劍三Test 3 Question 7-12
這道題是一道Matching題,要考生去Match each exhibit with the collection types。而題目要求里面告訴我們題干中的each exhibit是選項中的collection types的具體例子(examples)。掃描題干和選項之后應(yīng)該知道定位詞應(yīng)該是題干,因為題干中含有一些大寫的裝有名詞,例如:Bolivian, Indian, Arctic 等。帶著這些詞回去定位,可以迅速找到是在文章的第三段當(dāng)中。這個時候我們需要清楚地知道我們找到的這些exhibit是具體的例子,需要找到的是這些exhibit屬于哪些collection types。也就是說這道題目是想測試我們通過例子找到其對應(yīng)的主題。我們必須知道在雅思學(xué)術(shù)性閱讀文章中,一般作者都會先說主題,再舉具體的例子來支持這個主題,并往往會在主題和例子之間使用一些舉例的連接詞,例如for example, for instance, such as, like等等。了解這個閱讀技能就能讓我們在找到Bolivian textile這個例子的時候迅速往前掃讀,關(guān)注一些舉例連接詞前面的某個詞,往往主題也就是答案就在這個舉例連接詞的前面。果然,我們很快就可以在Bolivian textile這個詞前面找到一個for instance,而且for instance前面有個破折號,破折號一般是作者用來表示展開說明作用的,所以破折號前面的那個名詞短語technical series應(yīng)該就是我們要搜尋的答案,迅速的掃描選項中果然有這個短語,那么這道題的答案就是technical series的首字母縮寫TS。其他的題以此類推。
再如劍五Test 1 Question 33
這是一道選擇題,題干是 The writer quotes from the Worldwide Fund for Nature to illustrate how
A influential the mass media can be
B effective environmental groups can be
C the mass media can help groups raise funds
D environmental groups can exaggerate their claims
定位詞肯定是大寫的Worldwide Fund for Nature。根據(jù)這個定位詞我們很快可以定位到是在文章的第五段當(dāng)中的這句話:In 1997, for example, the Worldwide Fund for Nature issued a press release entitled: “Two thirds of the world’s forests lost forever.” The truth turns out to be nearer 20%。這道題是問作者引用了Worldwide Fund for Nature的話是為了illustrate(舉例說明)什么。也就是說出題人的考察目的是希望我們能在原文中讀出作者使用這個quote是為了說明什么觀點。我們定位到的這句話是這個quote本身,quote其實也就是例證,一樣都是為了說明作者的某個觀點。原文這句話中的for example這個舉例連接詞就清晰地告訴了我們這個例子是為了說明前面一個觀點。所以原文中的for example 前面的句子應(yīng)該就是這道題的答案,往前一掃發(fā)現(xiàn)這么一句話:Understandably, perhaps, they sometimes overstate their arguments。再和選項匹配一下,我們就能發(fā)現(xiàn)這句話就是D選項的一個同義轉(zhuǎn)述:they就是上文中提到的environmental groups,overstate就是題干中exaggerate的替換,而arguments就是題干中的claims。因此答案為D。
再如劍六TEST 1 Question 23
Modern cargo-handling methods have had a significant effect on _____ as the business of moving freight around the world becomes increasingly streamlined. Manufacturers of computers, for instance, are able to import…
這道summary題第一個空格很多同學(xué)都填不出來。因為題目要求中沒有告訴我們是哪幾段話的summary,含有空格的這句話中也沒有一個特別具體獨特的定位詞,因此定位特別難。由于這句話其實是文章前面好幾段話的一個總結(jié),所以要填出這個空格里面的名詞(也就是cargo-handling methods 影響的東西)確實比較困難,因此從這句話定位似乎不大可行。但是,只要同學(xué)們留意summary的第二句話,就發(fā)現(xiàn)第二句話其實是第一句話的一個例證,而且出題人為了讓這兩句話關(guān)系鮮明,他特意在這兩句話之間加了一個for instance。那么我們就可以從第二句話入手進行定位,如果我們能根據(jù)manufacturers of computers這個定位詞在文章中找到相關(guān)的一句話,然后再根據(jù)例子是為了說明之前提到過的主題這個閱讀技能往前掃讀去搜尋答案。很快我們就可以根據(jù)manufacturers of computers這個定位詞定位到E段。因為E段主要是在說電腦制造的。而E段的第一句話就是:To see how this influences trade, consider the business of making disk drives for computers。讀到這兩句話的時候,問問自己這兩句話之間的關(guān)系是什么?其實就是主題+例子的關(guān)系,consider這樣的詞也是典型的主題和具體例子之間的連接詞。那么答案自然就是前面的trade,因為題干中的have had a significant effect on 就等于原文中的influences,modern cargo-handling methods就是原文中的this指代關(guān)系。
綜上所述,這三種題型分別是配對題、選擇題和填空題,雖然題型不一樣,但這些不同題型背后都在測試同一個閱讀技能,那就是讀出主題和例子之間的關(guān)系。雅思的文章是學(xué)術(shù)性文章,所以作者一般先說主題,再舉例子說明這個主題。各種例子(包括數(shù)據(jù),引言等)都是為了說明這個主題,而且例子和主題之間往往會有for example, for instance,consider這樣的連接詞來表明這種關(guān)系。出題人其實就是希望我們能夠看出這一點,不管是通過例子找主題,還是通過主題找例子。
the discourse markers signal relationships: between different parts of the discourse … the main reason for studying them is their usefulness in helping the reader to work out the meaning of difficult text. They often show the relationship the writer intends between two parts of the text, so if you can understand one part, the discourse marker is a possible key to the other part. (Christine Nuttall, 1996. Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language, Heinemann)
關(guān)于“discourse marker”,P.H.Matthews在其Oxford Concise Dictionary of Linguistics (Oxford University Press) 一書中是這樣描述的:Any of a variety of units whose function is within a larger discourse rather than an individual sentence or clause: e.g. but then in But then he might be late. “discourse marker”雖然范圍更加廣泛一些,但從以上文字不難看出,它包括了我們所熟悉的邏輯關(guān)系詞(即文章中用于表示并列,轉(zhuǎn)折,舉例,因果,遞進,讓步,總結(jié)等邏輯關(guān)系的固定單詞或詞組)。也由此可見,特別重視形式邏輯和思維分析的英語行文,在詞語之間和句子之間往往會借助各種邏輯關(guān)系詞清楚表達(dá)思維邏輯和語意關(guān)系。因此了解和掌握邏輯關(guān)系詞可以幫助我們把握文章中語意的轉(zhuǎn)換和發(fā)展,理解文章重點表達(dá)的意思。
