1. 單詞是一切日常英語學習的基礎(chǔ)
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5. 注意關(guān)注聽力原文中的信號詞考點
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By human standards, a few vertebrate species have incredible longevity. Some tortoises live for nearly 200 years. Bowhead whales can live even a decade or two longer. But now there's a new champion: the Greenland shark—which conservative estimates have swimming in the seas for almost three centuries.
Julius Nielsen is a marine biologist and PhD student at the University of Copenhagen. While on a research vessel in Greenland where such sharks were accidentally caught, Nielsen became curious about the creatures.
"And perhaps the biggest of all the mysteries were how long do these sharks actually live. Because it has been expected that they can get very old, and that's based on some observations of very, very slow growth...so the longevity could be exceptional and extreme, but it has just never been possible to investigate."
That's because Greenland sharks don't have the same body structures used for gauging the age of most fish or even other sharks. So Neilsen and colleagues used a new technique based on the lens of the eye. The centers of the lenses can be analyzed by radiocarbon dating to determine about when the shark was born. They tested 28 female sharks.
"And what we found was that the biggest shark in our analysis, and also the oldest shark, was estimated—the most likely single year age was almost approximately 390 years."
Nielsen stresses that the estimate contains a fair amount of uncertainty. Though the likeliest age is 390, the shark could be as young as a mere 272. "That still makes the Greenland shark the longest-living vertebrate known to science." And at the upper limit, it's possible that the shark is more than 500 years old. The study is in the journal Science.
Also shocking: the researchers estimate that the sharks live at least a century before they reach sexual maturity. "And of course it is absolutely amazing and difficult for a human mind to understand that sexual reproduction begins so late in life."
In the paper Nielsen and his colleagues stress the importance of caution and conservation. "And the thing about Greenland sharks is just we don't know how many sharks are out there. But it's clear that if you reach sexual maturity above 100 years then you are potentially sensitive to any kind of high bycatch rate and any kind of future commercial exploitations."
With a century to do it, humans could inadvertently wipe out the entire next generation of these sharks during their long, slow adolescence.
尼爾森和同事在文章中強調(diào)了關(guān)心和保護格陵蘭鯊魚的重要性?!坝嘘P(guān)格陵蘭鯊魚我們不知道的是世上有多少這種鯊魚。但是很顯然,如果在100歲以后才能達到性成熟 ,那么其對高捕捉率和未來商業(yè)開發(fā)都是非常敏感的。”
1. be based on 以…為基礎(chǔ);
例句:That opera is based on an actual occurrence.
2. at least (數(shù)量)至少,不少于;
例句:At least 500 people attended the conference.
3. be sensitive to 過敏的;易受影響的;敏感的;
例句:His pallid skin was sensitive to the glaring sun.
4. wipe out 摧毀;毀滅;使滅絕;
例句:The disease threatens to wipe out the entire population.
Over the last year, beekeepers in the U.S. lost nearly half their honeybee hives. And there are a lot of suspected culprits for this so-called beepocalypse—from parasitic mites, to viruses, to simple land use changes. But a study out earlier this year pointed to another possibility: poor sperm quality among the drone bees, leading to colony crashes. And now another group of researchers may have found a reason for the subpar sperm: neonicotinoid pesticides. These substances contain chemicals similar to nicotine and affect insect nervous systems.
"So for the drones that were exposed to pesticides during development, it appears there were more dead sperm in their reproductive tracts." Geoff Williams, an entomologist at the University of Bern in Switzerland and Agroscope, a Swiss federal research facility.
Williams and his colleagues studied the effects of two neonicotinoid pesticides on honeybee drones, genetically assigned to mate with queens. "They've got really big eyes so they can identify these queens flying through the air. They eat and have sex. Or try to have sex at least."
But in 20 honeybee hives Williams and his collaborators found that those drones exposed to standard environmental levels of the pesticides were shorter-lived, thus having fewer opportunities to mate. And even if the drones did survive, they had nearly 40 percent fewer living sperm than did control bees—meaning the pesticides were acting like honeybee contraceptives. The study appears in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Williams says pesticides are just one of many factors assaulting bees. But it looks like the way farmers treat some crops could adversely affect the pollinators those crops also rely on.
1. point to 顯示;表明;
例句:Earlier reports pointed to pupils working harder, more continuously, and with enthusiasm.
2. be exposed to 使暴露于(險境);使遭受(危險或不快);
例句:This plant can't be exposed to strong sunshine.
3. even if 即使;盡管;縱然;
例句:Even if she is responsible for the mistake, she is not likely to own up to it.
4. rely on 依賴;依靠;
例句:We will get nowhere if we rely on luck.