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雖然基礎(chǔ)不差,但僅局限于大學(xué)的四六級,其實(shí)這些對于雅思來說根本沒有可比性。上面說的那些寫“簡介/提綱/框架”可能大家會覺得心里沒底,那些長句子不背下來即興說根本說不出四六級基礎(chǔ)能拿下雅思口語七分嗎? 成績已出,雅思總分7.5(聽8,說7,讀7.5,寫7)

雖然基礎(chǔ)不差,但僅局限于大學(xué)的四六級,其實(shí)這些對于雅思來說根本沒有可比性。大家經(jīng)??吹揭恍┝壏?jǐn)?shù)很高的人考雅思口語依然5.在雅思上我覺得是Nothing is impossible.我考了3次,第一次裸考口語5.5,第二次準(zhǔn)備20天6.不談什么備考方法,在口語上準(zhǔn)備和沒準(zhǔn)備都可能有0.5分的差距。這次準(zhǔn)備的時間有1個月,找對了方法,雖然成績是7分,但我相信自己肯定還有非常多的不足。










PART2部分一定要練到非常熟悉,因?yàn)檫@部分經(jīng)常變著法子問,就像我2.25PART2考到的something useful you were taught這個題貌似就是把之前的a person who taught you a useful skill變了一下。其實(shí)從很多老師的預(yù)測里也可以看出,雅思口語考的就是話題的熟悉程度,不是考你知道多少單詞你經(jīng)歷多豐富。一個從來想都沒想過的話題放在面前,就算一個英文再厲害的人都不知道從何說起。



雅思口語part2:Describe a historical building you have been to

You should say:

Where it is

What it looks like

What it is used for now

What you learned there

And how you felt about this historical building

Part 3

Do Chinese people like to visit historical buildings?

Why do people visit historical buildings?

Is it necessary to protect historical buildings?

Do most people agree to the government’s funding to protect historical buildings?


The central Bank building is the one that really impressed me. I was then almost 17 years old when I first this building and I still remember that I became amazed watching and wondering about it.

10-15 stories building are quite common in our town but the 75 storied central bank building is really different. Not only it is higher than most other buildings but it also possesses an eye-catchy architectural design which is bound to absorb any one’s attention. From far it will only give you the impression of a futuristic mega structure but if you observe the building from nearby, you will see the real beauty of it.

It looks like every inch of it has been drawn before building it. This building is a fine piece of architecture that prominently announces its presence. When I looked at the top of this building I got the impression that it is endless and has made its way over the sky. The long round clock in from of this building ticks twice to let the city dwellers know its presence.

This central bank building is situated near the National Museum of the city. From a far away, it looks like a pathway to the sky and from nearby it seems like a massive yet beautifully designed architectural building.


Is it important to conserve old buildings? Why?

A. The old buildings are the representatives of the history. They tell the past stories of thousand years and let us know about different issues like how they lived, how their living styles were, what they did, what sort of construction style they had and more other necessary information. If the historical buildings are not preserved, people will be unable to learn about their pasts. It is important to know about the origin, the forefathers and the past in order to live with dignity. If the important buildings are not preserved, the national history will go under oblivion. Moreover, the young generation of a country will be unaware of its history and the greatness of the nation. Usually, the old buildings contain the relics and people develop their idea over their past which is another cause for preserving the old establishments.

Is the history useful for the coming generations? Why?

A. History is always useful. It teaches us different important lessons and most of the people who have succeeded in life have taken their learning from the history. So, history is also useful for the coming generations. It may happen that they are in some sort of trouble and if they look back in history, they will find that there were some other people who also had the same troubles and got rid in any specific way. Thus, history helps them to get out of any troublesome situation. Moreover, if they are in any critical situations, they could take help of history, but it should be remembered that history does always not refer the events old about 100 years.

What is the difference between houses built in the past and now?

