
陳鈴221147 分享 時間:



1 詞匯簡約,但不簡單

同學們千萬不要覺得寫作高分是所謂 “高級詞匯開會,亮眼大詞薈萃”。恰恰相反,真正的好詞是“表面上沒有太大陣仗,但內(nèi)部充滿技術含量”。 來看一例:

The player isusually the ‘hero’ of the game and too much exposure can encourage children tobe self-centered and insensitive to others .(選自劍6 P172 考官滿分范文,關于電腦使用對孩子的利弊)。本句中“ too much exposure”表示 ”打電腦游戲打得太多”?!癳xposure”的本意是“暴露”,很多中國同學可能都認識這個詞本身,但只有極少數(shù)同學能夠在這個語境下調(diào)用到這個詞。

這里的技術含量在于:“exposure”表示“在量或度上,密集地,頻繁地接觸某物”。如“exposure to smoggy weather”表示“暴露于或置身于霧霾中”, 準確形象地表達了“霧霾特別多”這樣的語義。

同樣,例句中的 “too muchexposure” 也巧妙地傳達了“玩電腦游戲太多(在量或度上)”這個含義。按以上分析,如果要表達“每天都會接觸到好多廣告”就可以寫成“daily exposure to advertising”, 而“接受外國文化的熏陶”就可以寫成“exposure to foreign cultures”。


再看一例,如果想表達 “詳細的反饋(如考試后)讓學生更容易知道自己哪些地方掌握得好,哪些地方有不足”,會用詞的寫作者會翻“Giving detailed feedback makes it easier for students to know where they did well andwhere they might have struggled”。


2 語法服務邏輯,但絕不刻意


從句的作用到底是什么?來看劍9 P167頁考官范文中的節(jié)選(此文要論證“提供更多的體育設施是否能促進大眾健康”):

①Today’s sedentary lifestyle and stressful working conditions mean thatphysical activity is no longer part of either our work or our leisure time.

②If there wereeasy-to-reach sports centers, we would be more likely to make exercise aregular part of our daily lives, rather than collapsing in front of a screenevery evening.

從語法角度來看,句子一是賓語從句,句子二是條件狀語從句。但為什么在這兩個位置要分別用到這兩個從句呢?句子一的核心結構是“…意味著…”, 如:“考不過雅思就意味著申請不到學?!?,“年齡大了就意味著對象很難找”,這樣的結構顯然是在表示一個客觀事實(如“考不過雅思”和“年齡大了”)所造成的結果的推測,而非刻意使用所謂“賓語從句” (我也不認為這個老外考官知道他自己所寫的這個句子叫賓語從句!)。同樣,句子二也是因果關系的推理,但為啥用了“if”引導的條件狀語從句呢?這顯然是因為“there were easy-to-reach sports centers”不是客觀事實(很近的體育中心還沒有修呢)。所謂條件狀語從句,不就是表示“還沒有發(fā)生事件的推理”么?


3 思路平實大眾,卻準準命中

除用詞地道,語法使用得當外,高分的作文一定要非常切題,讓讀者閱讀后有一種“懂且認同”的感覺。如:要論證“現(xiàn)代社會的人更加依賴他人”這個論點, 一篇高分作文這樣寫道:“people seem to be moreambitious nowadays, and they want a better quality of life for their families.This means that both parents usually need to work full-time, and they depend onsupport from grandparents and babysitters for child care”.



4 行文不求酷炫,卻彰顯思辨


所謂“思辨能力” 就是“解釋說明,分析評估和推理論證的能力”。當你決定要出國留學,你需要向家人解釋說明留學的目的,分析評估出國的利弊,最終讓他們同意你的決定,這就是思辨能力。當你在工作中提出新的項目規(guī)劃,你需要論證你所提方案的可行性,評估其可能帶來的效應,讓客戶認同你的計劃,讓公司通過你的提議,這個過程就需要思辨能力。




第一類:代詞 eg. this, it, they


For example:

Where would the sentence best fit?

This is a question that has puzzled scientists for ages.

Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from the fossil record. ■How was the gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged? ■Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate, or transitional, between land mammals and cetaceans. ■Very exciting discoveries have finally allowed scientists to reconstruct the most likely origins of cetaceans. ■In 1979, a team looking for fossils in northern Pakistan found what proved to be the oldest fossil whale.

看到了this,明顯指代的是前文所提到的內(nèi)容。再根據(jù)句子后半部分a question that has puzzled scientists for ages, 了解到this的指代內(nèi)容原來是個question, 并且是科學難題呀。再看原文的四個插入點,第二個就明顯很合適了。

第二類:名詞 eg. 在句子中的形式一般為:this/these/such/another…+名詞


For example:

Where would the sentence best fit?

