GRE詞匯花式積累提升方法介紹 ,多讀課外讀物也能增加詞匯量,我們一起看看吧,下面小編就和大家分享,來欣賞一下吧。
GRE詞匯花式積累提升方法介紹 多讀課外讀物也能增加詞匯量
狄更斯描述“客廳”、“起居室”不用living room而喜歡“parlour”。該詞屬于六級詞匯,在《David Copperfield》第一章出現(xiàn)6次,第二章出現(xiàn)9次,全書一共出現(xiàn)80次。
德萊塞的《Sister Carrie》(《嘉莉妹妹》)中的四級詞匯“individual”,全書總共出現(xiàn)64次。
荷馬史詩《The Odyssey》(《奧得賽》)中的GRE詞匯“l(fā)ibation”(另有一個翻譯版本翻作“drink-offering”)出現(xiàn)31次,另一個GRE詞匯“suitor”,全書共出現(xiàn)多達233次!。
“bartender”(酒保)出現(xiàn)在《Sister Carrie》和社科著作《Winning Image》中;
“weave”(編織)的過去分詞“woven”在《Jane Eyre》衍生為形容小路崎嶇的“interwoven”,在《Human Anatomy》中則用來描述交織的骨小梁;
“scab”在《Sister Carrie》中指窮途末路的Hurst Wood跑去替罷工工人上班的“工賊行為”,在《Pathology》(《病理學》)里專指“傷口結(jié)的痂”;
“heyday”指“全盛時期”,在斯大林的傳記《Stalin: A political biography》中多次用來描述俄國1905年革命的高潮;而在性科學專著《Human Sexuality: in a world of diversity》中則用來描述西方70年代“性革命”的頂峰;
“reincarnation”(轉(zhuǎn)世化身,重新體現(xiàn))在《哥倫布傳》中用來比喻哥倫布尋找印度的航海是中世紀尋找魔法石的演變;在《Introduction to Clinical Psychology》(《臨床心理學簡介》)中指得是經(jīng)過心理治療,來訪者脫胎換骨的狀態(tài);
31. censure / censor / census / consensus
censure: officially strong criticism
consensus: a general agreement about something
32. mount / surmount / paramount / amount / tantamount
surmount: to deal with (a problem or a difficult situation) successfully; to be placed at the top of something
tantamount: equal to something in value, meaning, or effect
33. defy / defer/ deter
defer: put off, delay, postpone
deter: to prevent (something) from happening
34. spur / spurn / spurious / spurt
spurn: to refuse to accept (something or someone that you do not think deserves your respect, attention, affection, etc.)
spurious: not genuine sincere, or authentic
spurt: to gush forth
35. disparage / disparate
disparage: to describe (someone or something) as unimportant, weak, bad, etc.
disparate: different from each other
36. aesthetic / aseptic / ascetic / anesthetic
aseptic: free from germs that cause disease
ascetic: relating to or having a strict and simple way of living that avoids physical pleasure
anesthetic: a drug that causes a person to lose feeling and to feel no pain in part or all of the body
37. ostensible / ostentatious
ostensible: seeming or said to be true or real but very possible not true or real
ostentatious: an unnecessary display of wealth, knowledge, etc., that is done to attract attention, admiration, or envy
38. perspicuous / perspicacious
perspicuous: clear, apparent
perspicacious: having or showing an ability to notice and understand things that are difficult or not obvious
39. willful / willed / willing
willful: refusing to change your idea or opinion; done deliberately
willed: deliberate
40. forbear / forebear
forbear: to avoid doing or saying (something)
forebear: a member of your family in the past
41. rife / strife / stifle
rife: If you say that something, usually something bad, is rife in a place or that the place is rife with it, you mean that it is very common.
strife: Strife is strong disagreement or fighting. (FORMAL)
stifle: If someone stifles something you consider to be a good thing, they prevent it from continuing.(=repress)
If you stifle your natural feelings or behavior, you prevent yourself from having those feelings or behaving in that way.(=suppress)
42. retrench / entrench
retrench: If a person or organization retrenches, they spend less money. (FORMAL)
entrench: If something such as power, a custom, or an idea is entrenched, it is firmly established, so that it would be difficult to change it.
43. pejorative / prerogative
pejorative: A pejorative word or expression is one that expresses criticism of someone or something. (FORMAL)
prerogative: If something is the prerogative of a particular person or group, it is a privilege or a power that only they have. (FORMAL)
44. patent / latent / salient / valiant
latent: Latent is used to describe something which is hidden and not obvious at the moment, but which may develop further in the future.
salient: The salient points or facts of a situation are the most important ones. (FORMAL)
valiant: A valiant action is very brave and determined, though it may lead to failure or defeat.
45. imminent / preeminent / prominent / eminent
imminent: If you say that something is imminent, especially something unpleasant, you mean it is almost certain to happen very soon.
preeminent: If someone or something is pre-eminent in a group, they are more important, powerful, or capable than other people or things in the group. (FORMAL)
prominent: important.
46. loutish / outlandish
loutish: If you describe a man or a boy as loutish, you are critical of them because their behavior is impolite and aggressive.
47. sprout / spout / flout / pout / tout
sprout: start to grow
spout: A spout of liquid is a long stream of it which is coming out of something very forcefully.( = jet)
If you say that a person spouts something, you disapprove of them because they say something which you do not agree with or which you think they do not honestly feel.
flout: If you flout something such as a law, an order, or an accepted way of behaving, you deliberately do not obey it or follow it.
pout: If someone pouts, they stick out their lips, usually in order to show that they are annoyed or to make themselves sexually attractive.
tout: If someone touts something, they try to sell it or convince people that it is good.
