universe.

There are many ways that we can begin to work on these problems. First decrease the amount of CFC production and usage. Second save the rain forests, which are being cut down to make farmland that is not properly maintained. In a few years this farmland becomes infertile and more land is needed; thus more of the rain forest is destroyed. Educating farmers on different crops that will replentish the soil and keep it fertile. Third develop alterative methods of power other than fossil fuels, such as more hydro-electric,solar,and wind generated. The increasing population is going to require more food production as well as other needs. We need to be willing and able to manage our resources to meet these needs. If we work together we can accomplish the things that are necessary to protect the Earth and our future on it.


This essay presents a clear position on the issue but is limited in its development. The author first argues that everyone needs to cooperate to solve environmental problems and then lists the ways in which "we can begin to work on these problems": lowering CFC’s, saving rain forests, developing alternative energy sources, and increasing food production. Although the proposed solutions are clearly relevant, they are not sufficiently explained, nor is the topic’s claim about the challenges of international cooperation adequately addressed.

The overall organizational plan is adequate: introduction, list of solutions ("First? Second? Third?"), and a conclusion. Within the essay, however, the ideas are not always organized logically. In the first paragraph, for example, the sentence about "our ancestors" is followed abruptly by the idea that we need to work with other nations. The writer could improve this essay by clarifying the connection between ideas and by explaining these ideas in more depth.

Sentence-structure problems (run-on sentences, fragments, lack of parallelism) appear throughout the essay: "We are not given this world by our ancestors we are?" At times, the sentence structure is so awkward that the reader is somewhat confused about the writer’s intended meaning: for example, "incorporating them in working."

GRE Issue主題范文及評(píng)析

Our declining environment may bring the people of the world together as no politician, philosopher, or war ever could. Environmental issues are a growing concern in our country today. It is an issue that concerns every person, no one is excluded.

Facing and solving environmental issues calls for unity and cooperation. Prejudices should be put aside in this time of need. Without unity our world as we know it will not exist in twenty-five years. People as a whole need to take action. Without unity and cooperation little will be accomplished.

There are many environmental issues we are facing today. For example, recycling is a simple and effective way to help the environment. If everyone did a small part the results would be enormous. Recycling is a good example because it is something every single person is capable of doing.

There are many ways people of any age, race, or sex can contribute to help the environment. Emissions testing for exhausts on automobiles is one way to help keep unnecessary pollutants from contaminating the air. Very few cities require emissions testing for automobiles. Columbus, for example, does not require emissions testing. My small hometown of Amherst, Ohio does require this test.

I believe the government needs to implement stricter regulations regarding environmental issues and also increase the funding that is allotted for it. Mandatory recycling laws with a stiff penalty for breaking the law is one solution. Funding for groups to do research is imperative. Without research there is very little we would know about anything including diseases and microorganisms.

People of the world need to understand the situation our generation and generations to come are faced with. This understanding needs to come from education. The United States has always been a forerunner in wars, peace talks, etc. It is now time for the United States to be the leader in solutions to environmental concerns. The greatest barrier in any situation is communication. If we communicate with each other and work together instead of apart results would be seen. Education is another great concern, especially in underdeveloped countries and third world nations. There is a lack of education in many of these countries. Education is the key to success.

In summary I would like to emphasize the importance in unity and cooperation on global concerns such as the environment. Also education is very important in making headway. I also believe the government should get more involved in these issues.


This essay presents and supports an adequate analysis of the issue. After stating the need for cooperation on the environment, the writer proposes several very specific remedies for environmental problems: recycling, emissions testing, research, education, and communication. The detailed description of emissions testing is useful; however, the other remedies (recycling, research, etc.) are not developed fully or persuasively.

In some areas the essay suffers from needless repetition. Paragraph six, for example, moves from education to communication and back to education. The conclusion, moreover, adds little, merely repeating earlier statements.

The control of grammar and usage is generally competent, but the sentences tend to be choppy. Although most of the ideas are stated clearly, the relationship between the ideas is not always made clear: "Also education is very important in making headway. I also believe the government should get more involved in these issues."
