中國(guó)文化必備英語詞匯大全 家庭生活01:介紹傳統(tǒng)婚姻必備單詞

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  學(xué)習(xí)英語中,詞匯是基本的入門,那么關(guān)于中國(guó)文化中傳統(tǒng)婚姻必備單詞有哪些?以下是小編給大家整理的介紹中國(guó)文化必備英語詞匯大全 家庭生活01:介紹傳統(tǒng)婚姻必備單詞,希望可以幫到大家

  Unit 1 Traditional Marriage傳統(tǒng)婚姻

  forced ( /coercive ) marriage 逼婚

  forcing somebody to get married 逼婚(娶或嫁)


  unlawful ( /illegal) marriage 非法婚姻

  feudalistic marriage 封建式婚姻

  husband purchase 購(gòu)夫制

  wife purchase 購(gòu)妻制

  shotgun marriage 強(qiáng)制婚姻

  group marriage 群婚

  uxorilocal marriage 入贊婚


  arranged marriage 撮合婚(指父 I 之命、媒妁之言的婚姻)

  civil marriage 世俗結(jié)婚

  child marriage 童婚

  good marriage喜結(jié)良緣 polygamy 一夫多妻制

  monogamy 一夫一妻制

  lucky ( /auspicious ) day 黃道吉日

  marriage 婚嫁

  marriage contract (/engagement )婚約

  be burdened with a family 家累

  marrying into money 嫁入朱門

  hen-pecked husband 懼內(nèi)


  wedding feast 喜宴

  better half 賢內(nèi)助

  rdation by marriage ; in-laws 姻親

  wedded ( /lawful) wife 元配

  couple leading a poor life;bread-and-.cheese .marriage 糟糠夫妻

  mate selection 擇配ill-assorted marriage 不相配的婚姻


  marriage of convenience 功利婚姻

  uxorilocal marriage 入贅婚 '

  runaway marriage 私奔結(jié)婚

  running away from wedding 逃婚

  negotiating marriage 協(xié)商婚事

  relation by marriage 姻親

  early marriage 早婚

  prescribed marriage 指定婚姻

  prenatal betrothal 指腹為婚

  growing old together 白頭偕老