具體到雅思閱讀,邏輯關(guān)系詞在解題中體現(xiàn)出兩大功能 :
1.劍4 / P77 / Q38
Some corpora include a wide range of language while others are used to focus on a particular linguistic feature.
根據(jù)while這個表示對比或轉(zhuǎn)折的邏輯關(guān)系詞,可以判斷它前后部分是對比或反義關(guān)系?!癮 wide range of language”指的是語言研究的廣泛的各個方面,可以預(yù)判空格處應(yīng)是指具體的方面。
2.劍1 / P20 / Q4-5
The very first fire-lighting methods involved the creation of friction by, for example, rapidly rotating a wooden stick in a round hole.
根據(jù)介詞“by”和“for example”這個表示舉例的邏輯關(guān)系詞,可以預(yù)判第二個空格應(yīng)是和“creation of friction”(產(chǎn)生摩擦)的具體動作有關(guān)的詞。
3.劍1 / P20 / Q6
The use of percussion or persistent chipping was also widespread in Europe …
IT IS one of the oldest debates in education. Should teachers tell pupils the way things are or encourage them to find out for themselves? Telling children "truths" about the world helps them learn those facts more quickly. Yet the efficient learning of specific facts may lead to the assumption that when the adult has finished teaching, there is nothing further to learn—because if there were, the adult would have said so. A study just published in Cognition by Elizabeth Bonawitz of the University of California, Berkeley, and Patrick Shafto of the University of Louisville, in Kentucky, suggests that is true.
Dr Bonawitz and Dr Shafto arranged for 85 four- and five-year-olds to be presented, during a visit to a museum, with a novel toy that looked like a tangle of coloured pipes and was capable of doing many different things. They wanted to know whether the way the children played with the toy depended on how they were instructed by the adult who gave it to them.
One group of children had a strictly pedagogical introduction. The experimenter said "Look at my toy! This is my toy. I'm going to show you how my toy works." She then pulled a yellow tube out of a purple tube, creating a squeaking sound. Following this, she said, "Wow, see that? This is how my toy works!" and then demonstrated the effect again.
With a second group of children, the experimenter acted differently. She interrupted herself after demonstrating the squeak by saying she had to go and write something down, thus suggesting that she might not have finished the demonstration. With a third group, she activated the squeak as if by accident. To a fourth, the toy was simply presented with the comment, "Wow, see this toy? Look at this!"
After these varied introductions, the children were left with the toy and allowed to play. They might discover that, as well as the squeaker, the toy had a button inside one tube which activated a light, a keypad that played musical notes, and an inverting mirror inside one of the tubes. All the children were told to let the experimenter know when they had finished playing and were asked by the instructor if they were done if they stopped playing for more than five consecutive seconds. The entire interaction was recorded on video.
Footage of each child playing was passed to a research assistant who was ignorant of the purpose of the study. The assistant was asked to record the total playing time, the number of different actions the child performed, the time spent playing with the squeak, and the number of other functions the child discovered.
The upshot was that children in the first group spent less time playing (119 seconds) than those in the second (180 seconds), the third (133 seconds) or the fourth (206 seconds). Those in the first group also tried out four different actions, on average. The others tried 5.3, 5.9 and 6.2, respectively. A similar pattern (0.7, 1.3, 1.2 and 1.2) pertained to the number of functions other than the squeak that the children found.
The researchers' conclusion was that, in the context of strange toys of unknown function, prior explanation does, indeed, inhibit exploration and discovery. Generalising from that would be ambitious. But it suggests that further research might be quite a good idea.