This economic reliance on livestock in certain regions makes large tracts of land susceptible to overgrazing.

■ the raising of livestock is a major economic activity in semiarid lands, where grasses are generally the dominant type of natural vegetation. ■The consequences of an excessive number of livestock grazing in an area are the reduction of the vegetation cover and the trampling and pulverization of the soil. ■This is usually followed by the drying of the soil and accelerated erosion.■

這里的線索詞就是economic reliance,回去原文找根源,第二個插入口前面一句the raise of livestock is a major economic activity…,發(fā)現(xiàn)economic reliance就是major economic activity就是同義轉換。但是這個時候不要過于著急把句子插進第二個插入口,你想一下啊,有可能作者在說這個topic的時候,有可能用了幾個句子來闡述,所以要嚴謹一些,看看如果插入第二個口,和右邊句子的意思是否能銜接。這個例子中,插入句子描寫了一個不好的結果—overgrazing,而第二個插入口后一句話就是寫了consequences of excessive grazing,因此邏輯上也是通順的,可以安心地把句子放在第二個插入口啦!

第三類:邏輯詞 eg.however/but /thus/accordingly/consequently/hence ...

以上兩類線索詞都是根據(jù)文中的語法聯(lián)系來解題的,可是有些題目中的插入句沒有這兩類線索詞,那么它的線索詞就可能是一些表示因果、轉折等各種邏輯關系的邏輯詞,舉例來說就是,however/but…這類表轉折和 thus/accordingly …這類表因果關系的詞,相信大家在寫作的時候已經(jīng)把這些詞倒背如流了吧!這一類的插入題可能比前兩類線索詞的題要相對難一些,因為干擾項會比較強大,但是只要細心,理清前后句的邏輯關系,童鞋們還是可以攻克滴!

For example:

Where would the sentence best fit?

Consequently, tunas do not need to suck in water.

■Because they are always swimming, tunas simply have to open their mouths and water is forced in and over their gills.■Accordingly, they have lost most of the muscles that other fishes use to suck in water and push it past the gills. ■In fact, tunas must swim to breathe. ■They must also keep swimming to keep from sinking, since most have largely or completely lost the swim bladder, the gas-filled sac that helps most other fish remain buoyant.

這個題目中,插入局句首的consequently就是一個表結果的線索詞,表明前文所說的事情導致了tunas 不需要吸入水。我們看到第二個插入點的前一句話說,tunas張開嘴,水就會被推進他們的嘴里,如果把插入句放在這句后面邏輯上是十分連貫的??墒且恍┤藭X得第三個插入點也很合適,因為這個插入點的前一句說,tunas失去了其他魚用來吸水的肌肉,如果后面說tunas不需要吸水貌似也合理,但是要注意,插入句用的是需要(need),如果tunas失去了肌肉,那么就是不是需不需要,而是可不可以了。插入第二個插入點后,再檢查下前后文的連貫,發(fā)現(xiàn)很適合。如果放在第三個插入點的話,和后文的銜接就會變得奇怪。因此,童鞋們要細心一些,記得檢查!








第二,復雜的句型結構。有些同學的詞匯量已經(jīng)達到了6000左右,但是依然感覺讀不懂文章,這就是因為文章中充斥著大量結構復雜難以把握的復雜句。如:The challenge now is to develop policies and practices based on a presumption of shared responsibility between men and women, and a presumption that there are potential benefits for men and women, as well as for families and the community, if there is greater gender equality in the responsibilities and pleasures of family life. 這是一個相對復雜的句子,主干是the challenge now is to develop policies and practices, 從based on到句子的結尾處是由過去分詞短語充當?shù)臓钫Z。后一個presumption后面有一個由that引導的從句,充當presumption的同位語。在同位語的后面,有一個if 引導的條件狀語從句。一般而言,對同學們造成障礙的是并列句或并列復合句,倒裝結構,所以在訓練時可以精挑一個語段做仔細分析。

第三,題型多樣化。這個障礙使原本已經(jīng)擁有相當英語語言實力的考生,在考試中因為缺乏對題型的理解,或是被眾多題型干擾,不能正常發(fā)揮。一些必考題型如list of headings, summary, T/F/NG等,可以作為練習重點。如summary題是很多同學感到頭痛的題型,普遍感到非常難找。其實不然,只要記住兩大原則即可。原則一,順序原則。summary題的答案排列順序,必定與文章的行文順序一致。原則二,完整的summary,不僅應該能夠體現(xiàn)文章本身所表達的思想含義,而且必須是符合語法規(guī)律的英語文章。所以根據(jù)語法也可以進行判斷。




the discourse markers signal relationships: between different parts of the discourse … the main reason for studying them is their usefulness in helping the reader to work out the meaning of difficult text. They often show the relationship the writer intends between two parts of the text, so if you can understand one part, the discourse marker is a possible key to the other part. (Christine Nuttall, 1996. Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language, Heinemann)

