
若水221147 分享 時間:


1. 36至43每題為0.5分。拼寫完全正確的單詞給0.5分,凡有錯不給分,大小寫錯誤忽略不計;

2. 44―46滿分為2分,答出第一和第二部分內容且語言正確各得1分;


1. 44至46題中有語言錯誤扣0.5分,每題語言錯誤扣分不超過0.5分,凡不得分部分如有語言錯誤不再重復扣分;

2. 44至46題中凡有與問題無關的內容扣0.5分。

3. 44至46題中如出現(xiàn)明顯屬于筆誤造成的拼寫錯誤和大小寫、標點符號錯誤,不扣分;

4. 用漢語回答問題不給分。

"復合式聽寫"(compound dictation)這一題型,比聽力選擇題更強調語言綜合運用能力,考生不僅要具有良好的聽的能力,還應具有較強的拼寫能力,記筆記能力和書面表達能力,聽的能力是"復合式聽寫"的基礎。




通過卷面文字捕捉信息,找出線索、了解大意。"復合式聽寫"材料多為說明文,這一體裁的文章具有主題突出,條理分明,層次清楚,語言簡潔,邏輯性強的特點。文章的開頭或段首多半有主題句(topic sentence),之后的段、句進一步具體擴展、說明或論證主題句。段首和段尾均有完整的主題句。考生應利用一切機會,如考前空隙或播放考試指令時間,瀏覽試卷該項下的文字部分,尤其是主題句,根據(jù)主題句預測文章發(fā)展線索和大意。

passage one

if you are a young college student, most of your concerns about your health and happiness in life are probably (s1) _________ on the present. basically, you want to feel good physically, mentally, and (s2)_______now. you probably don't spend much time worrying about the (s3)_______future, such as whether you will develop heart disease, or (s4)________,

how you will take care of yourself in your (s5)_______years, or how long you are going to live. such thoughts may have (s6)_______your mind once in a while, however, if you are in your thirties, forties, fifties, or older, such health related thoughts are likely to become(s7)________important to you.

(s8)_________that will help you feel better physically and mentally. recently researchers have found that, even in late adulthood, exercise, strength training with weights, and better food can help elderly individuals significantly improve their health and add happiness to their life. (s9)_________ giving us the opportunity to avoid some of health problems that have troubled them. (s10)____________

(s1) focused

(s2) emotionally

(s3) distant

(s4) cancer

(s5) retirement

(s6) crossed

(s7) increasingly

(s8)regardless of your age, you can make a number of important changes in your current life style

(s9)we know much more about preventive health today than our parents and grandparents did in the past,

(s10)and this new knowledge can be transmitted to our children to help them become healthier than our generation.

(1) present-now-future

(2) para. 1 changes of people's concerns (young——older)

(3) para. 2 how to feel better and avoid some health problems
