聽英文歌學(xué)GRE單詞:Shewas presumptuous
Shewas presumptuous
Shewas bold to the point of rudeness
Butthere was always so much subtlety
Inever notice how she treated me
Shenever liked it when I was superficial
WhenI only scratched the surface
Lovingher could be unnerving
Sheoften made me nervous
Shehad a wry sense of humor,a dry sense of humor,a wry sense ofhumor
Shehad a witty personality,clever personality,witty personality
Longmay she reign
Ruleover me with supreme power
Shecould be supercilious,so haughty,she looked down on me
ButI barely noticed that about her
Iwant to be duped again
Iwant to be fooled again
AndI may have been deluded and misled
ButI felt so safe inside her spider web
Insideher spider web
Sometimesshe’d provoke me
She’darouse me into action
She’dpick on me because of my views
I’dsay I suffered persecution
Shenever liked it when I was a sycophant
WhenI tried to be an ass-kisser
Iguess it was unsound and unhealthy
ButI,I could not resist her
Shehad a fluid way about her,a flowing way about her,a fluid wayabout her
Shehad a plethora of talent,a whole lot of talent,a plethora oftalent
Longmay she reign
Ruleover me with supreme power
Shecould be so irascible,so querulous,so irritable
ButI barely noticed that about her,oh that about her
Iwant to be duped again
Iwant to be fooled again
AndI may have been deluded and misled
ButI felt so safe inside her spider web
Insideher spider web
presumptuousadj. excessively forward
subtletyn. delicateness
superficialadj. only on the surface
unnervingadj. causing nervousness or fear
wryadj. cleverly and often ironically funny/bent or twisted
wittyadj. clever
reignv. to hold supreme,to rule /n.the time during which a leader rules
superciliousadj.uncaringly arrogant
haughtyadj.overly proud
dupev. fooled or tricked
deludev. deceived or misled
provokev. to stir up
persecutionn. the abuse of a person or group because of their beliefs or appearance
sycophantn. someone who is overly flattering to authority figures
unsoundadj. unstable/not valid or true
fluidadj. flowing
plethoran. a large amount
irascibleadj. easily irritated
querulousadj. whiny,complaining
聽英文歌學(xué)GRE單詞:Letme extol you
Letme extol you
Laud you and revere you
Venerate and worship you
CanI cajole you
Coaxyou,baby sway you
Whatcan I do to alter you
WellI commiserate,I have sympathy
Youknow I care for you
Ifeel what you feel.I’ve got empathy
Girl,allyou got to do
(is)Coalesce,unite,putit all together
Acquiesce,comply,give in to your desire
Coalesce,unite,put it all together
Acquiesce,comply,give in to your desire
Domineer me,dominate me
Tellme exactly what to do
Abase me and berate me
Treatme cruel,I’ll still love you
Ihave fortitude and longevity
I’mstrong and I’ll last long for you
Don’tbe curt or brusque,don’t be short with me
(is)Coalesce,unite,putit all together
Acquiesce,comply,give in to your desire
Coalesce,unite,put it all together
Acquiesce,comply,give in to your desire
I amebullient
I’moverflowing with excitement
I’m versatile,Ido it all
Mylove’s reliable
Wellit’s not fleeting or ephemeral
Andit will be there when you fall
CauseI am everywhere,I am ubiquitous
Youknow I’m watching you
Idon’t miss a detail,I’m meticulous
GirlI’d love to study you
(is)Coalesce,unite,putit all together
Acquiesce,comply,give in to your desire
Coalesce,unite,put it all together
Acquiesce,comply,give in to your desire praise highly praise or compliment respect highly;worship treat with admiration or awe persuade,often using insincere promises express sorrow for another
empathyv.the ability to share in another’s feelings unite into a whole agree to or accept dominate or conquer rule over or control embarrass scold angrily
fortituden.mental strength;moral courage
longevityn.long life
brusqueadj.harshly blunt
tenaciousadj.stubborn and determined
resoluteadj.strong-willed or determined
ebullientadj.joyous and energetic
versatileadj.having many different skills,talents,or uses
ubiquitousadj.occurring everywhere,very common
meticulousadj.extremely attentive to detail