時間: 40秒至45秒
閱讀內(nèi)容:校園生活話題 (75至100words)(大學的政策,規(guī)定或者辦事程序,大學的計劃,校園設(shè)施或校園內(nèi)生活質(zhì)量)
時間: 準備時間:30s;陳述時間:60s
TIPS: 注意邏輯組織:OGP216:開始可以表明說話者的觀點 agree or disagree,然后陳述理由?;卮鸨M可能完整。
就IBT考試出題的題型來看,主要是獨立型和綜合型. 所謂獨立題型就是我們傳統(tǒng)的考試題型,一問一答的形式。有十五秒的準備時間,然后用四十五秒鐘將回答通過麥克風錄入電腦. 綜合題型是綜合了讀---READING, 聽---LISTENING和說---SPEAKING 三種能力融合在一起進行測試的,對于中國考生來說是一種新的題型??荚囘^程中先提供一篇很短的文章,用四十五秒鐘讀完.然后再聽一段同樣主題的文章.然后用三十秒對所讀所聽和兩部分內(nèi)容進行綜合,比較,歸納,總結(jié),最后在六十秒內(nèi)將之通過麥克風錄入電腦. 所以這類題型中對聽力能力的要求也是非常高的,而非單純的我們傳統(tǒng)的口語考試。剛開始做這類題型的時候,建議可以先把答案落實到書面上。因為開始接觸這樣的試題,頭腦中一定會很亂,不知道該從何說起,可能會東一句,西一句的,毫無條理性。所以落實到書面上這樣一個過程就是幫助整理你的思路。如果真的很難回答出來,就像寫作文一樣,一字一句的把答案寫下來。然后大聲讀熟,再重新回答問題。這樣把一套題目練熟之后,再進行下一套題目的練習。經(jīng)過一段時間之后,就可以只列出綱要,再根據(jù)綱要回答問題。最后一個階段就是像正式考試一樣,脫口回答問題。在練習的過程中除了要注意內(nèi)容的完整性和條理的清晰性之外,還要注意語音和語調(diào)的標準,這是個漫長的過程,一定要從平時做起,要多多注意。例如,遇到這樣的一個題目,可以先把它落實到書面上:
What place or landmark in your country do you recommend that other people visit?
在看到這樣一個題目的時候, 先在腦海里搜索你所熟悉的place或者landmark. 找到以后,再篩選題目. 找到一個比較容易說的題目并且最好是大家所熟悉的話題.接下來就要想回答內(nèi)容的支撐點. 然后再展開,分別找到其他的論據(jù)來論證它. 至少要說2-3個論據(jù), 這樣才更有說服力. 例如:
I recommend people go to Beijing, the capital city of China, for the following several reasons. First, Beijing is the best representative of a conventional Chinese city. It has numerous historic places like the great wall and the summer palace from which people can learn a lot about Chinese long history and rich culture. I recommend BJ also because it is china’s commercial center with high buildings stand against the sky. People can go shopping in the large shopping centers like international trade center. Anyway, if one can visit only one city in China, then the best choice is BJ since you can enjoy its beauty as well as prosperity.
Describe an object that is very special in your life. Explain why this object is important to you.
The object that is special for me is the book Harry potter one. I cherish it very much for the following several reasons. First, it is a present that my mother gave to me as my eleventh birthday gift. Second, after reading this book, I found books are actually amazing; the plots in it are quite impressive. And then, I developed an interest in reading books. I really appreciate that the book brings me to this fantastic world. Finally, by talking about the book, I meet so many friends that have the common interest of me. Therefore, this book is truly special for me, I’ll cherish it forever.
