如果不能保證文章的質(zhì)量,可以從數(shù)量入手,記住我在課上講過的托福寫作黃金法則“the longer, the better”!新東方的學員中曾經(jīng)有位寫作30分的獲得者,獨立寫作30分鐘寫了600字,拿了滿分。當然他肯定有一些不足和錯誤,可是仍然不影響滿分??梢娙绻荒馨盐恼聦懙煤芷?,不能寫出亮點,那就多寫點吧,字數(shù)多也是亮點。只要大家按照我上課講授過的方法來擴充論據(jù),寫出“長篇大論”是很容易的事。
假設你的文章字數(shù)是 400字,那么你大概要寫40~50個句子。把這40~50個句子,排成編號,從第1個到第40個,也就是從文章的第一句話到最后一句話,你都知道要寫什么,并且知道怎么寫,甚至每個句子你都掌握了2~3個漂亮的句式,這樣你還擔心自己拿不到高分嗎?再假設,這40~50個句子,你有50%都已經(jīng)是固定句式了,也就是成了自己的寫作套路,那么你還愁文章寫不完么?比如說,我總是喜歡在文章最后一句 話 說 :In a word, it is rather superficial to simply say that.........+觀點,給個真題例子:In a word, it is rather superficial to simply say that parents are the best teachers.用一句話說,簡單地認為父母是最好的老師是相當膚淺的。大家想一想,任何事情simply say都可以說是相當膚淺的。因此這句話就是一句比較萬能的結(jié)束語。這句話怎么來的呢?這是官方題庫里的第2篇,是我和大家在課上積累來的。只要大家一起努力,我們一定會成功提煉出自己的高分模版。
題庫中一共有185個題目,如果說每個題目都準備一篇范文是相當不可取的,效率太低,完全沒有必要,壓縮題庫的方法主要有2種:A.將題庫分類。每個分類寫1~2篇就可以解決這個類的題目。 B.文章之間的互相轉(zhuǎn)化:
TOPIC2:如果你能回到過去,你想見誰?why ?
TOPIC 3:如果you could invent something new ,你想發(fā)明什么?why
ANSWER: time machine
TOPIC 4:你最喜歡的書?
TOPIC 5:一空地,你想用來干嘛?
ANSWER: 建毛澤東雕像
TOPIC 6:一個外國人來到你的國家,你推薦她去哪?
ANSWER: 毛澤東紀念館
A foreign country you would like to visit
You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks. Which country would you like to visit? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.
The world is a vast and varied place. One could travel for a decade without seeing all of the sights the world has to offer. However, if I could travel anywhere in the world for two weeks, it would be Canada. Canada is a very beautiful country and it has a varied culture. Also, I am considering going to university in Canada, so it would be good for me to see what it is like before application.
Canada boasts that it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. In particular, Vancouver is very beautiful. The city is located right on the ocean, and there are enormous snow-tipped mountains surrounding the entre city. There are a multitude of beautiful parks to walk through, and very nice beaches. Vancouver, however, is not the only beautiful city in Canada. All across the country there are small, picturesque towns located on mountains and valleys. In general, Canada is an incredibly clean country, which also helps its beauty.
Canada also has a widely varied culture. Most people say the cultural apex of the country is in Montreal. This is one of the oldest cities in Canada, first colonized by the French. As such, the French influence is still quite prevalent in this city, and over half of the people living there speak both English and French. The architecture in Montreal is also quite beautiful.
The final reason why I would love to spend a two-week vacation in Canada is because I am considering attending one of the universities there for my bachelor's degree. I think that it would be an excellent idea to go see the school, and perhaps even meet some of the professors that teach the courses I am interested in. It Would also be beneficial for me to meet other students. By doing this, I could find out how good the programs at the school are, and if it is worthwhile to move across the world for.
Studying at home by using technology or at traditional schools?
In the future, students may have the choice of studying at home by using technology such as computers or television or of studying at traditional schools. Which would you prefer? Use reasons and specific details to explain your choice.
The technology industry is growing at a faster rate as each year passes by. With a relatively inexpensive computer and a web camera, it is now possible for one to have a videoconference with one's friends and colleagues. Students will soon be presented with the opportunity to study from home. However, I believe that attending a traditional school is greatly preferable to learning in a virtual classroom. Traditional schools allow the student to socialize, they give the student direct access to the teacher, and they prepare the student for the environment of the working world.
Many people say that they met their best friends while attending high school. These friendships were solidified over spending hours and hours in the same classrooms together, and working together on group projects. While it is conceivable that students studying from home would meet each other over the Internet, the bonds that are formed in classrooms cannot be replaced. Forming personal relationships with one's teachers is also an excellent idea that would be difficult to realize if one did not attend classes. Most of our relationships with our teachers are formed by interaction both in the classroom, and outside it. For example, if a student was constantly at school, either working in the library, or perhaps eating lunch in the cafeteria, it is more than possible that he/she would converse with his/her teachers on many occasions. Developing a relationship with one's teacher is important as it helps one to build his/her business network.
Traditional schools also have the advantage of training students for "the real world." If a student never has to work with others on a project, or report to his/her teachers, he/she will not have a very good grasp as to what it means to work in a team environment or respect authority. The way that school operates forces students to develop these important skills.
In conclusion, I think it would be much more beneficial for all students to attend traditional schools rather than study at home. Attending a school helps students to develop the necessary social skills needed to survive in today's fast-pace world.