關于“discourse marker”,P.H.Matthews在其Oxford Concise Dictionary of Linguistics (Oxford University Press) 一書中是這樣描述的:Any of a variety of units whose function is within a larger discourse rather than an individual sentence or clause: e.g. but then in But then he might be late. “discourse marker”雖然范圍更加廣泛一些,但從以上文字不難看出,它包括了我們所熟悉的邏輯關系詞(即文章中用于表示并列,轉折,舉例,因果,遞進,讓步,總結等邏輯關系的固定單詞或詞組)。也由此可見,特別重視形式邏輯和思維分析的英語行文,在詞語之間和句子之間往往會借助各種邏輯關系詞清楚表達思維邏輯和語意關系。因此了解和掌握邏輯關系詞可以幫助我們把握文章中語意的轉換和發(fā)展,理解文章重點表達的意思。

具體到雅思閱讀,邏輯關系詞在解題中體現(xiàn)出兩大功能 :




1.劍4 / P77 / Q38

Some corpora include a wide range of language while others are used to focus on a particular linguistic feature.

根據(jù)while這個表示對比或轉折的邏輯關系詞,可以判斷它前后部分是對比或反義關系?!癮 wide range of language”指的是語言研究的廣泛的各個方面,可以預判空格處應是指具體的方面。

2.劍1 / P20 / Q4-5

The very first fire-lighting methods involved the creation of friction by, for example, rapidly rotating a wooden stick in a round hole.

根據(jù)介詞“by”和“for example”這個表示舉例的邏輯關系詞,可以預判第二個空格應是和“creation of friction”(產(chǎn)生摩擦)的具體動作有關的詞。

3.劍1 / P20 / Q6

The use of percussion or persistent chipping was also widespread in Europe …





1.劍5 / P50 / Q30-31

題干:In Britain, moreover, scientists worried that English had neither the technical vocabulary nor the grammatical resources to express their ideas.

原文:First, it lacked the necessary technical vocabulary. Second, it lacked the grammatical resources required to represent the world … (Para.7)

題干中出現(xiàn)的neither…nor…是連接兩個否定概念的并列邏輯關系詞。原文中對應出現(xiàn)了完全相同的邏輯關系,即first, it lacked …, second it lacked …(表現(xiàn)方式有所變化)。我們可根據(jù)這種對應的邏輯關系在原文中快速定位答案信息源。

2.劍5 / P50 / Q33-34

題干:Although English was then overtaken by German, it developed again in the 19th century as a direct result of the industrial revolution.

原文:In the following century much of this momentum was lost as German established itself as the leading European language of science. … However, in the 19th century scientific English again enjoyed substantial lexical growth as the industrial revolution created the need for new technical vocabulary.

題干中出現(xiàn)的兩種邏輯關系均在原文中對應出現(xiàn)。一是表示轉折關系的although, 對應于原文中的however;二是表示因果關系的as a direct result of 對應于原文中表因果的邏輯關系詞as。很顯然,這對于題干信息的定位意義重大。

3.劍5 / P70 / Q25-26

題干:To deal with this, Stanley suggests the use of artificial floods in the short term, and increasing the amount of water available through desalination in the longer term.

原文:In the immediate future, Stanley believes that one solution would be to make artificial floods to flush out the delta waterways, in the same way that natural floods did before the construction of the dams. He says, however, that in the long term an alternative process such as desalination may have to be used to increase the amount of water available.

題干中出現(xiàn)了表示遞進的邏輯關系詞in the short term … in the longer term …??焖俨樽x原文,可定位于文中相同的邏輯結構in the immediate future … in the long term …。




likewise once again/once more in (much) the same way (manner) similarly/similar to vice versa also/as well as not only … but also … both … and … neither … nor … like/just like as/just as equally namely or and


but/yet/whereas however otherwise in contrast (to) conversely though/although nevertheless unlike in spite of despite on the contrary even if/even though

on the one hand …, on the other hand … instead (of) not as … as … rather than even so vary different from differ from



for example/for instance/e.g. such as that is/namely/i.e.

in other words in general/in particular a case in point is especially specifically


as a result as a consequence consequently so/therefore/thus then for this reason hence accordingly because/because of owing to thanks to on account of

since due to …, for as this is why


and then as well as again another also/too in addition (to) additionally additional besides (that) moreover furthermore not only … but also … what’s more


though/although while even though/even if nevertheless in spite of/despite admittedly

7. 表示總結

in a word in brief in short above all all in all on the whole in general to conclude/in conclusion to sum up/to summarize/in summary