這樣來回答就足夠了. 實際上只要回答的內(nèi)容完整,可以較好的支撐你的論點, 并且具有條理性就可以了. 還有就是要多多注意發(fā)音,發(fā)音好可以為你的口語提分不少.接下來就是讀,再回答問題,相信經(jīng)過一段時間的練習可以看到很明顯的提高的。
我個人認為Task3是新托??谡Z部分最有挑戰(zhàn)性的題目。為了模擬北美大學課堂的學術(shù)氣氛和學生在校園生活的方方面面,integrated speaking部分的Task3從不同程度上涉及了Read/Listen/Speak三個方面,并且首次允許考生作課堂筆記。這種題型有利有弊吧,對聽力不好的托友來說這是個坎兒,而它的優(yōu)勢就在于它通過聽力和閱讀給大家提供了更多的信息點。通常這部分是圍繞著Campus situation topic 而展開的。
提議:因為這部分對話一般都是在male和 female之間進行的,所以建議大家在做筆記的時候如下面所示這樣記錄,這樣會更加有條理,你無論是在做筆記還是在preparation時都可以更加便利!
Note-taking strategy: Note format
Female Male
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Here is an example of an integrated reading-listening-speaking task:
Notice of Vote on Campus Food Service
Students are encouraged to vote on the university’s proposal to change the food service on campus. Students should vote for which of two options they prefer. Option 1 would expand the main cafeteria in the Student Center, including the addition of more food choices and more dining space; this option would also close the two snack bars on campus. Option 2 would close the cafeteria in the Student Center but would maintain the two snack bars, and would add five food service areas across campus, including two cafes, a deli, a barbecue grill, and a fine dining room.
Sample conversation
W: Have you voted on the food service yet?
M: No, but I intend to. I’m going to vote for the second option.
W: That’s the one that closes the main cafeteria, isn’t it?
M: Right.
W: But the main cafeteria is in the Student Center. That’s where everyone goes at lunchtime. Doesn’t it make sense to have food there?
M: But it’s always so crowded in there at lunchtime. You have to wait a long time in the food line. And there are never enough places to sit.
W: That’s true, but they say they’ll add more tables.
M: There aren’t enough bike racks outside either. I have no place to put my bike. Most of the time, I eat at one of the snack bars. Besides, I like the idea of having several smaller eating places all over campus. That seems a lot more convenient, sine we have classes all over campus anyway. It also means less crowding, and you don’t have to wait as long to get your food. More food choices, too-----I also like the idea of barbecue on campus.
W: Yeah, that does sound good, doesn’t it?
The man expresses his opinion about the campus food service. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
Sample answer
The man votes to close the cafeteria in the Student Center. Because he thinks it is very crowding there in lunchtime. There is no place for his bike when he wants to have dinner. There are also not enough space for every student. She likes the idea to open several food service centers around campus. Because it’s more convenient and it’s not crowded if there are many food service centers. He also has not --------
(1) 人稱的正確使用。She likes the idea to open several food service centers around campus. 主語應(yīng)該是he。這個問題很小我們也一再地強調(diào),但是還是有人不斷地犯錯,在這里再申明一次請在準備之前一定仔細閱讀清楚它的題目要求,State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
(2) There are also not enough space for every student.這句話如果表達為:there is also no enough space for every student to sit.這樣會更好一些!還有在這句話和前句話之間夾一個moreover這樣會使陳述過渡地更加自然。同時建議大家在平常的學習中多多積累一些signal words或者可以說是 transitions(過渡詞),這無論對廣大托友的口語還是寫作都有很大幫助!
(3) 語言表達多樣性上有待提高。通觀他的全部陳述內(nèi)容,首先可以肯定他已經(jīng)很好地把握了聽力和閱讀部分的主要信息。不足之處就是不止一次出現(xiàn)food service centers,這樣會造成考官的聽覺疲勞,他會認為你的詞匯量缺乏。聽力中的several smaller eating places可以拿來和它互換使用,而且閱讀中的最后一句:Including two cafes, a deli, a barbecue grill, and a fine dining room.可以加進陳述內(nèi)容中去,這樣會使你的表達更加豐滿!
★ 學習資料庫
★ 英語口語
★ 學習資料庫
★ 學習資料庫