The basic difference between the house of past and current is space. Earlier, the houses were made more spacious and covered large spaces to be built. But with the increasing population, the houses are made in small space and the number of houses is on the increase. Moreover, the past houses were designed after different distinctive styles. There were ample spaces for recreation and entertainment for the residents. But in the current days, apartments are being made with lower space and even at times they do not have proper walking space in the staircase. Earlier, the houses covered horizontal space but now they are vertical.

What are the differences in sizes of houses? Why?

The house sizes are different for various reasons and the top most cause is the increased population around the world. To meet the demand of the growing population, the house sizes are becoming small. Currently, it is almost impossible to build a house covering a large space for the living of a family in a comfortable manner rather the large space could be used to build apartment blocks or residential towers that could house several families instead of one family. Accommodation is one of the greatest challenges in the coming days and already people are experiencing the problem in different cities of the world.

Do you prefer a big or a small house? Why?

I prefer living in a big house because the environment of a big house is comfortable. The houses are made in such manner that light and air could pass easily. Moreover, the houses allow the people exercising some hobbies (I like gardening) and if there are spaces, the residents could make gardens before the house which will increase the beauty of the house. But if it is a small house, the options are rare. Moreover, the architectural style of the big houses is usually very attractive and good looking which attracts me more. But the small houses are made commercially to accommodate people, not to exercise their hobbies.


雅思口語part2:Describe a practical skill you learned

You should say:

What it was

When you learned it

Why you learned it

And how you felt about it

Part 3

What is the most important practical skill in modern society?

What kinds of skills are difficult to learn?

What kinds of professions require practical skills?

What are some special skills that people can learn?


OK! I'd like to start off by saying a practical skill I've learned recently. It is a mobile phone repairing. It is more about electronics and technology and involves an understanding of the Printed Circuit Board.

I have a vivid memory of doing the course of repairing electronic items. When I was in the second year of my graduation, I was told that people should have extra skills so that later in life they will find livelihood jobs.

I had enrolled for the course diploma course in electronics. I learned to repair Television, Radio, Mobile. Initially, the mentor teaches us a theory about how any equipment works and gradually it took us how to troubleshoot and fix the exact issue. I was quite challenging learning this skill.

Overall, it helped me a lot as physics was my major in graduation, the practical session was a piece of cake for me. In my view, everyone should have such skill because it is often that failure of their electronic device, so with this skill they could easily fix themselves.


What is the most important practical skill in modern society?

They knew that success in today’s economy depended far less on their university degree, and more on the practical ways they could apply their learning to real life situations.

What practical skills do children leant at school in your country?

I’m afraid that there are not many. Academics are stressed so highly in schools that they seem to overshadow practical skills. I suppose students probably leant to listen to their teacher and how to behave and sit for long periods at a time and apply themselves. They also have to learn how to interact amongst themselves in a satisfactory way. They have to learn how to get up on time and be at their school, which teaches them responsibility. I guess it would help to define what practical skills we are talking about.

How useful will these skills be to the children alter they leave school?

Well as I was saying in the previous question, these skills would be very helpful to children after they leave school. When a teenager goes from high school to college he has to start managing things on his own without the security of mom and dad. Even more so when a young adult graduates from college or university, he would also be very grateful to have some practical knowledge on how to survive in the working world.

Do you think it’s useful f or adults to attend classes to further their education?

Sure, why not, if it is something that they find useful in their lives and something that they enjoy. Learning is lifelong and I don’t know if it has to stop in old age. Now I know that a lot of times these adults are looked upon as teachers, but if they feel so inclined why not attend a class to further their education. If they are not able to keep up with the young students then this would be a detriment, but if there are no disruptions why not?

What kinds of courses exist in your country for adults?

There are wonderful exercise classes that are available for adults. I don’t know if you have seen large groups of older women out on the streets performing with various percussion instruments, but these are classes that help them to work together and perform for audiences. There arc dancing classes available. There are even English classes available for senior citizens. There are Tai Chi classes also available to seniors here. As time goes on and the country develops there will be more classes that will be available for seniors.