If someone touts for business or custom, they try to obtain it. (mainly BRIT)
48. flout / flaunt
flaunt: If you say that someone flaunts their possessions, abilities, or qualities, you mean that they display them in a very obvious way, especially in order to try to obtain other people's admiration.
flout - 蔑視
49. apt / opt / adept / adapt / adopt
opt: If you opt for something, or opt to do something, you choose it or decide to do it in preference to anything else.
apt:(1) 合適的(2)有傾向的(3) 聰敏的
50. swift / sift / rift / drift / thrift
sift: If you sift through something such as evidence, you examine it thoroughly.
rift: A rift between people or countries is a serious quarrel or disagreement that stops them having a good relationship.
swift - 快速的
thrift - 節(jié)約的
drift - 漂移
61. vanish / varnish
varnish: The varnish on an object is the hard, clear, shiny surface that it has when it has been painted with varnish.(表飾)
vanish - 消失
62. veto / vote
63. viscid / viscous / vicious / vicarious / vivid
viscid: having an adhesive quality
viscous: A viscous liquid is thick and sticky.
vicious: A vicious person or a vicious blow is violent and cruel.
vicarious: A vicarious pleasure or feeling is experienced by watching, listening to, or reading about other people doing something, rather than by doing it yourself.(間接體驗的;代理的)
64. prodigal / prodigious
prodigal: You can describe someone as a prodigal son or daughter if they leave their family or friends, often after a period of behaving badly, and then return at a later time as a better person. (LITERARY)
prodigious: Something that is prodigious is very large or impressive.(LITERARY)
65. seethe / soothe
seethe: When you are seething, you are very angry about something but do not express your feelings about it.
soothe: If you soothe someone who is angry or upset, you make them feel calmer.
Something that soothes a part of your body where there is pain or discomfort makes the pain or discomfort less severe.
66. trenchant / penchant
trenchant: You can use trenchant to describe something such as a criticism or comment that is very clear, effective, and forceful. (FORMAL)
penchant: If someone has a penchant for something, they have a special liking for it or a tendency to do it. (FORMAL)
67. command / commend / comment
commend: If you commend someone or something, you praise them formally. (FORMAL)
68. accent / ascent / ascend / scent
ascent: An ascent is an upward, vertical movement.
ascend: If someone ascends to an important position, they achieve it or are appointed to it. When someone ascends a throne, they become king, queen, or pope. (FORMAL)
69. daft / deft / dart
daft: If you describe a person or their behaviour as daft, you think that they are stupid, impractical, or rather strange. (BRIT INFORMAL)
deft: A deft action is skilful and often quick. (WRITTEN)
dart: If a person or animal darts somewhere, they move there suddenly and quickly. (WRITTEN)
If you dart a look at someone or something, or if your eyes dart to them, you look at them very quickly. (LITERARY)
70. woo / woe
woo: If you woo people, you try to encourage them to help you, support you, or vote for you, for example by promising them things which they would like.
woe: woe is very great sadness. (LITERARY)
71. curb / curt
curt: If you describe someone as curt, you mean that they speak or reply in a brief and rather rude way.(敷衍的)
72. avid / avoid
avid: You use avid to describe someone who is very enthusiastic about something that they do.
73. quip / pique
quip: A quip is a remark that is intended to be amusing or clever;(WRITTEN)
To quip means to say something that is intended to be amusing or clever. (WRITTEN)
pique: Pique is the feeling of annoyance you have when you think someone has not treated you properly.
If something piques your interest or curiosity, it makes you interested or curious.
74. savvy / savor
savvy: If you describe someone as having savvy, you think that they have a good understanding and practical knowledge of something. (INFORMAL)
e.g. He is known for his political savvy and strong management skills.
savor:Enjoy or appreciate (something pleasant) to the full, especially by lingering over it:
75. brink / brisk
brink: If you are on the brink of something, usually something important, terrible, or exciting, you are just about to do it or experience it.(=verge)
brisk: active and energetic
76. glean / glisten / gleam
glean: If you glean something such as information or knowledge, you learn or collect it slowly and patiently, and perhaps indirectly.(=gather)
glisten: If something glistens, it shines, usually because it is wet or oily.
gleam: If an object or a surface gleams, it reflects light because it is shiny and clean.
If your eyes gleam, they look bright and show that you are excited or happy. (WRITTEN)(=glisten, shine)
A gleam of something is a faint sign of it.
77. toxic / tonic
tonic: A tonic is anything that makes you feel stronger, more cheerful, or more enthusiastic.
toxic :有害的。注意intoxicate表?的是吸引
78. girth / mirth
girth: The girth of an object, for example a person's or an animal's body, is its width or thickness, considered as the measurement around its circumference. (FORMAL)
mirth: Mirth is amusement which you express by laughing. (LITERARY)
79. hazard / haphazard
hazard: A hazard is something which could be dangerous to you, your health or safety, or your plans or reputation.
haphazard: If you describe something as haphazard, you are critical of it because it is not at all organized or is not arranged according to a plan.
80. bookish / boorish
bookish: Someone who is bookish spends a lot of time reading serious books.(=studious)
boorish: Boorish behavior is rough, uneducated, and rude.